function data = data_majdak2013(varargin)
%DATA_MAJDAK2013 Listener-specific localization responses
% Usage: data = data_majdak2013();
% data = data_majdak2013('control');
% data = data_majdak2013('target');
% data_majdak2013('fig6')
% pretest = data_majdak2013('B');
% pretest = data_majdak2013('LP');
% pretest = data_majdak2013('W');
% Input parameters:
% B : Return the data from the pretest for the broadband condition
% LP : Return the data from the pretest for the low-passed condition
% W : Return the data from the pretest for the warped condition
% fig6 : Plot the Figure 6
% all : Default. Return all data of all subjects
% control : Return all data of the control group (trained on the low-passed condition)
% target : Return all data series of the target group (trained on the warped condition)
% Output parameters:
% pretest : Structure with the data from the pretest only. It contains the following fields:
% - id*: Subject ID.
% - mtx*: Item list with trials and angles. Each row contains information
% about a single trial. The columnn describe the target
% and response angles in the format of the item list used
% data : Structure with the data from the pretest, training, and posttest.
% It contains the following fields:
% - subject_str*: Listener ID (string).
% - pos*: Item list with trials and angles. Each row contains information
% about a single trial. The columnn describe the target
% and response angles in the format of the item list used
% - session*: Session index (as an integer number).
% - session_str*: Session name (as a string).
% - trial*: Trial index within each session.
% - is_control*: Flag describing the control group (1) or target group (0).
% pretest = DATA_MAJDAK2013(..) returns listener-specific responses
% from Majdak et al. (2013) obtained from a localization pretest.
% data = DATA_MAJDAK2013(..) returns listener-specific responses
% from Majdak et al. (2013) obtained from a localization pretest, training,
% and posttest.
% To display Figure 6 from Majdak et al. (2013) use :
% data_majdak2013('fig6');
% References:
% P. Majdak, T. Walder, and B. Laback. Effect of long-term training on
% sound localization performance with spectrally warped and band-limited
% head-related transfer functions. The Journal of the Acoustical Society
% of America, 134:2148--2159, 2013.
% Url:
% #Requirements: M-Curve
% #Author: Robert Baumgartner (2015): implementation of control and target data.
% #Author: David Poirier-Q. (2022): implementation of learning data (fig6)
% #Author: Clara Hollomey (2023): integration in the AMT
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): integration of plotting figure 6 and fixing issue #215.
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
%% Check input options
% Define input flags
definput.flags.condition = {'all','BB','LP','W','control', 'target', 'fig6'};
% Parse input options
[flags, ~] = ltfatarghelper({},definput,varargin);
%% Load data
if flags.do_all
data = amt_load('majdak2013', 'data_fig6.mat');
data =;
if flags.do_control || flags.do_target
data = amt_load('majdak2013', 'data_fig6.mat');
data =;
% select data
selVect = data.is_control == contains(flags.condition, 'control');
% apply filter across struct fields
fieldNames = fieldnames(data);
for iField = 1:length(fieldNames)
data.(fieldNames{iField}) = data.(fieldNames{iField})(selVect, :);
if flags.do_BB || flags.do_W || flags.do_LP
x = amt_load('majdak2013', 'data.mat');
C = find(ismember(x.condition,flags.condition));
for ll = 1:length(x.subject)
