function varargout = extractsp(lat,varargin)
%EXTRACTSP Sagittal plane (SP) HRTFs from measurement data
% Usage: [sphrtfs,polangs] = extractsp( lat,hM,pos )
% [sphrtfs,polangs] = extractsp( lat,Obj )
% [sphrtfs,polangs,latangs] = extractsp( lat,hM,pos )
% [sphrtfs,polangs,latangs,idx] = extractsp( lat,hM,pos )
% [sphrtfs,polangs,latangs] = extractsp( lat,Obj )
% [sphrtfs,polangs,latangs,idx] = extractsp( lat,Obj )
% Input parameters:
% lat : Lateral angle (in degrees) of the SP.
% Obj : SOFA structure withe the HRIRs.
% hM : Matrix containing head-related impulse responses in the ARI
% format. Size: (*time x position x channel*).
% pos : Matrix with the source positions referring to 2nd dimension of hM and
% formated according to meta.pos in the ARI HRTF format.
% The 6th column is the lateral angle. The 7th column is the polar angle.
% Output parameters:
% sphrtfs : All available HRTFs in the current SP, sorted according to
% ascending polar angle.
% polangs : Corresponding polar angles (in degrees).
% latangs : Corresponding actual lateral angles (in degrees).
% idx : Index to the considered positions.
% EXTRACTSP(...) extracts all HRTFs available for a specific SP or
% lateral angle. In order to result in a representative HRTF template,
% demands are made on:
% 1) lateral tolerance to be as small as possible, but min. 2 and max. 5.
% 2) polar angles to range from max. -30 deg. to min. 210 deg.,
% 3) gaps of polar angles to be max. 30 deg. large.
% Url:
% #Author: Robert Baumgartner, Acoustics Research Institute, Vienna, Austria
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2019)
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
%% Check input options
if nargin == 2 || isstruct(varargin{1}) % SOFA input
Obj = varargin{1};
hM = permute(double(Obj.Data.IR),[3 1 2]);
[pos(:,6), pos(:,7)]=sph2hor(pos(:,1),pos(:,2));
elseif nargin == 3 % aRI Format
hM = varargin{1};
pos = varargin{2};
else return
% assure polar-angle range to be within [-90,270[ (may occur due to
% numerical inaccuracy)
if sum(pos(:,7) >= 270) || sum(pos(:,7) < -90)
pos(:,7) = mod(pos(:,7)+90,360)-90;
%% Extract SP
dlat = 1; % initial lateral tolerance (+/-) in deg
pol = [0,0]; % initial polar angles
dx = 0.01;
while isempty(pol) || ...
(min(pol) > -30+dx || max(pol) < 210-dx ... % ensure that important polar range is included
|| max(diff(pol))>30)... % and gaps are <= 30deg
&& dlat <= 5 % but keep tolerance smaller than 5 deg
idx=find( pos(:,6)>=-(dlat+dx)/2+lat & pos(:,6)<=(dlat+dx)/2+lat );
[~,polidx]=unique(real(pos(idx,7))); % sort polar angles
pol=pos(idx(polidx),7); % sorted polar angles
latActual = pos(idx(polidx),6); % actual lateral angles
sphrtfs=double(hM(:,idx(polidx),:)); % sorted DTFs of SP
dlat = dlat + 1; % increase dlat
varargout{1} = sphrtfs;
if nargout >= 2
varargout{2} = pol;
if nargout >= 3
varargout{3} = latActual;
if nargout == 4
varargout{4}=idx(polidx); % index to the considered positions