function exp_lyon2024(varargin)
%exp_lyon2024 Reproduction of results from Lyon et al. (2024)
% EXP_LYON2024(flags) reproduces Figures from Lyon et al. (2024).
% The following flags can be specified:
% 'fig1' Reproduce Fig. 1.
% 'fig3' Reproduce Fig. 3.
% 'fig4' Reproduce Fig. 4.
% Examples:
% ---------
% To display Fig. 1 use :
% exp_lyon2024('fig1');
% To display Fig. 3 use :
% exp_lyon2024('fig3');
% To display Fig. 4 use :
% exp_lyon2024('fig4');
% License
% -------
% This model is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. Further usage details
% are provided in the in the AMT directory "licences".
% See also: lyon2024
% References:
% R. F. Lyon, R. Schonberger, M. Slaney, M. Velimirović, and H. Yu. The
% carfac v2 cochlear model in matlab, numpy, and jax. arXiv preprint
% arXiv:2404.17490, 2024.
% Url:
% #License: Apache2
% #Author: Richard F. Lyon (2024): original implementation.
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): Adaptations for the AMT 1.6.
% This file is licensed unter the Apache License Version 2.0 which details can
% be found in the AMT directory "licences" and at
% <>.
% You must not use this file except in compliance with the Apache License
% Version 2.0. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this
% file is distributed on an "as is" basis, without warranties or conditions
% of any kind, either express or implied.
definput.flags.type={'missingflag', 'fig1', 'fig3', 'fig4'};
flags = ltfatarghelper({},definput,varargin);
if flags.do_missingflag
flagnames=[sprintf('%s, ',definput.flags.type{2:end-2}),...
sprintf('%s or %s',definput.flags.type{end-1},definput.flags.type{end})];
error('%s: You must specify one of the following flags: %s.',upper(mfilename),flagnames);
%% Figure 1: (from CARFAC_two_cap_IHC_compression_fig.m ???)
if flags.do_fig1
fs = 22050;
dB_SPL_list = 20:20:80;
% create a harmonic complexs
flist = 1400 + (1:4)*200; % for QDT
sine_signal = sig_tone(flist(1),0.5,fs);
for fno = 2:length(flist)
sine_signal = sine_signal + sig_tone(flist(fno),0.5,fs);
% create an SPL scaled repetition of the harmonic complex
test_signal = [];
for dB = dB_SPL_list
test_signal = [test_signal; scaletodbspl(sine_signal,dB)];
% call the model
CF_struct = lyon2024_design(1, fs); % mostly-default design, 1 ear
CF_struct = lyon2024_init(CF_struct);
[~, ~, nap, BM] = lyon2024(test_signal, CF_struct);
% define analysis ranges
snip_dB = 60;
snip_end = length(sine_signal) * find(snip_dB == dB_SPL_list);
if isempty(snip_end), snip_end = size(nap, 1); end
BM_snippet = BM(snip_end+(-440:0), :);
fft_snippet = abs(fft(BM_snippet)); % look at fft of some channels only
% plot
set(gca, 'Position', [.25, .25, .5, .5]);
imagesc((fft_snippet(1:220, :)' + 0.002).^ 0.333);
colormap(1 - gray);
axis([0, 89, 0, 71]);
set(gca, 'XTick', 1:20:81, 'XTickLabel',0:1:4);
xlabel('Frequency (in kHz)');
ylabel('Channel Number');
title('Basilar membrane outputs for 4-tone harmonic complex');
%% Figure 3
if flags.do_fig3
fs = 22050;
dB_SPL = 60;
f = 3000;
ch = 23; % Roughly 3 kHz place.
% create the test signal and time vectors
test_signal = scaletodbspl(sig_tone(f, 0.01, fs),dB_SPL);
test_signal(end+1:end+round(0.005*fs)) = 0; % add a 5-ms silence
samps = 1:length(test_signal);
times_ms = (0:(length(test_signal)-1))/fs*1000;
% one-cap model (for reference)
CF_struct = lyon2011_design(1, fs); % mostly-default design, 1 ear
CF_struct = lyon2011_init(CF_struct);
[~, ~, nap] = lyon2011(test_signal, CF_struct);
plot(times_ms, nap(:,ch), 'k:', 'linewidth', 1);
hold on
% two-cap model
CF_struct = lyon2024_design(1, fs); % mostly-default design, 1 ear
CF_struct = lyon2024_init(CF_struct);
[CF_struct, ~, nap, BM] = lyon2024(test_signal, CF_struct);
plot(times_ms, nap(:,ch), 'k-', 'linewidth', 0.6);
% two-cap model: plot more stuff
bm_row = BM(:, ch);
% Run an IHC open-loop on the BM response for the frequency channel
coeffs = CF_struct.ears(1).IHC_coeffs;
n_ch = coeffs.n_ch;
state.ihc_accum = zeros(n_ch, 1);
state.cap1_voltage = coeffs.rest_cap1 * ones(n_ch, 1);
state.cap2_voltage = coeffs.rest_cap2 * ones(n_ch, 1);
state.lpf1_state = coeffs.rest_output * ones(n_ch, 1);
receptor_potential_row = zeros(length(samps),1);
for s = samps
[~, state] = lyon2024_ihcstep(bm_row(s), coeffs, state);
receptor_potential_row(s) = 1 - state.cap1_voltage(ch);
% plot
plot(times_ms, 6 + 20*receptor_potential_row, 'k-');
plot(times_ms, 12 + bm_row, 'k-');
title('BM (top), receptor potential (middle), and NAP (bottom)');
xlabel('Time (in ms)');
ylabel('Amplitudes (arbitrary units, shifted by 6)');
set(gca, 'Position', [.25, .25, .55, .55]);
ylim([-2 16]);
text(12, 13, '12+BM');
text(12, 8, '6+20 V_{recep}');
text(12, 1, 'NAP');
if flags.do_fig4
tau1 = 200e-6;
tau2 = 80e-6;
f = 30 * 10.^(0.25:(1/32):2.8)';
s = 2*1i*pi*f;
h1 = abs(1./(tau1*s + 1));
h2 = abs(1./(tau2*s + 1));
h_one_cap = h2.*h2;
h_two_cap = h1.*h2;
lw = 0.6; % linewidth
semilogx(f, [h_one_cap, h_two_cap], 'k-', 'linewidth', lw);
hold on
semilogx(f, h_two_cap ./ h_one_cap, 'k--', 'linewidth', lw);
i300 = find(f == 300);
i3k = find(f == 3000);
plot(f(i300)*[1;1], [h_one_cap(i300); h_two_cap(i300)], 'k-', 'linewidth', lw);
plot(f(i3k)*[1;1], [h_one_cap(i3k); h_two_cap(i3k)], 'k-', 'linewidth', lw);
set(gca, 'Position', [.25, .25, .5, .5]);
xlabel('Frequency (in Hz)');
ylabel('Smoothing filters gain = synchrony reduction');
text(4000, 0.47, 'v2/v1 ratio');
text(1500, 0.7, 'v1, one\_cap');
text(210, 0.7, 'v2, two\_cap');
text(2000, 0.1, '3 kHz');
text(200, 0.86, '300 Hz');