data(ll).mtx = x.subject(ll).expData{C}(:,1:8);
data(ll).id = x.subject(ll).id;
%% Plot Figure 6
if flags.do_fig6
data = amt_load('majdak2013', 'data_fig6.mat');
data =;
% init locals
nonTrainingSessionNames = {'learn', 'post_learn', 'pre_test_dummy', 'post_test_dummy', 'pre_test_warped', 'post_test_warped'};
traininSessionNames = {'training_1', 'training_2', 'training_3', 'training_4', 'training_5', 'training_6', 'training_7', 'training_8', 'training_9', 'training_10', 'training_11', 'training_12', 'training_13', 'training_14', 'training_15', 'training_16', 'training_17', 'training_18', 'training_19', 'training_20', 'training_21'};
configs = struct('sessionNames', {{}}, 'stat', [], 'isControl', 0);
% loop over subject groups
for iControl = 0:1
% loop over pre/post test sessions
for iSession = 1:length(nonTrainingSessionNames)
configs(end+1) = struct('sessionNames', {{nonTrainingSessionNames{iSession}}}, 'stat', [], 'isControl', iControl);
% add training sessions (grouped)
configs(end+1) = struct('sessionNames', {traininSessionNames}, 'stat', [], 'isControl', iControl);
configs(1) = []; % remove first (dummy)
% compute stats
errbaridx = 2;
cialpha = 0.05; % 95% confidence interval
N = 4200;
errorTypeStr = {'querrMiddlebrooks', 'rmsPmedianlocal', 'precL'};
% loop over error types
for ii = 1:numel(errorTypeStr)
err = errorTypeStr{ii};
% loop over config (sessions)
for iConfig = 1:length(configs)
config = configs(iConfig);
meanallid = [];
% loop over subsession (for training)
for iSession = 1:length(config.sessionNames)
% log
amt_disp(sprintf('Process Test: %d/%d; Session: %d/%d', iConfig, length(configs), iSession, length(config.sessionNames)), 'volatile');
% init filter
selVect = data.is_control == config.isControl;
selVect = selVect & ismember(data.session_str, config.sessionNames{iSession});
% discard first 50 trials for learning session
if( ismember(config.sessionNames, 'learn') ); selVect = selVect & data.trial > 50; end
% stats
meanallid(iSession, :) = bootstrp(sum(selVect), @(m) localizationerror(m,err), data.pos(selVect, :));
% compute stats
[muprepost,sigprepost,muciprepost,sigciprepost] = normfit(meanallid.', cialpha);
configs(iConfig).stat(:,1) = muprepost;
configs(iConfig).stat(:,2) = sigprepost;
configs(iConfig).stat(:,3) = diff(muciprepost)/2;
configs(iConfig).stat(:,4) = diff(sigciprepost)/2;
% model training performances
% control group
[yfitC, r, ~, COVB]=nlinfit(x,yhat,@exponential,[10 -0.0005 min(yhat)]);
% warped group
[yfitW, rW, ~, COVBW]=nlinfit(x,yhatW,@exponential,[16 -0.0005 min(yhatW)]);
% plot data
figure; hold on;
set(gcf,'Position',[10 226 616 484],'PaperType','A4');
% prepare variables
statPP = reshape([configs(8:13).stat], 4, 6).';
statPPW = reshape([configs(1:6).stat], 4, 6).';
stat = configs(14).stat;
statW = configs(7).stat;
% model: control
% model: warped
[ypred, delta]=nlpredci(@exponential,newx,real(yfitW),real(rW),'covar',real(COVBW));
hp=patch([newx; flipud(newx)], [ypred+delta; flipud(ypred-delta)],[1 1 1]*0.7);
set(hp, 'Edgecolor', [1 1 1]*0.7);
[ypred, delta]=nlpredci(@exponential,newx,real(yfitC),real(r),'covar',real(COVB));
hp=patch([newx; flipud(newx)], [ypred+delta; flipud(ypred-delta)],[1 1 1]*0.8);
set(hp, 'Edgecolor', [1 1 1]*0.8);
% control: pre- & post
h=errorbar([prepos; N+100], [statPP(1,1); NaN], [statPP(2,errbaridx); NaN], 'g^'); local_tick(h);
set(h,'LineWidth', 1, 'LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','g'); leg_BBcontrol=h;
h=errorbar([postpos; N+100], [statPP(2,1); NaN], [statPP(2,errbaridx); NaN], 'g^'); local_tick(h);
