function [toa_diff,toa,IACC] = itdestimator(Obj,varargin)
%ITDESTIMATOR Estimate ITD from a binaural signal
% Usage: itd = itdestimator(sofa);
% itd = itdestimator(sofa, method, ..);
% [itd, toa, IACC] = itdestimator(..)
% itd = itdestimator(signal, 'fs', fs, ..);
% Input parameters:
% sofa : Impulse responses (IRs) as a SOFA structure using the
% SingleFreeFieldHRIR convention. The ITDs will be estimated
% for each IR in sofa.Data.IR.
% signal : *Deprecated*. Binaural signal. Size: (*emitter x receiver x time*). The ITDs between
% the two receivers will estimated, for each emitter separately.
% fs : *Deprecated*. Sampling rate (in Hz). Required, if signal provided.
% Ignored, if sofa provided.
% Output parameters:
% itd: Interaural time difference (in s).
% toa: Detected time of arriving (in s). Size: (*emitter x receiver*).
% IACC: Interaural cross-correlation (IACC) coefficient
% Available only in methods 'MaxIACCr', 'MaxIACCe',
% 'CenIACCr', 'CenIACCe', 'CenIACC2e'.
% ITDESTIMATOR estimates the interaural time differences (ITDs)
% from a binaural signal. The estimation is done between the first receiver
% (i.e., the left ear) and the second receiver (i.e., the right ear).
% Several estimaton methods can be used:
% 'Threshold' Differences between the time each IR crosses a threshold below its peak.
% For more details, see Andreopoulou and Katz (2017). Default.
% 'Cen_e2' Time difference between the two centroids calculated on the envelopes.
% For more details, see Andreopoulou and Katz (2017).
% 'MaxIACCr' Delay of the peak of the IACC calculated on the raw IRs.
% For more details, see Andreopoulou and Katz (2017).
% 'MaxIACCe' Delay of the peak of the IACC calculated on the envelopes.
% For more details, see Andreopoulou and Katz (2017).
% 'CenIACCr' Delay of the centroid of the IACC calculated on the raw IRs.
% For more details, see Andreopoulou and Katz (2017).
% 'CenIACCe' Delay of the centroid of the IACC calculated on the envelopes.
% For more details, see Andreopoulou and Katz (2017).
% 'CenIACC2e' Delay of the centroid of the squared IACC calculated on the envelopes
% For more details, see Andreopoulou and Katz (2017).
% 'PhminXcor' Interaural difference between the TOAs each calculated as the
% delay of the peak of the cross correlation between the raw and
% minumum-phase version of the IR.
% For more details, see Andreopoulou and Katz (2017).
% 'IRGD' Time difference between the average group delays
% For more details, see Andreopoulou and Katz (2017).
% 'pausch2022' As 'MaxIACCr', but applied on badnpass-filtered and then 5-times upsampled IRs.
% For more details, see Pausch et al. (2022).
% ITDESTIMATOR also accepts the following optional flags:
% 'debug' Output more information about the calculations.
% 'lp' Use lowpass filtered IRs for the calculations. Default.
% Does not apply in 'pausch2022', which uses bandpass filtered IRs.
% 'bb' Do not apply any filtering to the IRs.
% Does not apply in 'pausch2022', which uses bandpass filtered IRs.
% 'fp' Applies to 'Threshold' only: Use findpeak() to find the peak in each IR.
% 'hp' Applies to 'Threshold' only: Use max() to find the peak in each IR. Default.
% ITDESTIMATOR also takes the following optional key-value pairs:
% 'threshlvl',thr Applies to 'Threshold' only: Threshold level (in dB). Default: -10 dB.
% 'butterpoly',n In 'pausch2022': The order of the band-pass Butterworth filter.
% In other methods: The order of the low-pass Butterworth filter.
% n must be between 2 and 10. Default is 10.
% 'upper_cutfreq',fu Applies to 'lp' only: Lowpass cutoff frequency (in Hz).
% Default: 3000 Hz.
% 'lower_cutfreq',fl Applies to 'IRGD' and 'paush2022' only: Highpass cutoff frequency (in Hz).
% Default: 1000 Hz.
% Requirements:
% -------------
% SOFA Toolbox from
% Example:
% --------
% This is an example of ITD calculation for an HRTF set:
% Obj = amt_load('baumgartner2017','hrtf b_nh15.sofa');
% toa_diff = itdestimator(Obj,'MaxIACCe','lp','upper_cutfreq',3000)
% With these settings, the estimator uses the MaxIAACe method and applies
% a lowpass with a cutoff frequency of 3 kHz.
% The output Obj is structured as in Obj.Data.IR input.
% To select, for example, only data on the horizontal
% plane data:
% plane_idx = find( Obj.SourcePosition(:,2) == 0 );
% plane_angle = Obj.SourcePosition(plane_idx,1);
% References:
% A. Andreopoulou and B. F. G. Katz. Identification of perceptually
% relevant methods of inter-aural time difference estimation. The Journal
% of the Acoustical Society of America, 142(2):588--598, 08 2017.
