function [best_idx, BIC_diff, best_name] = frambi_test(metrics, names, do_disp)
%frambi_test Test and compare multiple model variants
% Usage: [best_idx, BIC_diff] = frambi_test(metrics);
% [best_idx, BIC_diff] = frambi_test(metrics, names);
% [best_idx, BIC_diff, best_name] = frambi_test(metrics, names);
% [...] = frambi_test(metrics, names, do_disp);
% Input parameters:
% metrics : Cell array with each cell containing a structure with
% the statistical results of the model variants as obtained
% - loglik*: Log-likelihood of the estimation.
% - BIC*: Bayesian information criterion of the estimation.
% names : Optional cell array containing names of each model variant.
% Default: Index of the variant in metrics.
% do_disp : Optional binary flag to display the information
% about the winning variant and its difference in BIC to the
% second best variant. Default: True.
% Output parameters:
% best_idx : Index of the model variant with the lowest BIC.
% BIC_diff : Vector with BIC differences between the best variant and
% all variants (including the best).
% best_name : Name of the model with the lowest BIC value.
% FRAMBI_TEST(..) identifies the model variant with the lowest summed BIC,
% and optionally displays a statement about the winning variant. It returns
% the index and name of the best variant along with the BIC differences
% from the best variant to all variants (including the best variant).
% See also: frambi_estimate exp_barumerli2024
% References:
% R. Barumerli and P. Majdak. FrAMBI: A Software Framework for Auditory
% Modeling Based on Bayesian Inference. under review at Neuroinformatics,
% 2024.
% Url:
% #Author: Roberto Barumerli (2023): Original implementation.
% #Author: Roberto Barumerli (2024): Integration in the AMT.
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): Adaptations for the AMT 1.6.
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
% this function takes a cell matrix as an input
% the rows correspond to the subjects and the columns to the model variants
if ~exist("names", "var")
names = string(1:size(metrics,2));
if ~exist("flag_print", "var")
do_disp = true;
% get all BICs
BICs = cellfun(@(x) x.BIC, metrics);
% sum BICs over subjects
BICs_group = sum(BICs, 1);
% find the model variant with lowest
[BIC_min, best_idx] = min(BICs_group);
BIC_diff = BICs_group-BIC_min;
% return name or index
best_name = names{best_idx};
% display results
if do_disp
amt_disp(sprintf('The model variant "%s" wins', best_name),'documentation');
amt_disp(sprintf(' with a BIC difference of %.2f to the next best alternative.', ...
min(BIC_diff(BIC_diff ~= 0))),'documentation');