set(h,'LineWidth', 1, 'LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','g');
h=errorbar([prepos; N+100], [statPP(3,1); NaN], [statPP(3,errbaridx); NaN], 'ro'); local_tick(h);
set(h,'LineWidth', 1, 'LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','r'); leg_BLcontrol=h;
h=errorbar([postpos; N+100], [statPP(4,1); NaN], [statPP(4,errbaridx); NaN], 'ro'); local_tick(h);
set(h,'LineWidth', 1, 'LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','r');
h=errorbar([prepos; N+100], [statPP(5,1); NaN], [statPP(5,errbaridx); NaN], 'bs'); local_tick(h);
set(h,'LineWidth', 1, 'LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','b'); leg_WPcontrol=h;
h=errorbar([postpos; N+100], [statPP(6,1); NaN], [statPP(6,errbaridx); NaN], 'bs'); local_tick(h);
set(h,'LineWidth', 1, 'LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','b');
% warped: pre- & post
h=errorbar([prepos+50; N+150], [statPPW(1,1); NaN], [statPPW(2,errbaridx); NaN], 'g^'); local_tick(h);
set(h,'LineWidth', 1, 'LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','w'); leg_BBtarget=h;
h=errorbar([postpos+50; N+150], [statPPW(2,1); NaN], [statPPW(2,errbaridx); NaN], 'g^'); local_tick(h);
set(h,'LineWidth', 1, 'LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','w');
h=errorbar([prepos+50; N+100], [statPPW(3,1); NaN], [statPPW(3,errbaridx); NaN], 'ro'); local_tick(h);
set(h,'LineWidth', 1, 'LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','w'); leg_BLtarget=h;
h=errorbar([postpos+50; N+100], [statPPW(4,1); NaN], [statPPW(4,errbaridx); NaN], 'ro'); local_tick(h);
set(h,'LineWidth', 1, 'LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','w');
h=errorbar([prepos+50; N+100], [statPPW(5,1); NaN], [statPPW(5,errbaridx); NaN], 'bs'); local_tick(h);
set(h,'LineWidth', 1, 'LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','w'); leg_WPtarget=h;
h=errorbar([postpos+100; N+100], [statPPW(6,1); NaN], [statPPW(6,errbaridx); NaN], 'bs'); local_tick(h);
set(h,'LineWidth', 1, 'LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','w');
% training: control group
h1=errorbar([(200:200:N)'; N+100],[stat(:,1); NaN],[stat(:,errbaridx); NaN],'ro');
set(h1,'LineWidth', 1, 'LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','r','LineStyle','-');
% training: warped group
h1=errorbar([(200:200:N)'; N+100],[statW(:,1); NaN],[statW(:,errbaridx); NaN],'bs');
set(h1,'LineWidth', 1, 'LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','w','LineStyle','-');
% plot formatting
xlabel('Training day number','FontName','Arial');
[~,meta]=localizationerror(zeros(1, 9), err);
box on;
set(gca,'XLim',[prepos-300 postpos+300],'FontName','Arial');
set(gca,'XTick',[200:2*200:N ]);
set(gca, 'TickLength', [0.02 0.05]);
switch err
case 'querrMiddlebrooks'
set(gca,'YLim', [2 34.9]);
case 'rmsPmedianlocal'
set(gca,'YLim', [26 49]);
case 'precL'
set(gca,'YLim', [10.2 20.2]);
set(gca, 'YTick', 10:2:20);
h=legend([leg_BBcontrol leg_BLcontrol leg_WPcontrol leg_BBtarget leg_BLtarget leg_WPtarget], ...
'Control Broadband', 'Control Band-Limited', 'Control Warped', ...
'Target Broadband', 'Target Band-Limited', 'Target Warped');
%% local functions
function y=exponential(a,x)
function local_tick(h)
% Adjust the width of errorbars
% Based on errorbar_tick from Arnaud Laurent (2009) and Jerome Briot (Dut)
% Adapted for data_majdak2013 by Piotr Majdak (2024)
w = diff(get(gca,'XLim'))/80;
x = get(h(1),'xdata');
x(4:9:end) = x(1:9:end)-w/2;
x(7:9:end) = x(1:9:end)-w/2;
x(5:9:end) = x(1:9:end)+w/2;
x(8:9:end) = x(1:9:end)+w/2;