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figures from Hohmann (2012)

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function exp_hohmann2002(varargin)
%EXP_HOHMANN2002 figures from Hohmann (2012)
%   Usage: exp_hohmann(flags)
%   EXP_HOHMANN2002(flags) reproduces figures of the paper from
%   Hohmann (2002).
%   The following flags can be specified:
%     'fig1'    Reproduce Fig. 1:
%               Impulse response of the example Gammatone filter (center
%               frequency  fc = 1000 Hz: 3-dB bandwidth fb = 100 Hz;
%               sampling frequency fs = 10 kHz. Solid and dashed lines
%               show the real and imaginary part of the filter output,
%               respectively. The absolute value of the filter output
%               (dashdotted line) clearly represents the envelope.
%     'fig2'    Reproduce Fig.2:
%               Frequency response of the example Gammatone filter
%               (upper two panels) and of the real-to-imaginary
%               response(lower two panels). Pi/2 was added to the phase
%               of the latter (see text). The frequency axis goes up to
%               half the sampling rate (z=pi). 
%     'fig3'    Reproduce Fig.3:
%               Magnitude frequency response of the Gammatone
%               filterbank. In this example, the filter channel density
%               is 1 on the ERB scale and the filter bandwidth is 1
%               ERBaud. The sampling frequency was 16276Hz and the
%               lower and upper boundary for the center frequencies
%               were 70Hz and 6.7kHz, respectively.
%     'fig4'    Reproduce Fig.4:
%               Treatment of an impulse response with envelope maximum
%               to the left of the desired group delay (at sample 65).
%               The original complex impulse response (real part and
%               envelope plotted in the upper panel) is multiplied with
%               a complex factor and delayed so that the envelope maximum 
%               and the maximum of the real part coincide with the desired
%               group delay (lower panel).
%     'fig5'    Reproduce Fig.5:
%               Treatment of an impulse response with envelope maximum 
%               to the right of the desired group delay (vertical line at
%               sampling 65). The original complex impulse response ( real
%               part and envelope plotted in the upper panel) is multiplied
%               with a complex factor so that the maximum of the real part
%               coincides with the desired group delay (lower panel).
%     'fig6'    Reproduce Fig.6:
%               Impulse response of the analysis-synthesis system using
%               the filterbank design from section 3.1 (upper pannel). A
%               peaked impulse is achieved at the desired group delay of
%               4 ms (65 samples at fs = 16276 Hz). The lower panel shows 
%               the main part of the response on a larger scale.
%     'fig7'    Reproduce Fig.7:
%               Magnitude and group delay of the transfer function of the
%               analysis-synthesis system using the filterbank design from
%               section 3.1.
%   Examples:
%   ---------
%   To display Fig. 1, use :
%     exp_hohmann2002('fig1');
%   To display Fig. 2, use :
%     exp_hohmann2002('fig2');
%   To display Fig. 3, use :
%     exp_hohmann2002('fig3');
%   To display Fig. 4, use :
%     exp_hohmann2002('fig4');
%   To display Fig. 5, use :
%     exp_hohmann2002('fig5');
%   To display Fig. 6, use :
%     exp_hohmann2002('fig6');
%   To display Fig. 7, use :
%     exp_hohmann2002('fig7');
%   References:
%     V. Hohmann. Frequency analysis and synthesis using a gammatone
%     filterbank. Acta Acustica united with Acoustica, 88(3):433--442, 2002.
%   See also: demo_hohmann2002 hohmann2002 hohmann2002_process hohmann2002_delay hohmann2002_synth hohmann2002_mixer
%   Url:

%   #StatusDoc: Perfect
%   #StatusCode: Perfect
%   #Verification: Verified  
%   #Author   : Universitaet Oldenburg, tp (2002 - 2007)
%   #Author   : Christian Klemenschitz (2014)
%   #Author   : Piotr Majdak (2016)

% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either 
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software 
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and 
% at <>. 
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3. 
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty 
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 

