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Listener averages of absolute polar angle error and SCC

Program code:

function data = data_best2005
%DATA_BEST2005  Listener averages of absolute polar angle error and SCC
%   Usage: data = data_best2005
%   Output parameters:
%     data   : structure containing the data
%   DATA_BEST2005 returns listener averages of absolute lateral and polar
%   angle error and SCCs from Best et al. (2005): Fig.5, Fig.10, and Tab.2
%   The data struct comprises the following fields:
%     'qe'      quadrant error rates
%     'ale'     absolute lateral angle error
%     'ape'     absolute polar angle error
%     'seape'   standard error of absolute polar angle error
%     'meta'    condition labels corresponding to data entries
%   References:
%     V. Best, S. Carlile, C. Jin, and A. van Schaik. The role of high
%     frequencies in speech localization. The Journal of the Acoustical
%     Society of America, 118:353--363, 2005.
%   Url:

%   #Author: Robert Baumgartner
%   #Author: Roberto Barumerli

% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either 
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software 
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and 
% at <>. 
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3. 
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty 
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 

% Mean quadrant error rates from Tab.2 (Exp. I) and Tab. 4 (Exp. II)
data.qe =     [3.0,mean([8.4,6.7]),12.0,13.8,16.4];

% Mean absolute polar angle errors from Fig.5b (Exp. I) and Fig.10b (Exp. II)
data.ape =    [21,30,38,42.5,46];
data.seape =  ones(1,5);

% Mean absolute lateral angle errors from Fig.5a (Exp. I) and Fig.10a (Exp. II)
data.ale =    [7.87, 9.63, 9.70, 9.67, 8.60];

data.meta =   {'BB noise','BB speech','-20dB','-40dB','-60dB'};