% F. Pausch, S. Doma, and J. Fels. Hybrid multi-harmonic model for the
% prediction of interaural time differences in individual behind-the-ear
% hearing-aid-related transfer functions. Acta Acust., 6:34, 2022.
% Url:
% #Author: Laurin Steidle
% #Author: Robert Baumgartner (data matrix option)
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2022): enhanced the robustness in the threshold method
% #Author: Florian Pausch (2023): pausch2022 and optional high-pass filtering added
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
% ---------------------- ltfatarghelper -------------------------------
definput.import = {'itdestimator'}; % load defaults from arg_itdestimator
% ---------------------- Renaming input parameters ---------------------
if isstruct(Obj)
pos = Obj.API.M;
ear = Obj.API.R;
Ns = Obj.API.N;
IR = Obj.Data.IR;
fs = Obj.Data.SamplingRate;
pos = size(Obj,1);
ear = size(Obj,2);
Ns = size(Obj,3);
IR = Obj;
if isempty(kv.fs)
error('RB: No sampling rate (fs) provided.')
fs = kv.fs;
% ---------------------- Initializing variables -----------------------
toa = zeros(pos,ear);
toa_diff = zeros(pos,1);
IACC = zeros(pos,1);
% ---------------------- Applying low-pass filter ----------------------
if flags.do_lp && ~strcmp(flags.mode,'pausch2022')
amt_disp(' Applying Butterworth low pass',flags.disp)
amt_disp(strcat(' Polynomial order of Butterworth filter: ',num2str(kv.butterpoly)),flags.disp)
amt_disp(strcat(' Cut-off frequency is: ',num2str(kv.upper_cutfreq),' Hz'),flags.disp)
cut_off_freq_norm = kv.upper_cutfreq/(fs/2);
[lp_a,lp_b] = butter(kv.butterpoly,cut_off_freq_norm);
f_ir = zeros(pos,ear,Ns);
for ii=1:pos
for jj=1:ear
sir = squeeze( IR(ii,jj,:) );
f_sir = filter(lp_a,lp_b,sir);
f_ir(ii,jj,:) = f_sir;
amt_disp(' No low-pass filter is applied',flags.disp)
f_ir = IR;
% ---------------------- Applying band-pass filter ----------------------
if strcmp(flags.mode,'pausch2022')
amt_disp(' Applying Butterworth band pass',flags.disp)
amt_disp(strcat(' Polynomial order of Butterworth filter: ',num2str(kv.butterpoly)),flags.disp)
amt_disp(strcat(' Cut-off frequencies are: ',num2str(kv.lower_cutfreq),...
' and ', num2str(kv.upper_cutfreq), ' Hz'),flags.disp)
h_bp = fdesign.bandpass('n,f3dB1,f3dB2',kv.butterpoly,kv.lower_cutfreq,kv.upper_cutfreq,fs);
Filter.Hd = design(h_bp,'butter');
f_ir_bp = zeros(pos,ear,Ns);
for ii=1:pos
for jj=1:ear
sir = squeeze( f_ir(ii,jj,:) );
f_ir_bp(ii,jj,:) = filter(Filter.Hd,sir);
f_ir = f_ir_bp;
% ---------------------- Estimating ITDs -------------------------------
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% ---------------------- Threshold ------------------------------------
case 'Threshold'
amt_disp(' Threshold mode',flags.disp)
amt_disp(strcat(' Threshold level is: ',num2str(kv.threshlvl),'dB'),flags.disp)
if flags.do_fp
for ii=1:pos
for jj=1:ear
indB = 0.5*mag2db(squeeze(f_ir(ii,jj,:)).^2);
[~,B] = findpeaks(indB);
th_value = indB(B(1)) + kv.threshlvl;
toa(ii,jj) = find(indB>th_value,1);
toa_diff(ii) = toa(ii,1) - toa(ii,2);
for ii=1:pos
for jj=1:ear
indB = 0.5*mag2db(squeeze(f_ir(ii,jj,:)).^2);
th_value = max(indB) + kv.threshlvl;
if isempty(idx), idx=NaN; end
toa(ii,jj) = idx;
toa_diff(ii) = toa(ii,1) - toa(ii,2);
% ---------------------- Centroid ----------------------------
case 'Cen_e2'
amt_disp(' Cen-e2 mode',flags.disp)
for ii=1:pos
for jj = 1:ear
e_sir_sq = abs(hilbert(squeeze(f_ir(ii,jj,:))).^2);
toa(ii,jj) = centroid(transpose(1:Ns),e_sir_sq);
toa_diff(ii) = toa(ii,1) - toa(ii,2);
% ---------------------- Cross-Correlation ----------------------------
case 'MaxIACCr'