%% ------ Check input options --------------------------------------------
    definput.keyvals.FontSize = 12;
    definput.keyvals.MarkerSize = 6;
    definput.flags.type = {'missingflag', 'fig1', 'fig2', 'fig3', 'fig4', ...
    'fig5', 'fig6', 'fig7', 'fig8'};
    % Parse input options
    [flags,~]  = ltfatarghelper({'FontSize','MarkerSize'},definput,varargin);

    if flags.do_missingflag
        flagnames=[sprintf('%s, ',definput.flags.type{2:end-2}),...
                   sprintf('%s or %s',definput.flags.type{end-1},definput.flags.type{end})];
        error('%s: You must specify one of the following flags: %s.',upper(mfilename),flagnames);
%% Figure 1

    if flags.do_fig1

        fs = 10000;           % Sampling rate in Hz;
        fc = 1000;            % Center frequency in Hz;
        bw = 100;             % Bandwidth of 100 Hz
        attenuation_db = 3;   % Attenuation of the filter at the bandwidth
        gamma_order= 4;       % Filter order;

        % Construct new analyzer object;
        filter = hohmann2002_filter (fs, fc, bw, attenuation_db, gamma_order);
        % Impulse signal;
        impulse = [1; zeros(8191,1)];
        % Filter signal;
        impulse_response = hohmann2002_process(filter, impulse);

        hold on
        xt = 0:50:200;
        axis([0, 200, -0.04, 0.04]);
        title('Real part, imaginary part and envelope of impulse response at fc = 1000 Hz ');
        xlabel('Sample/ 1');   
        ylabel('Amplitude/ 1');
        box on;


%% Figure 2

    if flags.do_fig2

        fs = 10000;           % Sampling rate in Hz;
        fc = 1000;            % Center frequency in Hz;
        bw = 100;             % Bandwidth of 100 Hz
        attenuation_db = 3;   % Attenuation of the filter at the bandwidth
        gamma_order= 4;       % Filter order;

        % Construct new analyzer object;
        filter = hohmann2002_filter (fs, fc, bw, attenuation_db, gamma_order);
        % Impulse signal;
        impulse = [1; zeros(8191,1)];
        % Filter signal;
        impulse_response = hohmann2002_process(filter, impulse)';
        % Frequency response;
        frequency_response = fft(real(impulse_response)');                     
        % Normalized frequency vector;
        frequency = (0:8191) * fs / 8192 * 2/fs; 
        % Phase response;
        phi = angle(frequency_response);
        % Unwrap phase;
        phi = unwrap(phi);
        % Division of imaginary frequency reponse by real frequency response; 
        divspectra = fft(imag(impulse_response)')./frequency_response;
        % Phase response from division above;
        theta = angle(divspectra)+pi/2;

        % Plot;
        figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0.25 0.05 0.5 0.9])
        plot(frequency(1:end/2), 20*log10(abs(frequency_response(1:end/2))))
        xt = 0:0.2:1;
        yt = -60:20:0;
        axis([0, 1, -70, 0]);
        set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
        box on
        xt = 0:0.2:1;
        yt = -5:5:5;
        axis([0, 1, -5, 5]);
        set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
        box on
        plot(frequency(1:end/2), 20*log10(abs(divspectra(1:end/2))))
        xt = 0:0.2:1;
        yt = -10:5:10;
        axis([0, 1, -10, 10]);
        set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
        box on
        plot(frequency(1:end/2), theta(1:end/2))
        xt = 0:0.2:1;
        yt = -2:1:2;
        axis([0, 1, -2, 2]);
        set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
        xlabel('Frequency / \pi')
        ylabel('Phase + \pi / 2 /rad')
        box on

%% Figure 3

    if flags.do_fig3
        fs = 16276;                 % Sampling rate in Hz;
        flow = 70;                  % Lowest center frequency in Hz;
        basef = 1000;               % Base center frequency in Hz;
        fhigh = 6700;               % Highest center frequency in Hz;
        filters_per_ERBaud = 1.0;   % Filterband density on ERB scale; 
        % Construct new analyzer object;
        analyzer = hohmann2002 (fs,flow,basef,fhigh,filters_per_ERBaud);
        % Impulse signal;
        impulse = [1; zeros(8191,1)];                                          
        % Filter signal;
        impulse_response = hohmann2002_process(analyzer, impulse)';
        % Frequency response;
        frequency_response = fft(real(impulse_response)');                     
        % Frequency vector;
        frequency = [0:8191] * fs / 8192;                        

