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Frequency response of hohmann2002 filter or filterbank


h = hohmann2002_freqz(filter, z)
H = hohmann2002_freqz(fb, z)

Input parameters:

filter A filter created by hohmann2002_filter.
fb A filterbank created by hohmann2002.
z A vector of frequencies in z-plane for which the frequency response will be computed. z = exp(2i pi f/fs)

Output parameters:

h The complex frequency response at z. Each column represents a response of a filter.

`h = hohmann2002_freqz(filter, z)` returns the frequency response o h = hohmann2002_freqz(filter, z) returns the frequency response of filter created by hohmann2002_filter filter created by hohmann2002_filter.

`h = hohmann2002_freqz(fb, z)` returns the frequency responses of th h = hohmann2002_freqz(fb, z) returns the frequency responses of the individual filters in the filterbank fb created by hohmann2002. Th individual filters in the filterbank fb created by hohmann2002. The responses of the individual filters are stored in columns of h responses of the individual filters are stored in columns of h.


V. Hohmann. Frequency analysis and synthesis using a gammatone filterbank. Acta Acustica united with Acoustica, 88(3):433--442, 2002.