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Inner-hair cell potential for bruce2018


vihc = bruce2018_innerhaircells(insig, fc, nrep, dt, duration, cohc, cihc, species);
[vihc,C1,C2] = bruce2018_innerhaircells(insig, fc, ..);

Input parameters:

insig Audio signal (in Pa). Size: time.
fc Vector with the center frequencies (in Hz) of the auditory filterbank.
dt Sampling interval (in s) of the model. Must be 1/100000, 1/200000, or 1/500000.
duration Stimulus pause duration (in s).
nrep Number of stimulus repetitions (about 10 to 200).
cohc Outer-hair cell coefficient (1.0 represents normal hearing).
cihc inner hair cell coefficient (1.0 represents normal hearing).

Defines the species to be modelled:

  • 1: Cat.
  • 2: Human with the tuning from Shera et al. (2002).
  • 3: Human with the tuning from Glasberg & Moore (1990).

Output parameters:

vihc Vector with the relative transmembrane potential (in V) of the inner-hair cell (IHC). Size: time.
C1 Optional output of the chirp filter C1. Size: time.
C2 Optional output of the wideband filter C2. Size: time.


bruce2018_innerhaircells calculates the inner-hair cells' relative transmembrane potential.


C. A. Shera, J. J. J. Guinan, and O. A. J. Revised estimates of human cochlear tuning from otoacoustic and behavioral measurements. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99(5):3318--3323, 2002. [ http ]

I. C. Bruce, Y. Erfani, and M. S. R. Zilany. A phenomenological model of the synapse between the inner hair cell and auditory nerve: Implications of limited neurotransmitter release sites. Hearing Research, 360:40--54, 2018. [ http ]

B. R. Glasberg and B. Moore. Derivation of auditory filter shapes from notched-noise data. Hearing Research, 47(1-2):103--138, 1990.