        % Plot;
        plot(frequency, 20 * log10(abs(frequency_response)));
        axis([0,fs/2, -40, 0]);
        title('Frequency response of the individual filters in this filterbank.');
        xlabel('Frequency / Hz');
        ylabel('Level / dB');     
        box on

%% Figure 4

    if flags.do_fig4
        fs = 16276;              % Sampling rate in Hz;
        flow = 2160;             % Lowest center frequency in Hz;
        basef = 2160;            % Base center frequency in Hz;
        fhigh = 2160;            % Highest center frequency in Hz;
        filters_per_ERBaud = 1;  % Filterband density on ERB scale; 
        delay_samples = 65;      % Desired delay in Samples;
        % Construct new analyzer object;
        analyzer = hohmann2002 (fs,flow,basef,fhigh,filters_per_ERBaud);
        % Impulse signal;
        impulse = [1; zeros(8191,1)];                                          
        % Filter signal;
        [impulse_response, analyzer] = hohmann2002_process(analyzer, impulse);
        % Construct new delay object, which holds samples to delay and phase factors.
        delay = hohmann2002_delay(analyzer,delay_samples);
        % Delay filtered signal;
        insig = impulse_response;   % Impulse response as input signal;
        outsig = hohmann2002_process(delay, insig);
        outsigdelayenv = hilbert(real(outsig),fs);
        % Plot;
        figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0.25 0.05 0.5 0.9])
        hold on
        xt = 0:20:200;
        yt = -0.05:0.01:0.05;
        axis([0, 200, -0.05, 0.05]);
        set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
        title(['Impulse response with center frequency at ', num2str(basef), ' Hz'])
        line([65 65], [-0.05 0.05])
        box on
        hold off
        plot (real(outsig),'b-')
        hold on
        xt = 0:20:200;
        yt = -0.05:0.01:0.05;
        axis([0, 200, -0.05, 0.05]);
        set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
        title(['Delayed impulse response with peak at desired delay at sample ', num2str(delay_samples) ])
        line([65 65], [-0.05 0.05])
        box on
        hold off
%% Figure 5

    if flags.do_fig5
        fs = 16276;                 % Sampling rate in Hz;
        flow = 73;                  % Lowest center frequency in Hz;
        basef = 73;                 % Base center frequency in Hz;
        fhigh = 73;                 % Highest center frequency in Hz;
        filters_per_ERBaud = 1.0;   % Filterband density on ERB scale; 
        delay_samples = 65;         % Desired delay in Samples;
        % Construct new analyzer object;
        analyzer = hohmann2002 (fs,flow,basef,fhigh,filters_per_ERBaud);
        % Impulse signal;
        impulse = [1; zeros(8191,1)];                                          
        % Filter signal;
        [impulse_response, analyzer] = hohmann2002_process(analyzer, impulse);
        % Construct new delay object, which holds samples to delay and phase factors.
        delay = hohmann2002_delay(analyzer,delay_samples);
        % Delay filtered signal;
        insig = impulse_response;   % Impulse response as input signal;
        outsig = hohmann2002_process(delay, insig);
        outsigdelayenv = hilbert(real(outsig),fs);
        % Plot;
        figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0.25 0.05 0.5 0.9])
        hold on
        set(gca, 'XLim',[0 1000],'YLim',[-0.007 0.007])
        title(['Impulse response with center frequency at ', num2str(basef), ' Hz'])
        line([65 65], [-0.07 0.07])
        box on
        hold off
        plot (real(outsig),'b-')
        hold on
        set(gca, 'XLim',[0 1000],'YLim',[-0.007 0.007])
        title(['Delayed impulse response with a peak at desired delay at sample ', num2str(delay_samples) ])
        line([65 65], [-0.07 0.07])
        box on
        hold off
%% Figure 6

