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Data from Ziegelwanger and Majdak (2013)


data = data_ziegelwanger2013(flag)


data_ziegelwanger2013(flag) returns results for different HRTF databases from Ziegelwanger and Majdak (2013).

The flag may be one of:

'ARI' ARI database. The output has the following fields: data.results and data.subjects.
'CIPIC' CIPIC database. The output has the following fields: data.results and data.subjects.
'LISTEN' LISTEN database. The output has the following fields. data.results and data.subjects.
'SPHERE_ROT' HRTF sets for a rigid sphere placed in the center of the measurement setup and varying rotation. The output has the following fields: data.results, data.subjects, data.phi, data.theta and data.radius.
'SPHERE_DIS' HRTF sets for a rigid sphere with various positions in the measurement setup. The output has the following fields: data.results, data.subjects, data.xM, data.yM, data.zM and data.radius.
'NH89' HRTF set of listener NH89 of the ARI database: The output has the following fields: data.hM, data.meta and data.stimPar.
'cached' Reload previously calculated results from the cache
'redo' Recalculate the results

The fields are given by:

'results' Results for all HRTF sets
'subjects' IDs for HRTF sets
'phi' Azimuth of ear position
'theta' Elevation of ear position
'radius' sphere radius
'xM' x-coordinate of sphere center
'yM' y-coordinate of sphere center
'zM' z-coordinate of sphere center
'data' SOFA object


  1. SOFA API from for Matlab (in e.g. thirdparty/SOFA)
  2. Optimization Toolbox for Matlab
  3. Data in auxdata/ziegelwanger2013


To get results from the ARI database, use:



P. Majdak and H. Ziegelwanger. Continuous-direction model of the broadband time-of-arrival in the head-related transfer functions. In ICA 2013 Montreal, volume 19, page 050016, Montreal, Canada, 2013. ASA. [ DOI ]

H. Ziegelwanger and P. Majdak. Modeling the broadband time-of-arrival of the head-related transfer functions for binaural audio. In Proceedings of the 134th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, page 7, Rome, 2013.