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Tone masked by a diotic inner-band and two antiphasic flanking-band noises


stimulus = sig_kolarik2010(innerbw,f_phase,s_spl,s_sign,fs,dur,rise_time,bw,fc,n_sspl)

Input parameters:

innerbw Bandwidth (in Hz) of diotic noise band centered at target frequency.

Code for the phase of the flankers:

  • pi: Create the \(N_{\pi 0\pi}\) condition, i.e., both lower and upper flankers shifted by \(\pi\).
  • 99: Create the \(N_{u0u}\) condition, i.e., independent noise.
  • pi/2: Create the \(N_{{\pi \over 2} 0 0}\) condition, i.e., lower flanker shifted by \(\pi/2\) but the upper flanker not shifted.
s_spl SPL (in dB) of the tone.

Polarity of the amplitude of the tone's right channel:

  • Use s_sign of 1 to create an \(S_0\) target.
  • Use s_sign of -1 to create an \(S_\pi\) target.
fs Sampling rate (in Hz).
dur Duration of stimulus (in s).
rise_time Duration of the cosine ramp at start and end of signal (in s). Use rise_time of 0 to disable the windowing.
bw Overall bandwidth (in Hz) of stimulus.
fc Center frequency (in Hz) of the target tone and the inner band.
n_sspl Spectral SPL (in dB) of the noise.


sig_kolarik2010 creates a tone masked by a diotic inner-band and two antiphasic flanking-band noises. It generates the stimulus for the experiment from Kolarik & Culling (2010) and simulated in Fig. 5 of Eurich et al. (2022).

If you experience the error "too many input parameters", remove the parameters itd and noise_mode from your call of sig_kolarik2010. These parameters are not used here.


A. J. Kolarik and J. F. Culling. Measurement of the binaural auditory filter using a detection task. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127(5):3009--3017, 05 2010. [ DOI ]

B. Eurich, J. Encke, S. D. Ewert, and M. Dietz. Lower interaural coherence in off-signal bands impairs binaural detection. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(6):3927--3936, 06 2022. [ DOI ]