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Reproduces figures from Eurich et al. (2022)


data = exp_eurich2022(flag)


exp_eurich2022(flag) reproduces figures of the study from Eurich et al. (2022)

The following flags can be specified:

'fig3' Reproduces Figure 3 from Eurich et al. (2022). Experimental data from van der Heijden and Trahiotis (1999) (symbols). The continuous lines show the predictions of the presented model including the across-channel incoherence interference. The dashed lines show predictions for ODN excluding interference (single- channel version), equivalent to Encke and Dietz (2022). Upper panel: Detection thresholds with \(S_0\) targets. Lower panel: \(S_\pi\) targets.
'fig4' Reproduces Figure 4. Experimental data from Marquardt and McAlpine (2009) (symbols) and model predictions (lines). Detection thresholds are given as function of the inner-band bandwidth. The inner band contains delayed noise (triangles) or opposingly delayed noises (diamonds and bul- lets) with a fixed ITD of 1 ms while the flanking bands have a constant IPD of \(+\pi/2\) (upward triangle and diamond) and \(-\pi/2\), or vice versa (down- ward triangle and bullet). Continuous and dashed lines again show predic- tions with and without across-frequency incoherence interference, respectively.
'fig5' Reproduces Figure 5. Symbols denote data from binaural detection experiments with the configuration \(N_{\pi 0\pi} S\pi\) as a function of the inner-band (\(N_0\)) bandwidth; continuous and dotted line: model prediction with and without across-incoherence incoherence interference, respectively.

Further, cache flags (see amt_cache) and plot flags can be specified:

'plot' Plot the output of the experiment. Default.
'no_plot' Don't plot, only return data.
'accurate' Accurate results, slow calculations, but as originally done to reproduce figures from Eurich et al. (2022). Default.
'fast' Faster calculations by using a subset of conditions, less repetitions, and shorter signals. These results won't be cached.


To display Figure 3 use :


To display Figure 4 use :


To display Figure 5 use :



J. Encke and M. Dietz. A hemispheric two-channel code accounts for binaural unmasking in humans. Communications Biology, 5:1122, Oct. 2022. [ DOI ]

T. Marquardt and D. McAlpine. Masking with interaurally “double-delayed” stimuli: The range of internal delays in the human brain. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126(6):EL177--EL182, 11 2009. [ DOI ]

M. van der Heijden and C. Trahiotis. Masking with interaurally delayed stimuli: The use of “internal” delays in binaural detection. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 105(1):388--399, 01 1999. [ DOI ]

B. Eurich, J. Encke, S. D. Ewert, and M. Dietz. Lower interaural coherence in off-signal bands impairs binaural detection. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(6):3927--3936, 06 2022. [ DOI ]