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Correct the power spectrum for recording coupler: Convert the SPL at coupler to the SPL in free field


[PowSpect]= bramslow2004_couplcorr(PowSpect,Coupler,In_FrmSize, In_SampF)

Input parameters:

PowSpect Row vector with the power spectrum. Size: In_FrmSize/2.

String specifying the coupler:

  • 'freefield': defines freefield as the coupler meaning that the input power spectrum will not be modified.
  • 'diffusefield_shaw1985': Diffuse field response as described by Shaw and Vaillancourt (1985) as well as by Naylor (1994).
  • 'IEC711_shaw1985': IEC711 open-ear response as described by Shaw and Vaillancourt (1985).
  • 'IEC711_mehrgardt1977': IEC711 open-ear response as described by Mehrgardt and Mellert (1977).
  • 'IEC303': 6cc coupler correction as described by Bentler and Pavlovic (1992).
In_FrmSize Input framesize (in samples) of the original time frame.
In_SampF Input sampling rate (in Hz).

Output parameters:

PowSpect Row vector with the corrected power spectrum. Size: In_FrmSize/2.


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G. Naylor. The AUDMOD auditory model: A critique and revisions. Technical report, Eriksholm Research Centre, Snekkersten, 1994. [ .pdf ]

E. A. G. Shaw and M. M. Vaillancourt. Transformation of sound-pressure level from the free field to the eardrum presented in numerical form. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 78(3):1120--1123, sep 1985. [ DOI ]

S. Mehrgardt and V. Mellert. Transformation characteristics of the external human ear. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 61(6):1567--1576, jun 1977. [ DOI ]

R. A. Bentler and C. V. Pavlovic. Addendum to "Transfer Functions and Correction Factors Used in Hearing Aid Evaluation and Research". Ear and Hearing, 13(4):284--286, 1992. [ http ]

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