    if flags.do_fig6
        fs = 16276;                 % Sampling rate in Hz;
        flow = 70;                  % Lowest center frequency in Hz;
        basef = 1000;               % Base center frequency in Hz;
        fhigh = 6700;               % Highest center frequency in Hz;      
        filters_per_ERBaud = 1.0;   % Filterband density on ERB scale; 
        desired_delay = 0.004;      % Desired delay in seconds;
        % Construct new analyzer object;
        analyzer = hohmann2002 (fs,flow,basef,fhigh,filters_per_ERBaud);
        % Build synthesizer for an analysis-synthesis delay of desired_delay in seconds.
        synthesizer = hohmann2002_synth(analyzer, desired_delay);
        % Impulse signal;
        impulse = [1; zeros(8191,1)]; 
        % Filter signal;
        [analyzed_impulse, analyzer] = hohmann2002_process(analyzer, impulse);
        % Resynthesize filtered impulse response from above.
        [resynthesized_impulse, synthesizer] = hohmann2002_process(synthesizer, analyzed_impulse);
        % Plot;
        figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0.25 0.05 0.5 0.9])
        hold on
        hold off
        xt = -200:200:1199;
        yt = -0.2:0.2:1.2;
        axis([-199 1200 -0.2 1.2])
        set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick',yt)
        title('Analysis of resynthesized impulse response')
        box on
        plot (real(resynthesized_impulse),'b-')
        hold on
        hold off
        xt = 40:10:120;
        yt = -0.2:0.1:0.8;
        axis([40 120 -0.15 0.85])
        set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick',yt)
        title('Analysis of resynthesized impulse response on a larger scale')
        box on
%% Figure 7

    if flags.do_fig7
        fs = 16276;                 % Sampling rate in Hz;
        flow = 70;                  % Lowest center frequency in Hz;
        basef = 1000;               % Base center frequency in Hz;
        fhigh = 6700;               % Highest center frequency in Hz;      
        filters_per_ERBaud = 1.0;   % Filterband density on ERB scale; 
        desired_delay = 0.004;      % Desired delay in seconds;
        % Construct new analyzer object;
        analyzer = hohmann2002 (fs,flow,basef,fhigh,filters_per_ERBaud);
        % Build synthesizer for an analysis-synthesis delay of desired_delay in seconds.
        synthesizer = hohmann2002_synth(analyzer, desired_delay);
        % Impulse signal;
        impulse = [1; zeros(8191,1)]; 
        % Filter signal;
        analyzed_impulse = hohmann2002_process(analyzer, impulse);
        % Resynthesize filtered impulse response from above.
        resynthesized_impulse = hohmann2002_process(synthesizer, analyzed_impulse);
        % Normalized frequency vector;
        frequency = (0:8191) * fs / 8192;
        % Transfer function;
        resynthesized_spectra = fft(resynthesized_impulse');
        % Group delay;
        [spectra_grpdelay, w] = grpdelay(resynthesized_impulse',1,8192);
        % Plot;
        figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0.25 0.05 0.5 0.9])
        plot(w/(2*pi)*fs, spectra_grpdelay/fs*1000)
        hold on
        xt = 0:1000:8000;
        yt = -15:5:20;
        axis([0 8000 -15 20])
        set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick',yt)
        title('Group delay of transfer function')
        xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
        ylabel('Group delay / ms')
        box on
        plot (frequency, 20*log10(abs(resynthesized_spectra)),'b-')
        hold on
        plot (zeros(1,length(frequency)),'r')
        hold off
        xt = 0:1000:8000;
        yt = -40:5:5;
        axis([0 8000 -40 5])
        set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick',yt)
        title('Magnitude of transfer function')
        xlabel('Frequency / Hz')
        ylabel('Magnitude / dB')
        box on
%% Figure 8

    if flags.do_fig8
        amt_disp('Figure not implemented yet');