Applies to version: 1.6.0

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performs overlap add calculation


[ReconstructedSignal xx]=joergensen2011_overlapadd3(XNEW,yphase,windowLen,ShiftLen)


Outputs the signal reconstructed signal from its spectrogram. X is a matrix with each column being the fft of a segment of signal. A is the phase angle of the spectrum which should have the same dimension as X. if it is not given the phase angle of X is used which in the case of real values is zero (assuming that its the magnitude). W is the window length of time domain segments if not given the length is assumed to be twice as long as fft window length. S is the shift length of the segmentation process ( for example in the case of non overlapping signals it is equal to W and in the case of %50 overlap is equal to W/2. if not givven W/2 is used. Y is the reconstructed time domain signal.