Applies to version: 1.6.0

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Process a function from an external environment


output = amt_extern(environment, directory, module, input, outstruct);

Input parameters:

environment String selecting the environment to be used. Currently must be Python.
directory Diretory inside the environment. For example, verhulst2018 for the model from Verhulst et al. (2018).
module Module name to be called within the environment. For example, for the model from Verhulst et al. (2018).
input Structure with the input parameters. All fields will be saved in the directory out within the directory in the file input.mat.
outstruct Structure defining the output parameters. Each field's name defines the variable name to be read from a file named by the field with the ending .np in the out directory. Each field must contain a vector defining the size of the variable to be read. Up to three dimensions are handled.

Output parameters:

out Structure with the output defined by outstruct. The fields of out will have names as in outstruct. Each field will have size as given by the corresponding vector in outstruct.
status Structure with the status and results, see system.