function [parameters, metrics] = frambi_estimate(data, agent, environment, options)
%frambi_estimate Estimate parameters of an auditory model
% Usage: [parameters, metrics] = frambi_estimate(data, agent, environment, options);
% Input parameters:
% data : Structure describing model variables and behavioral data:
% - variables*: Matrix with independent variables (in columns) for each trial (in rows).
% - variablenames*: Cell array with names of the variables.
% - responses*: Matrix with behavioral responses (in columns) for each trial (in rows).
% The responses in each row must have been obtained in the experiment condition
% described by the same row in variables.
% agent : Structure representing the FrAMBI agent. See the general description of
% FrAMBI for more details. See EXP_BARUMERLI2024 for an example.
% environment: Structure representing the FrAMBI environment. See the general description
% of FrAMBI for more details. See EXP_BARUMERLI2024 for an example.
% options : Structure representing the FrAMBI options. It needs to contain
% the structure estimate to control the estimation of parameters,
% with the following fields:
% - optimizer*: Name of the optimizer. Currently, it must be 'bads'.
% - parameters*: Structure containing the parameters of the optimizer.
% - disp*: Flag controlling the display of the estimated parameters.
% If true, estimated parameters and the statistic metrics will be
% displayed.
% Output parameters:
% parameters : Structure with the estimated parameters and their names:
% - values*: Matrix with the estimated parameter values.
% - names*: Cell array with the parameter names. The names are
% those from agent.state.parameters with the field
% fit set to true.
% metrics : Structure with the statistics of the estimation:
% - loglik*: Log-likelihood of the estimation.
% - BIC*: Bayesian information criterion of the estimation.
% FRAMBI_ESTIMATE(..) estimates agent's parameters by running an optimizer which estimates
% optimal agent's parameters for the provided experiment data by maximizing the likelihood
% of the experiment data given the model specified by the agent and environment
% under the constraints set by the options. The function validates input structures,
% prepares the log-likelihood function, executes the optimization, and reports results along with
% boundary checks if required.
% The calculation of the likelihood is handled by FRAMBI_LIKELIHOOD.
% The optimizer is defined in options.estimate.optimizer. Currently only the
% Bayesian Adaptive Direct Search (BADS, Acerbi et al., 2017) is implemented.
% BADS is used for optimization, handling the constraints and transformations as
% defined in the agent's parameters.
% See also: frambi_likelihood frambi_simulate frambi_parameters exp_barumerli2024
% References:
% L. Acerbi and W. J. Ma. Practical bayesian optimization for model
% fitting with bayesian adaptive direct search. In I. Guyon, U. V.
% Luxburg, S. Bengio, H. Wallach, R. Fergus, S. Vishwanathan, and
% R. Garnett, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems,
% volume 30, pages 1834--1844. Curran Associates, Inc., 2017.
% R. Barumerli and P. Majdak. FrAMBI: A Software Framework for Auditory
% Modeling Based on Bayesian Inference. under review at Neuroinformatics,
% 2024.
% Url:
% #Requirements: MATLAB M-Signal BADS
% #Author: Roberto Barumerli (2023): Original implementation.
% #Author: Roberto Barumerli (2024): Integration in the AMT.
% #Author: Michael Mihocic (2024): Documentation fixed.
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): Adaptations for the AMT 1.6.
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
% 2022-12-23 first upload
% 2023-11-06 customized for AMT
% validate input parameters
assert(isfield(data, 'variables'))
assert(isfield(data, 'variablenames'))
assert(isfield(data, 'responses'))
num_trials = size(data.variables, 1);
assert(num_trials > 0)
assert(num_trials == size(data.responses, 1), 'data.variables must the same rows of data.responses')
assert(size(data.variables, 2) == length(data.variablenames))
% validate the structures
options = frambi_validate(options);
agent = frambi_validate(agent);
environment = frambi_validate(environment);
% disable validation to speed up computation
options.validation = false;
% create log-likelihood function
negloglikelihood_fun = @(parameters) -frambi_likelihood(data, parameters, agent, environment, options);
% get free parameters
parameter_names = fieldnames(agent.state.parameters);
free_params = logical(structfun(@(p), agent.state.parameters));
num_free_params = sum(free_params);
parameter_names(~free_params) = [];
% transform bounds for optimization
bounds_transformed = zeros(num_free_params, 4);
for p = 1:num_free_params
bounds = agent.state.parameters.(parameter_names{p}).bounds;
assert(length(bounds) == 4);
bounds_transformed(p,:) = frambi_parameters('transform', agent.state.parameters, parameter_names(p), bounds);
LB = bounds_transformed(:,1)';
PLB = bounds_transformed(:,2)';
PUB = bounds_transformed(:,3)';
UB = bounds_transformed(:,4)';
pars_init = frambi_parameters('get', agent.state.parameters);
pars_tr = frambi_parameters('transform', agent.state.parameters, parameter_names, pars_init(free_params));
pars_tr = pars_tr(:)';
% run optimizer
switch options.estimate.optimizer
case 'bads' % Default options for BADS
[fitted_transformed_parameters, nll] = bads(negloglikelihood_fun,pars_tr,LB,UB,PLB,PUB,[], options.estimate.parameters);
error('Unknown optimizers');
% extract estimated parameters
parameters_fitted = frambi_parameters('itransform', agent.state.parameters, parameter_names, fitted_transformed_parameters');
% prepare output
parameters.values = parameters_fitted;
parameters.names = parameter_names;
% statistics
metrics.loglik = -nll;
metrics.BIC = -2*(metrics.loglik)+log(num_trials).*num_free_params;
% display estimated parameters?
if options.estimate.disp
frambi_parameters('isimplausible', agent.state.parameters, parameter_names, parameters_fitted);
amt_disp('Estimated parameters:','documentation');
for i = 1:size(parameter_names)
amt_disp(sprintf(' %s: %.3f', parameter_names{i},parameters_fitted(i)),'documentation');
amt_disp('Statistic metrics:','documentation');
amt_disp(sprintf(' Log-likelihood: %.3f', metrics.loglik),'documentation');
amt_disp(sprintf(' BIC: %.3f', metrics.BIC),'documentation');