function varargout = frambi_parameters(operation, params, names, values, varargin)
%frambi_parameters Handles FrAMBI parameter configurations
% Usage:
% varargout = frambi_parameters(operation, params, names, varargin);
% new_params = frambi_parameters('init', params, names, new_value, new_fit, new_trans, new_bounds);
% new_params = frambi_parameters('set', params, names, values, fit, trans, bounds);
% new_params = frambi_parameters('assign', params, names, new_values);
% values = frambi_parameters('get', params, names);
% new_values = frambi_parameters('transform', params, names, values);
% Input parameters:
% operation : String specifying the operation to be performed:
% - 'init': Initializes a parameter structure with defaults.
% - 'set': Set and/or add properties of parameter(s).
% - 'assign': Assign value(s) to existing parameter(s).
% - 'get': Return value(s) of existing parameter(s).
% - 'transform': Apply transformation to the values by using
% the transformation type given by the parameter name(s).
% - 'itransform': Apply inverse transformation to the values by using
% the transformation type given by the parameter name(s).
% - 'isimplausible': Test if values are within parameters'
% plausible boundaries.
% - 'isoutofbounds': Test if values are within parameters'
% (strict) boundaries.
% params : Structure with existing parameters to be manipulated. params can
% be an empty structure, i.e., struct. It can also be the structure with
% the agent state parameters, i.e., agent.state.parameters obtained from
% the definition of the agent, e.g., BARUMERLI2024_ITDLATERAL.
% names : Cell array of strings representing the names of the parameters to be manipulated.
% varargin : Further parameters depend on the operation.
% Output parameters:
% varargout : The returned output depends on the operation.
% FRAMBI_PARAMETERS(..) handles parameter configurations within FrAMBI in various ways.
% The following operations are implemented:
% *Initialize parameter(s):**
% new_params = FRAMBI_PARAMETERS('init', params, names, new_value, new_fit, new_trans, new_bounds)
% initializes parameters in params defined by names. If names are
% not member of params, they will be created. The parameters will be
% initialized the optional new_value, new_fit, new_trans, and new_bounds*:
% - params*: The structure with parameters.
% - names*: Optional cell array with the names of the parameters to be initialized.
% If a parameter does not exist in params, it will be created.
% Default: All parameters in params will be initialized.
% - new_value*: Optional value for each the parameters to be initialized. Default:
% NaN, for each of the initialized parameters.
% - new_fit*: Optional binary flag stating that the initialized parameters needs
% fitting. Default: False, for each of the initialized parameters.
% - new_trans*: Optional string defining the type of transformation in the
% fitting procedure for each of the initialized parameters. The following
% strings are supported:
% - 'log': Logarithmic transformation will be performed.
% - 'logit': Logistic transformation will be performed.
% - 'none': No transformation will be performed.
% Default: 'none', for each of the initialized parameters.
% - new_bounds*: Optional row vector defining the bounds in the fitting procedure
% for each of the initialized parameters. The following columns must be specified:
% - 1*: The lower bound.
% - 2*: The plausible lower bound. See the parametrization of the optimizer for the correct interpretation.
% - 3*: The plausible upper bound.
% - 4*: The upper bound.
% Default: [-Inf -Inf Inf Inf], for each of the initialized parameters.
% - new_params*: Updated structure with initialized parameters.
% Examples:
% % Create parameters "p1" and "p2", both with the value of 5.
% params = frambi_parameters('init', struct, {'p1','p2'}, 5);
% % Initialize "p2" only to the value of 10 and log transform.
% params = frambi_parameters('init', params, {'p2'}, 10, true, 'log',[1, 2, 120, 150]);
% *Set properties and/or add parameter(s):**
% new_params = FRAMBI_PARAMETERS('set', params, names, values, fit, trans, bounds)
% set the properties values, fit, trans, bounds of parameters specifed by
% names. If names are not member of params, they will be created:
% - params*: Structure with parameters.
% - names*: Cell array with the names of the parameters to be set and/or created. The
% returned structure new_params will contain these fields.
% - values*: Column vector with the new values of the parameters.
% - fit*: Optional column vector with the new boolean flags stating that a parameter needs
% fitting. Default: False, for all parameters named by names.
% - trans*: Optional cell array with strings defining the type of transformation in the
% fitting procedure. The following strings are supported:
% - 'log': Logarithmic transformation will be performed.
% - 'logit': Logistic transformation will be performed.
% - 'none': No transformation will be performed.
% Default: 'none', for all parameters named by names.
% - new_bounds*: Optional matrix defining the bounds of each parameter
% in the fitting procedure. The following columns must be specified:
% - 1*: The lower bound.
% - 2*: The plausible lower bound. See the parametrization of the optimizer for the correct interpretation.
% - 3*: The plausible upper bound.
% - 4*: The upper bound.
