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Generate an ITD-azimuth lookup table from an HRTF set

Program code:

function lookup = itd2angle_lookuptable(hrtf,varargin)
%itd2angle_lookuptable Generate an ITD-azimuth lookup table from an HRTF set
%   Usage: lookup = itd2angle_lookuptable(hrtf,fs,model);
%          lookup = itd2angle_lookuptable(hrtf,fs);
%          lookup = itd2angle_lookuptable(hrtf);
%   Input parameters:
%       hrtf   : SOFA structure with the HRTF data set.
%       fs     : Optional sampling rate (in Hz). Default: 44100 Hz.
%       model  : Optional string with binaural model to be used to calculate 
%                the perceived azimuth angle:
%                - 'dietz2011': DIETZ2011. Default.
%                - 'lindemann1986': LINDEMANN1986.
%   Output parameters:
%       lookup : Structure containing the results from the polynomial fitting
%                used later by ITD2ANGLE:
%                - p, MU, S*: parameters obtained from the function polyfit 
%                  (polynomial parameters, structure, and statistics), see 
%                  the documentation of polyfit. These parameters describe the
%                  fitting based on the ITDs.
%                - p_ild, MU_ild, S_ild*: parameters as above, describing the
%                  fitting based on the ILDs. This output is currently unused in the AMT
%                  and will be removed in the future.
%   ITD2ANGLE_LOOKUPTABLE(hrtf) creates a lookup table from the given HRTF data
%   set. This lookup table can be used by the DIETZ2011 or LINDEMANN1986 binaural
%   models to predict the perceived direction of arrival of an auditory event.
%   See also: dietz2011 lindemann1986 itd2angle
%   References:
%     M. Dietz, S. D. Ewert, and V. Hohmann. Auditory model based direction
%     estimation of concurrent speakers from binaural signals. Speech
%     Communication, 53(5):592--605, 2011.
%     H. Wierstorf, M. Geier, A. Raake, and S. Spors. A free database of
%     head-related impulse response measurements in the horizontal plane with
%     multiple distances. In Proceedings of the 130th Convention of the Audio
%     Engineering Society, 2011.
%     H. Wierstorf, A. Raake, and S. Spors. Binaural assessment of
%     multi-channel reproduction. In J. Blauert, editor, The technology of
%     binaural listening, chapter 10. Springer, Berlin--Heidelberg--New York
%     NY, 2013.
%   Url:

%   #Author: Hagen Wierstorf (2013): Original implementation.
%   #Author: Robert Baumgartner (2017): SOFA compatibility added.
%   #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): Major documentation rework.

% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either 
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software 
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and 
% at <>. 
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3. 
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty 
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 

%% ===== Checking of input parameters ===================================

definput.flags.model = {'dietz2011','lindemann1986'};
definput.keyvals.fs = 44100;

% HRTF format
if isfield(hrtf,'GLOBAL_Conventions')
  flags.do_SOFA = true;
  flags.do_TUB = not(flags.do_SOFA);
  Obj = hrtf;
  flags.do_TUB = true;
  flags.do_SOFA = not(flags.do_TUB);

%% ===== Configuration ==================================================
% Samplingrate
fs = kv.fs;
% Time of noise used for the calculation (samples)
nsamples = fs;
% Noise type to use
noise_type = 'white';
% SFS Toolbox settings = true; = true;
conf.fs = fs;
conf.c = 343;
conf.usefracdelay = false;

%% ===== Calculation ====================================================
% Generate noise signal
sig_noise = noise(nsamples,1,noise_type);

% get only the -90 to 90 degree part of the irs set
ele = 0;
idFrontHor = Obj.SourcePosition(:,2) == ele & ... % horizontal plane
    (((Obj.SourcePosition(:,1) >= -90 & Obj.SourcePosition(:,1) < 0) ...
    | Obj.SourcePosition(:,1) >= 270) | ... % front right
    (Obj.SourcePosition(:,1) >= 0 & Obj.SourcePosition(:,1) <= 90)); % front left
azi = Obj.SourcePosition(idFrontHor,1);
azi(azi>180) = azi(azi>180)-360;
% iterate over azimuth angles
nangles = length(azi);
% create an empty mod_itd, because the lindemann model didn't use it
mod_itd = [];

if flags.do_dietz2011

    itd = zeros(nangles,12);
    mod_itd = zeros(nangles,23);
    ild = zeros(nangles,23);
    for ii = 1:nangles
        % generate noise coming from the given direction
        sig = SOFAspat(sig_noise,hrtf,azi(ii),ele);
        % calculate binaural parameters
        [fine, cfreqs, ild_tmp, env] = dietz2011(sig,fs);
        % unwrap ITD
        itd_tmp = dietz2011_unwrapitd(fine.itd,ild_tmp(:,1:12),fine.f_inst,2.5);
        env_itd_tmp = dietz2011_unwrapitd(env.itd,ild_tmp(:,13:23),env.f_inst,2.5);
        % calculate the mean about time of the binaural parameters and store
        % them
        itd(ii,1:12) = median(itd_tmp,1);
        itd(ii,13:23) = median(env_itd_tmp,1);
        ild(ii,:) = median(ild_tmp,1);

elseif flags.do_lindemann1986

    itd = zeros(nangles,36);
    ild = zeros(nangles,36);
    for ii = 1:nangles
        % generate noise coming from the given direction
        sig = SOFAspat(sig_noise,hrtf,azi(ii),ele);
        % Ten fold upsampling to have a smoother output
        %sig = resample(sig,10*fs,fs);
        % Calculate binaural parameters
        c_s = 0.3; % stationary inhibition
        w_f = 0; % monaural sensitivity
        M_f = 6; % decrease of monaural sensitivity
        T_int = inf; % integration time
        N_1 = 17640; % sample at which first cross-correlation is calculated
        [cc_tmp,dummy,ild(ii,:),cfreqs] = lindemann1986(sig,fs,c_s,w_f,M_f,T_int,N_1);
        clear dummy;
        cc_tmp = squeeze(cc_tmp);
        % Calculate tau (delay line time) axes
        tau = linspace(-1,1,size(cc_tmp,1));
        % find max in cc
        for jj = 1:size(cc_tmp,2)
            [v,idx] = max(cc_tmp(:,jj));
            itd(ii,jj) = tau(idx)/1000;


% Fit the lookup data
for n = 1:size(itd,2)
    [p(:,n),S{n},MU(:,n)] = polyfit(itd(:,n),azi,12);
    [p_ild(:,n),S_ild{n},MU_ild(:,n)] = polyfit(ild(:,n),azi,12);
% Create lookup struct
lookup.p = p;
lookup.MU = MU;
lookup.S = S;
lookup.p_ild = p_ild;
lookup.MU_ild = MU_ild;
lookup.S_ild = S_ild;