Applies to version: 1.6.0

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Compile Mex/Oct interfaces




amt_mex compiles AMT-related binaries on your system.


  1. Mex compiler working in your Matlab/Octave environment. Type help mex to check whether and which compiler is available in your environment.
  2. GCC installed on your OS. On Windows, GCC can be installed from <>. On Linux, GCC is most probably available within your distribution.


The action of amt_mex is determined by one of the following flags:

'compile' Compile stuff. This is the default. In Matlab, all comp_*.c and comp_*.cpp files from theare mex directory are compiled to system-dependent mex* files. In Octave, all comp_*.cc files from the oct directory are compiled to oct files. Then, the remaining files from the mex directory are compiled to mex and moved to oct. In both environments, other binaries are handled then. On Windows, make.bat from the bin directory is executed. On Linux, make is executed using the makefile file from the bin directory.
'clean' Removes the compiled functions. In Matlab, all system-dependent mex* files from the mex directory are removed. In Octave, all oct, o, and mex files from the oct directory are removed. In both environments, other binaries are cleared by calling clean and make clean on Windows and other systems, respectively, in the bin directory.