% Default: [-Inf -Inf Inf Inf], for all parameters named by names.
% - new_params*: Structure with updated parameters.
% Examples:
% % Create a new structure with the parameter "level".
% params = frambi_parameters('set', struct, {'level'}, 100)
% % Update the value of "level" and create a new parameter "elevation".
% params2 = frambi_parameters('set', params, {'level', 'elevation'}, [45, -90])
% % Add an additional parameter "azimuth" as a variable to be fitted logarithmically.
% params3 = frambi_parameters('set', params2, {'azimuth'}, 100, true, {'log'}, [0, 1, 100, 200])
% *Assign value(s):**
% new_params = FRAMBI_PARAMETERS('assign', params, names, new_values)
% assignes new_values to parameters with the names names in params.
% The values will be checked for being withing the boundaries of the corresponding
% parameter:
% - params*: Structure with parameters. It must contain fields defined in names.
% - names*: Cell array with the names of the parameters to be have the values assigned.
% - new_values*: Column vector with values to be assigned to each parameter
% defined by names. Each value in new_values must be within the
% boundary of the corresponding parameter.
% - new_params*: Structure with updated parameters.
% Examples:
% % Create a new structure with parameters "level" and "elevation":
% params = frambi_parameters('set', struct, {'level', 'elevation'}, [45, -90]);
% vec = frambi_parameters('get', params)'
% % Modify only the "azimuth" to be 25:
% params = frambi_parameters('assign', params, {'elevation'}, 25);
% vec = frambi_parameters('get', params)'
% % Modify both "level" and "elevation" to be 50 and 70, respectively:
% params = frambi_parameters('assign', params, {'level', 'elevation'}, [50 70]);
% vec = frambi_parameters('get', params)'
% *Get value(s):**
% values = FRAMBI_PARAMETERS('get', params, names)
% reads out the values of parameters in params*:
% - params*: Structure with parameters. It must contain fields defined in names.
% - names*: Optional cell array with the names of the parameters to be read out.
% Default: All parameters from params will be read out.
% - values*: Vector with values of the requested parameters.
% Examples:
% % Create a new structure with parameters "level" and "elevation".
% params = frambi_parameters('set', struct, {'level', 'elevation'}, [45, -90]);
% % Read out all values
% values = frambi_parameters('get', params)'
% % Read out "elevation" only
% ele = frambi_parameters('get', params, {'elevation'})
% *Transform value(s):**
% new_values = FRAMBI_PARAMETERS('transform', params, names, values)
% transforms values to new_values according to the transformation
% defined by the parameters with the names names in params*:
% - params*: Structure with parameters. It must contain fields defined in names.
% - names*: Cell array with the names of the parameters to be transformed.
% - values*: Matrix with the values (in columns) to be transformed for
% each parameter (in rows). The number of rows must correspond with the
% the number of parameters defined in names.
% - new_values*: Matrix with the size of values with the transformed values.
% Examples:
% % Create a new structure with linear parameters "elevation" and logarithmic "level".
% params = frambi_parameters('init', struct, {'elevation'});
% params = frambi_parameters('set', params, {'level'}, 100, true, {'log'}, [0, 1, 100, 200]);
% % Transform the elevation for values from 1 to 15.
% loglevels = frambi_parameters('transform', params, {'level'}, [1:5])
% % Transform both parameters for a single value
% all = frambi_parameters('transform', params, {'level', 'elevation'}, [5; 5])
% % Transform both parameters for three values
% mtx = frambi_parameters('transform', params, {'level', 'elevation'}, [1 2 3; 4 5 6])
% *Inverse transform value(s):**
% new_values = FRAMBI_PARAMETERS('itransform', params, names, values)
% transforms values to new_values according to the inverse transformation
% defined by the parameters with the names names in params*:
% - params*: Structure with parameters. It must contain fields defined in names.
% - names*: Cell array with the names of the parameters to be transformed.
% - values*: Matrix with the values (in columns) to be inversly transformed for
% each parameter (in rows). The number of rows must correspond with the
% the number of parameters defined in names.
% - new_values*: Matrix with the size of values with the inversly transformed values.
% Examples:
% % Create a new structure with linear parameters "elevation" and logarithmic "level".
% params = frambi_parameters('init', struct, {'elevation'});
% params = frambi_parameters('set', params, {'level'}, 100, true, {'log'}, [0, 1, 100, 200]);
% % Transform the elevation for values from 1 to 15.
% loglevels = frambi_parameters('itransform', params, {'level'}, [1:5])
% % Inverse that transformation
% linlevels = frambi_parameters('itransform', params, {'level'}, loglevels)
% *Test if outside plausible boundaries:**
% [num viol msg] = FRAMBI_PARAMETERS('isimplausible', params, names, values)
% checks whether values are within the plausible boundaries as defined
% by the parameters with the names names in params. If values is not
% provided, the parameters' values stored in params are used:
% - params*: Structure with parameters. It must contain fields defined in names.
