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Excitation pattern and hearing threshold levels considering an audiogram in free field


[E_R, E_TQ] = bramslow2004_htl(In_FrmSize, In_SampF, TransFact, Widen, AGLoss, RET4153, AGFs_E, NoChan, E_Beg, E_End);
[E_R, E_TQ] = bramslow2004_htl(..);

Input parameters:

In_FrmSize Input framesize (in samples).
In_SampF Input sampling rate (in Hz).

String specifying the fixed frequency response equalization applied to the input spectrum (after correcting for coupler response) before passing it through the auditory filterbank:

  • 'ZWICKA0': Zwicker a0 transmission factor.
  • 'ISO100N': 100-phone equal-loudness contours.
  • 'ISO100M': 100-phone equal-loudness contours, modified to be flat below 1 kHz.
Widen Flag for filter widening dependent on level. If true, the filter will be widened.
AGLoss Audiogram (in dB HL) specified at frequencies [125 250 500 750 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12500] Hz.
RET4153 ISO 389 thresholds in dB SPL as measured on the ear-simulator (4153) coupler. Specified at the same frequencies as for AGLoss.
AGFs_E Audiogram frequencies on the ERB scale (in Cams).
NoChan Number of output channels (equally distributed on the ERB scale).
E_Beg Lowest ERB rate considered (in Cams, typically 3 Cams).
E_End Highest ERB rate considered (in Cams, typically 32 Cams).

Output parameters:

E_R Excitation pattern (in dB) in ERB bands for the audiogram.
E_TQ Power of the excitation (in dB) in ERB bands.
HTLL Hearing threshold levels interpolated along the ERB scale to obtain SPL (in dB) of the 4152 coupler. Not used in the current model.


See also other parameters as in arg_bramslow2004.


L. Bramsløw Nielsen. An Auditory Model with Hearing Loss. Technical report, Eriksholm Research Centre, Snekkersten, 1993. [ .pdf ]

L. Bramsløw. An objective estimate of the perceived quality of reproduced sound in normal and impaired hearing. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 90(6):1007--1018, 2004. [ http ]

L. Bramsløw. An auditory loudness model with hearing loss. In Baltic-Nordic Acoustics Meeting, pages 318--323, 2024. [ .html ]