function [sLoud, lLoud, mLoud] = moore2016(insig)
%moore2016 Binaural loudness model
% Usage: [sLoud, lLoud, mLoud] = moore2016(insig)
% Input parameters:
% insig : Binaural audio signal (in Pa) sampled at the rate of 32 kHz.
% Size: (*samples ear*).
% Optionally, insig can be a column vector,
% which will be then interpreted as a diotic signal.
% Output parameters:
% sLoud : Column vector with the time-varying short-term loudness (in sone).
% Size: time (in ms).
% lLoud : Column vector with the time-varying long-term loudness (in sone).
% Size: time (in ms).
% mLoud : Maximal long-term loudness (in sone).
% MOORE2016(..) calculates loudness according to the model described by Moore et
% al. (2016), but with the modified time constants described by Moore et al. (2018).
% Under the hood, the signal insig is filtered by an outer and middle ear filter, then
% the short-term spectra and excitation patterns are calculated, as well as a compressive nonlinearity
% and a smoothing over time are applied. The short-term loudness is calculated as the sum
% of the ear-specific short-term loudness. The ear-specific long-term loudness
% is calculated based on the short-term loudness and the binaural long-term loudness
% is calculated as the sum of the ear-specific long-term loudness.
% The original code was written for ANSI S3.4-2007,
% based on Moore et al. (1997) and Glasberg and Moore (2006) and ISO 532-2 (2017), based
% on Moore and Glasberg (2007).
% *Note:* Most of the parameters are hard coded and the model structure is not optimal yet because
% the implementation is not complete yet.
% See also: f2erb moore2016_monauralinstspecloudness
% moore2016_agcnextframe moore2016_longtermloudness moore2016_binauralloudness
% moore2016_spectrum moore2016_excitationpattern
% moore2016_shorttermspecloudness
% References:
% B. C. J. Moore, M. Jervis, L. Harries, and J. Schlittenlacher. Testing
% and refining a loudness model for time-varying sounds incorporating
% binaural inhibition. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
% 143(3):1504--1513, 03 2018.
% B. R. Glasberg and B. C. J. Moore. A Model of Loudness Applicable to
% Time-Varying Sounds. J. Audio Eng. Soc, 50(5):331--342, 2002.
% B. C. J. Moore, B. R. Glasberg, and T. Baer. A Model for the Prediction
% of Thresholds, Loudness, and Partial Loudness. J. Audio Eng. Soc,
% 45(4):224--240, 1997.
% Url:
% #StatusDoc: OK
% #StatusCode: OK
% #Verification: Unknown
% #Requirements: M-Signal
% #Author: Josef Schlittenlacher (2018): Original implementation provided for the AMT.
% #Author: Clara Hollomey (2021): Integration in the AMT.
% #Author: Michael Mihocic (2024): Unit of output parameters fixed.
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): Code and documentation rework for the AMT 1.6.
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
% defaults
Fs = 32000;
dBMax = dbspl(1);
%calculate the outer/middleear filtering
data = amt_load('moore2016', 'ff_32000.mat');
vecCoefficients = data.vecCoefficients;
out(:,1) = conv( vecCoefficients, insig(:,1) );
if size(insig,2)==2
out(:,2) = conv( vecCoefficients, insig(:,2) );
out(:,2) = out(:,1);
insig2 = out((1025):(end-1024),:);
%calculate the short term loudness
[instSpecLoudL, instSpecLoudR] = moore2016_monauralinstspecloudness( insig2, Fs, dBMax );
%remove NANs (only necessary because the first value tends to be one, at least in Octave)
instSpecLoudL(find(isnan(instSpecLoudL ))) = 0;
instSpecLoudR(find(isnan(instSpecLoudR ))) = 0;
sSpecLoudL = moore2016_shorttermspecloudness( instSpecLoudL );
sSpecLoudRight = moore2016_shorttermspecloudness( instSpecLoudR );
sLoudL = zeros( size( sSpecLoudL, 1 ), 1 );
sLoudR = zeros( size( sSpecLoudRight, 1 ), 1 );
%calculate the binaural loudness
for i = 1:size( sSpecLoudL, 1 )
[~, sLoudL(i), sLoudR(i)] = moore2016_binauralloudness( sSpecLoudL(i,:), sSpecLoudRight(i,:) );
%calculate the long term loudness
lLoudL = moore2016_longtermloudness( sLoudL );
lLoudR = moore2016_longtermloudness( sLoudR );
% output
lLoud = lLoudL + lLoudR;
mLoud = max(lLoud);
sLoud = sLoudL + sLoudR;