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Binaural and monoaural signal detector from Breebaart et. al. 2001


decision = breebaart2001_centralproc(EI_map,monol,monor,bimonostring);
decision = breebaart2001_centralproc(EI_map,monol,monor,bimonostring,monofactor);

Input parameters:

EI_map binaural representation of the signal (from breebaart2001_eicell)
monol internal representation of the left ear signal
monor internal representation of the right ear signal
bimonostring defines which representations are used for the decision
monofactor sets the parameter for monaural detection (optional)

Output parameters:

decision index of the estimated target


breebaart2001_centralproc(EI_map,monol,monor,bimonostring,monofactor) serves as an artificial observer for signal detection purposes. The central processor develops a template which consists of the average internal representation of all masker-alone intervals and its variance. Furthermore the average signal interval and the average distance between masker template and signal template is computed. Then the weighted distance U between template and actual stimulus is calculated. The higher U, the greater the likelihood that a signal is present. Thus, in a 3-IFC procedure the model will choose the interval with the highest value of U. After each trial the model recieves feedback and stores the avaluated intervals in the templates.

The parameter bimonostring must contain characters indicating which channels are used for the decision:

'l' use left mono channel (from monol)
'r' use right mono channel (from monor)
'b' use binaural channel (from EI_map ) only if the binaural representation yield a non-zero decision distance
'B' use binaural channel in any case


J. Breebaart, S. van de Par, and A. Kohlrausch. Binaural processing model based on contralateral inhibition. I. Model structure. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 110:1074--1088, August 2001.