%demo_bramslow2004 Demonstration of the loudness model considering hearing loss BRAMSLOW2004
% This demos generates a simple figure that shows the
% excitation pattern calculated by the model AUDMOD.
% Figure 1: Excitation patterns
% References:
% L. Bramsløw. An objective estimate of the perceived quality of
% reproduced sound in normal and impaired hearing. Acta Acustica united
% with Acustica, 90(6):1007--1018, 2004.
% Url: http://amtoolbox.org/amt-1.6.0/doc/demos/demo_bramslow2004.php
% #Author: Lars Bramslow (2024): original author
% 40 dB SPL tone 1000 Hz should give a binaural loduness of 1.0 sone
amt_disp('demo_bramslow2004: Creating tone 40 dB SPL tone 1000 Hz = 1 sone binaural');
fs = 20000;
ftone = 1000;
time_total = 1; % 1 s
level = 40;
t = 0:(1/fs):time_total-1/fs; % time vector
sigin = sin(2*pi*ftone*t);
sigin = scaletodbspl(sigin, level); % test 40 dB SPL
%run the model
aud_out = bramslow2004(sigin, fs, 'In_FrmSize', 512, 'Binaural', 1);
% plot the results
semilogx(aud_out.fc, aud_out.Roex_SPL);
title ('AUDMOD: Binaural excitation pattern for 1000 Hz');
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
ylabel('Excitation level [dB SPL]')
grid on
axis([100 10000 0 60])
% SPL and total loudness in the legend
info = sprintf('%d dB SPL, %2.2f sones', level, aud_out.Loudness);
amt_disp(['demo_bramslow2004: ' info]);