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Responses from a dynamic sound-localization experiment (basic)


data = data_mclachlan2023(condition);
data = data_mclachlan2023(condition, id);

Input parameters:


Optional condition of the experiment:

  • 'static': Static localization, i.e., the head rotations of the subjects were not tracked and the subjects had to keep the head still. Default.
  • 'dynamic': Dynamic localization, i.e., the head rotations of the subjects were tracked and the subjects had to rotate their head in a specified direction.
id Optional string specifying the subject ID. It can be one of the following: 'NH257', 'NH714', 'NH919', 'NH963', 'NH983', 'NH1016', 'NH1017'. Default: All subjects.

Output parameters:


Structure array with the following fields for each subject:

  • id: ID of the subject.
  • HRTF: SOFA structure with the subject's HRTFs.
  • T: Cell array with head rotations. Size: (trial). Per trial, each cell has the size: (time x pos), with time being unclear and pos representing the head direction in columns:
    • 1: Azimuth angle (in degrees).
    • 2: Elevation angle (in degrees).
    • 3: Radius (in m).
  • m: Matrix with the behavioral responses. Size: (trial x C x P).


The dimension C encodes the data obtained in each trial:

  • 1 and 2: Target azimuth and elevation (in degrees).
  • 3 and 4: Response azimuth and elevation (in degrees).
  • 5 and 6: Target lateral and polar angles (in degrees).
  • 7 and 8: Response lateral and polar angles (in degrees).
  • 9, 10, and 11: Target Cartesian coordinates X, Y, and Z (Units unclear).
  • 12, 13, and 14: Response Cartesian coordinates X, Y, and Z (Units unclear).
  • 15: Trial duration (probably in ms, however, unclear).
  • 16: Required head-rotation direction (uncoding unclear).
  • 17: Subject number. Meaning unclear.

The dimension P encodes the experiment condition:

  • 1: Flat, i.e., signals presented via headphones with no spectral cues in the HRTFs.
  • 2: Full, i.e., signals presented via headphones with full HRTFs.
  • 3: VBAP, i.e., signals presented via loudspeakers.
  • 4: Fixed, i.e., signals presented via headphones with no dynamic changes in the spectral cues in the HRTFs. Only available when condition is 'dynamic'.

data_mclachlan2023(..) returns data from McLachlan et al. (2023), which describes results from a sound-localization experiment done under static and dynamic conditions, i.e., without and with head rotations, respectively. The focus of this study was four HRTFs conditions with many spatial targets, as in contrast to McLachlan et al. (2024).


G. McLachlan, P. Majdak, J. Reijniers, M. Mihocic, and H. Peremans. Dynamic spectral cues do not affect human sound localization during small head movements. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17, 2023. [ DOI ]