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Correct the power spectrum for equal loudness contours


PowSpect = bramslow2004_equloudn(PowSpect, TransFact, In_FrmSize, In_SampF)

Input parameters:

PowSpect Row vector with the power spectrum. Size: In_FrmSize/2.

Specifies the fixed frequency response equalization applied to the input spectrum (after correcting for coupler response) before passing it through the auditory filterbank. It can be one of the following:

  • 'ZWICKA0': a0 transmission factor as described by Zwicker & Fastl (1999).
  • 'ISO100N': 100-phone equal-loudness contours from ISO 226, see also Glasberg and Moore (1990).
  • 'ISO100M': As 'ISO100N' but flat below 1 kHz, see also Glasberg and Moore (1990).
In_FrmSize Frame size of the original time frame.
In_SampF Input sampling rate (in Hz).

Output parameters:

PowSpect Row vector with the corrected power spectrum. Size: In_FrmSize/2.


L. Bramsløw Nielsen. An Auditory Model with Hearing Loss. Technical report, Eriksholm Research Centre, Snekkersten, 1993. [ .pdf ]

G. Naylor. The AUDMOD auditory model: A critique and revisions. Technical report, Eriksholm Research Centre, Snekkersten, 1994. [ .pdf ]

L. Bramsløw. An objective estimate of the perceived quality of reproduced sound in normal and impaired hearing. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 90(6):1007--1018, 2004. [ http ]

L. Bramsløw. An auditory loudness model with hearing loss. In Baltic-Nordic Acoustics Meeting, pages 318--323, 2024. [ .html ]

B. R. Glasberg and B. Moore. Derivation of auditory filter shapes from notched-noise data. Hearing Research, 47(1-2):103--138, 1990.

E. Zwicker and H. Fastl. Psychoacoustics: Facts and models, volume 254. Springer Berlin, 1999.