% - names*: Cell array with the names of the parameters to be tested.
% - values*: Optional column vector with values to be tested for
% each parameter (in rows). The number of rows must correspond with the
% the number of parameters defined in names. Default: values stored
% in params.
% - num*: Number of violations. If 0, all tested parameters are within
% the plausible boundaries.
% - viol*: Row vector with details of violations per parameter in each row:
% - -1: The value was below the plausible bound.
% - 0: The value was within the plausible bounds.
% - 1: The value was above the plausible bound.
% - msg*: String with a human-readable text line for each violation.
% Examples:
% % Create a new structure with linear parameter "elevation" and logarithmic "level".
% params = frambi_parameters('init', struct, {'elevation'}, 30, true, {'none'}, [-90, -45, 45, 90]);
% params = frambi_parameters('set', params, {'level'}, 50, true, {'log'}, [0, 5, 100, 160]);
% % Test whether the stored values are within the plausible boundaries
% good = frambi_parameters('isimplausible', params, {'level','elevation'})
% % Test whether the provided values are within the plausible boundaries. Returns violations.
% [bad viol msg] = frambi_parameters('isimplausible', params, {'level','elevation'},[-20 120])
% *Test if outside (strict) boundaries:**
% [num viol msg] = FRAMBI_PARAMETERS('isoutofbounds', params, names, values)
% checks whether values are outside the boundaries as defined
% by the parameters with the names names in params. If values is not
% provided, the parameters' values stored in params are used:
% - params*: Structure with parameters. It must contain fields defined in names.
% - names*: Cell array with the names of the parameters to be tested.
% - values*: Optional column vector with values to be tested for
% each parameter (in rows). The number of rows must correspond with the
% the number of parameters defined in names. Default: values stored
% in params.
% - num*: Number of violations. If 0, all tested parameters are within
% the strict boundaries.
% - viol*: Row vector with details of violations per parameter in each row:
% - -1: The value was below the lower bound.
% - 0: The value was within the strict bounds.
% - 1: The value was above the upper bound.
% - msg*: String with a human-readable text line for each violation.
% Examples:
% % Create a new structure with linear parameter "elevation" and logarithmic "level".
% params = frambi_parameters('init', struct, {'elevation'}, 30, true, {'none'}, [-90, -45, 45, 90]);
% params = frambi_parameters('set', params, {'level'}, 50, true, {'log'}, [0, 5, 100, 160]);
% % Test whether the stored values are within the boundaries
% good = frambi_parameters('isoutofbounds', params, {'level','elevation'})
% % Test whether the provided values are within the boundaries. Returns violations.
% [bad viol msg] = frambi_parameters('isoutofbounds', params, {'level','elevation'},[170 -100])
% See also: exp_barumerli2024
% References:
% R. Barumerli and P. Majdak. FrAMBI: A Software Framework for Auditory
% Modeling Based on Bayesian Inference. under review at Neuroinformatics,
% 2024.
% Url:
% #Author: Roberto Barumerli (2023): Original implementation.
% #Author: Roberto Barumerli (2024): Integration in the AMT.
% #Author: Michael Mihocic (2024): Documentation fixed.
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): Adaptations for the AMT 1.6.
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
% validate input
if isempty(params), params = struct(); end
pnames = fieldnames(params);
% perform operation
switch operation
case 'init' % Initializes parameters
if ~exist('names','var'), names = fieldnames(params); end
params_num = length(names);
if ~exist('values','var'), values=NaN; end
if isempty(varargin)
flag_fit = false;
flag_fit = varargin{1};
if length(varargin) < 2
transformation = 'none';
transformation = varargin{2};
if length(varargin) < 3
bounds = [-Inf, -Inf, +Inf, +Inf];
bounds = varargin{3};
for ii = 1:params_num
params.(names{ii}).value = values;
params.(names{ii}).fit = flag_fit;
params.(names{ii}).transformation = transformation;
params.(names{ii}).bounds = bounds;
varargout{1} = params;
case 'set' % Add new or set existing parameters
params_num = length(names);
if ~isempty(varargin)
flag_fit = varargin{1};
flag_fit = false(params_num, 1);
if length(varargin) < 3
bounds = repmat([-Inf -Inf Inf Inf], params_num);
bounds = varargin{3};
if length(varargin) < 2
transformation = repmat({'none'}, params_num, 1);
transformation = varargin{2};
for ii = 1:params_num
params.(names{ii}).value = values(ii);
params.(names{ii}).fit = flag_fit(ii);
params.(names{ii}).transformation = transformation{ii,:};
params.(names{ii}).bounds = bounds(ii, :);
varargout{1} = params;
case 'assign' % change value for one or more parameters
for ii = 1:length(names)
if ~ismember(pnames, names{ii})
error(['Parameter ' names{ii} ' not found.']);
bounds = params.(names{ii}).bounds;
assert(values(ii) >= bounds(1) && values(ii) <= bounds(end), ...