amt_disp(' MaxIACCr mode',flags.disp)
for ii=1:pos
cc = xcorr(squeeze(f_ir(ii,1,:)),squeeze(f_ir(ii,2,:)));
[IACC(ii),idx_lag] = max(abs(cc));
toa_diff(ii) = idx_lag - Ns;
if flags.do_guesstoa
toa = guesstoa(toa_diff,toa, kv.avgtoa);
case 'MaxIACCe'
amt_disp(' MaxIACCe mode',flags.disp)
for ii=1:pos
e_sir1 = abs(hilbert(squeeze(f_ir(ii,1,:))));
e_sir2 = abs(hilbert(squeeze(f_ir(ii,2,:))));
cc = xcorr(e_sir1,e_sir2);
[IACC(ii),idx_lag] = max(abs(cc));
toa_diff(ii) = idx_lag - Ns;
if flags.do_guesstoa
toa = guesstoa(toa_diff,toa, kv.avgtoa);
case 'pausch2022'
amt_disp(' pausch2022 mode',flags.disp)
% upsample and interpolate data
data_time_len = Ns/fs;
data_time_vec = (1:Ns)/fs;
fs_upsampled = 5*fs;
time_interp = 0:1/fs_upsampled:data_time_len;
data_time_interp = interp1(data_time_vec,permute(f_ir,[3,1,2]),time_interp,'spline');
data_time_interp_e = data_time_interp.^2;
for ii=1:pos
e_sir1 = squeeze(data_time_interp_e(:,ii,1));
e_sir2 = squeeze(data_time_interp_e(:,ii,2));
corr_ir = xcorr(e_sir1, e_sir2);
[IACC(ii), idx_lag] = max(corr_ir);
toa_diff(ii) = (idx_lag - numel(time_interp));
if flags.do_guesstoa
toa = guesstoa(toa_diff,toa, kv.avgtoa);
case 'CenIACCr'
amt_disp(' CenIACCr mode',flags.disp)
x = transpose(1:(Ns*2-1));
for ii=1:pos
cc = xcorr(squeeze(f_ir(ii,1,:)),squeeze(f_ir(ii,2,:)));
pos_cc = abs(cc);
IACC(ii) = max(pos_cc);
toa_diff(ii) = centroid(x,pos_cc)-Ns;
if flags.do_guesstoa
toa = guesstoa(toa_diff,toa, kv.avgtoa);
case 'CenIACCe'
amt_disp(' CenIACCe mode',flags.disp)
x = transpose(1:(Ns*2-1));
for ii=1:pos
e_sir1 = abs(hilbert(squeeze(f_ir(ii,1,:))));
e_sir2 = abs(hilbert(squeeze(f_ir(ii,2,:))));
cc = xcorr(e_sir1,e_sir2);
IACC(ii) = max(abs(cc));
toa_diff(ii) = centroid(x,abs(cc))-Ns;
if flags.do_guesstoa
toa = guesstoa(toa_diff,toa, kv.avgtoa);
case 'CenIACC2e'
amt_disp(' CenIACC2e mode',flags.disp)
x = transpose(1:(Ns*2-1));
for ii=1:pos
e_sir1 = abs(hilbert(squeeze(f_ir(ii,1,:))));
e_sir2 = abs(hilbert(squeeze(f_ir(ii,2,:))));
cc = xcorr(e_sir1,e_sir2).^2;
IACC(ii) = max(abs(cc));
toa_diff(ii) = centroid(x,abs(cc))-Ns;
if flags.do_guesstoa
toa = guesstoa(toa_diff,toa, kv.avgtoa);
case 'PhminXcor'
amt_disp(' PhminXcor mode',flags.disp)
for ii=1:pos
for jj=1:ear
cc = xcorr(squeeze(IR(ii,jj,:)),squeeze(ir_min(ii,jj,:)));
[~,toa(ii,jj)] = max(abs(cc));
toa_diff(ii) = toa(ii,1) - toa(ii,2);
% ---------------------- Groupdelay -----------------------------------
case 'IRGD'
amt_disp(' IRGD mode',flags.disp)
for ii = 1:pos
for jj = 1:ear
f_sir = squeeze( f_ir(ii,jj,:) );
[gd,w] = grpdelay(transpose(double(f_sir)),1,Ns,fs);
toa(ii,jj)=mean(gd(find(w>kv.lower_cutfreq): ...
toa_diff(ii) = toa(ii,1) - toa(ii,2);
if ~strcmp(flags.mode,'pausch2022')
toa_diff = toa_diff/fs;
toa = toa/fs;
toa_diff = toa_diff/fs_upsampled;
toa = toa/fs_upsampled;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% ---------------------- Functions ----------------------------------------
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% ---------------------- Centroid -----------------------------------------
function idx_cent = centroid(x,y)
idx_cent = sum(x.*y)/sum(y);
% ---------------------- guess toa ----------------------------------------
function toa = guesstoa(toa_diff,toa, avgtoa)
toa(:,1) = toa(:,1) + avgtoa + toa_diff/2;
toa(:,2) = toa(:,2) + avgtoa - toa_diff/2;
% ---------------------- Create minimal phase -----------------------------
% as used in ziegelwanger2014
function hMmin=ARI_MinimalPhase(Obj)
for jj=1:Obj.API.R
for ii=1:Obj.API.M
an3u=[an2u; -flipud(an2u(2:end+mod(length(h),2)-1))];
amp3=[amp2; flipud(amp2(2:end+mod(length(h),2)-1))];