['Value ' num2str(values(ii)) ' of ' names{ii} ' is outside its boundaries.']);
params.(names{ii}).value = values(ii);
varargout{1} = params;
case 'get' % get a vector with values of parameters
if ~exist('names','var'), names = fieldnames(params); end
values = zeros(size(names));
for ii = 1:length(names)
values(ii) = params.(names{ii}).value;
varargout{1} = values;
case 'transform' % transform values and return result
transformed_values = zeros(size(values));
for ii = 1:length(names)
if ~ismember(pnames, names{ii})
error(['Parameter ' names{ii} ' not found.']);
switch params.(names{ii}).transformation
case 'log'
transformed_values(ii,:) = log(values(ii,:));
case 'logit'
transformed_values(ii,:) = log(values(ii,:)./(1-values(ii,:)));
transformed_values(ii,:) = values(ii,:);
varargout{1} = transformed_values;
case 'itransform' % given a set of values, apply inverse transformation and return result
itransformed_values = zeros(size(values));
for ii = 1:size(names)
if ~ismember(pnames, names{ii})
error(['Parameter ' names{ii} ' not found.']);
switch params.(names{ii}).transformation
case 'log'
itransformed_values(ii,:) = exp(values(ii,:));
case 'logit'
itransformed_values(ii,:) = 1./(1 + exp(-values(ii,:)));
itransformed_values(ii,:) = values(ii,:);
varargout{1} = itransformed_values;
case 'isimplausible' % check if the provided values are outside the plausible boundaries
viol = zeros(length(names),1);
msg = [];
for ii = 1:length(names)
if ~ismember(pnames, names{ii})
error(['Parameter ' names{ii} ' not found.']);
if ~exist('values','var')
value = params.(names{ii}).value;
value = values(ii);
if value < params.(names{ii}).bounds(2)
msg = [msg sprintf('\n%s: Value of %g is below the plausible lower bound of %g.', ...
names{ii}, value, params.(names{ii}).bounds(2))];
elseif value > params.(names{ii}).bounds(3)
msg = [msg sprintf('\n%s: Value of %g is above the plausible upper bound of %g.', ...
names{ii}, value, params.(names{ii}).bounds(3))];
varargout{1} = sum(abs(viol));
varargout{2} = viol;
varargout{3} = msg(min(1,length(msg))+1:end); % cut the first \n if msg non-empty
case 'isoutofbounds' % check if the provided values are outside the boundaries
viol = zeros(length(names),1);
msg = [];
for ii = 1:length(names)
if ~ismember(pnames, names{ii})
error(['Parameter ' names{ii} ' not found.']);
if ~exist('values','var')
value = params.(names{ii}).value;
value = values(ii);
if value < params.(names{ii}).bounds(2)
msg = [msg sprintf('\n%s: Value of %g is below the lower bound of %g.', ...
names{ii}, value, params.(names{ii}).bounds(1))];
elseif value > params.(names{ii}).bounds(3)
msg = [msg sprintf('\n%s: Value of %g is above the upper bound of %g.', ...
names{ii}, value, params.(names{ii}).bounds(4))];
varargout{1} = sum(abs(viol));
varargout{2} = viol;
varargout{3} = msg(min(1,length(msg))+1:end); % cut the first \n if msg non-empty
% case 'assign_condition'
% index = varargin{1,1};
% assert(index <= size(values, 1))
% for ii = 1:numel(names)
% if ~strcmp(names{ii}, 'response')
% assert(ismember(names{ii}, pnames), 'Error in using data_matrix: parameter %s does not exist in the environment parameters',names{ii} )
% params.(names{ii}) = values(index, ii);
% end
% end
% varargout{1} = params;
% case 'sample' % generate a plausible parameter value
% values = zeros(size(pnames));
% for ii = 1:length(pnames)
% if ~params.(pnames{ii}).fit
% values(ii) = params.(pnames{ii}).value;
% else
% bounds = params.(pnames{ii}).bounds;
% LB = bounds(1);
% PLB = bounds(2);
% PUB = bounds(3);
% UB = bounds(4);
% found = false;
% while ~found
% values(ii) = (PUB-PLB)/2 + randn(1,1).*(PUB-PLB)./3;
% if values(ii) > LB && values(ii) < UB
% found = true;
% end
% end
% end
% varargout{1} = values;
% end
% case 'print' % print all parameter
% names = fieldnames(params);
% for ii = 1:size(names)
% amt_disp(sprintf('%s: %.3f\n', names{ii}, params.(names{ii}).value));
% end
error('Operation unknown');