function IHC_coeffs = lyon2024_designihc(IHC_params, fs, n_ch)
%lyon2024_designihc Computes the IHC coefficients
% No documentation provided yet.
% See also: lyon2024 demo_lyon2024 lyon2024_design
% References:
% R. F. Lyon, R. Schonberger, M. Slaney, M. Velimirović, and H. Yu. The
% carfac v2 cochlear model in matlab, numpy, and jax. arXiv preprint
% arXiv:2404.17490, 2024.
% Url:
% #StatusDoc: Submitted
% #StatusCode: Submitted
% #Verification: Unknown
% #License: Apache2
% #Author: Richard F. Lyon (2013): Original implementation (
% #Author: Mihajlo Velimirovic (2023): Integration as a separate stage lyon2011_designihc based on local function of lyon2011_design.
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): Copied from lyon2011_designihc and rudimentary clean up for the AMT 1.6.
% This file is licensed unter the Apache License Version 2.0 which details can
% be found in the AMT directory "licences" and at
% <>.
% You must not use this file except in compliance with the Apache License
% Version 2.0. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this
% file is distributed on an "as is" basis, without warranties or conditions
% of any kind, either express or implied.
if IHC_params.just_hwr
IHC_coeffs = struct( ...
'n_ch', n_ch, ...
'just_hwr', 1, ...
'ac_coeff', 2 * pi * IHC_params.ac_corner_Hz / fs);
if IHC_params.one_cap
gmax = 0.910435848952316; % output conductance for a signal level of 10
rmin = 1 / gmax;
c = IHC_params.tau_out * gmax;
ri = IHC_params.tau_in / c;
% to get approx steady-state average, double rmin for 50% duty cycle
saturation_current = 1 / (2/gmax + ri);
% also consider the zero-signal equilibrium:
g0 = 0.039411697115937; % output conductance for a signal level of 0
r0 = 1 / g0;
rest_current = 1 / (ri + r0);
cap_voltage = 1 - rest_current * ri;
IHC_coeffs = struct( ...
'n_ch', n_ch, ...
'just_hwr', 0, ...
'ac_coeff', 2 * pi * IHC_params.ac_corner_Hz / fs, ...
'lpf_coeff', 1 - exp(-1/(IHC_params.tau_lpf * fs)), ...
'out_rate', rmin / (IHC_params.tau_out * fs), ...
'in_rate', 1 / (IHC_params.tau_in * fs), ...
'one_cap', IHC_params.one_cap, ...
'output_gain', 1 / (saturation_current - rest_current), ...
'rest_output', rest_current / (saturation_current - rest_current), ...
'rest_cap', cap_voltage);
g1max = 0.910435848952316; % receptor conductance for an input level of 10
r1min = 1 / g1max;
c1 = IHC_params.tau1_out * g1max; % capacitor for min depletion tau
r1 = IHC_params.tau1_in / c1; % resistance for recharge tau
% to get approx steady-state average, double r1min for 50% duty cycle
saturation_current1 = 1 / (2*r1min + r1); % Approximately.
% also consider the zero-signal equilibrium:
g10 = 0.039411697115937; % corresponds to conductance for an input level of 0
r10 = 1/g10;
rest_current1 = 1 / (r1 + r10);
cap1_voltage = 1 - rest_current1 * r1; % quiescent/initial state
% Second cap similar, but using receptor voltage as detected signal.
max_vrecep = r1 / (r1min + r1); % Voltage divider from 1.
% Identity from receptor potential to neurotransmitter conductance:
g2max = max_vrecep; % receptor resistance at very high level
r2min = 1 / g2max;
c2 = IHC_params.tau2_out * g2max; % capacitor for min depletion tau
r2 = IHC_params.tau2_in / c2; % resistance for recharge tau
% to get approx steady-state average, double r2min for 50% duty cycle
saturation_current2 = 1 / (2 * r2min + r2);
% also consider the zero-signal equilibrium:
rest_vrecep = r1 * rest_current1;
g20 = rest_vrecep;
r20 = 1 / g20;
rest_current2 = 1 / (r2 + r20);
cap2_voltage = 1 - rest_current2 * r2; % quiescent/initial state
IHC_coeffs = struct(...
'n_ch', n_ch, ...
'just_hwr', 0, ...
'ac_coeff', 2 * pi * IHC_params.ac_corner_Hz / fs, ...
'lpf_coeff', 1 - exp(-1/(IHC_params.tau_lpf * fs)), ...
'out1_rate', r1min / (IHC_params.tau1_out * fs), ...
'in1_rate', 1 / (IHC_params.tau1_in * fs), ...
'out2_rate', r2min / (IHC_params.tau2_out * fs), ...
'in2_rate', 1 / (IHC_params.tau2_in * fs), ...
'one_cap', IHC_params.one_cap, ...
'output_gain', 1 / (saturation_current2 - rest_current2), ...
'rest_output', rest_current2 / (saturation_current2 - rest_current2), ...
'rest_cap2', cap2_voltage, ...
'rest_cap1', cap1_voltage);
function conductance = local_detect(x_in)
%local_detect Calculates conductance using a sigmoidal detection nonlinearity
% Input parameters:
% x_in : input signal
% Output parameters:
% conductance : conductance
% An IHC-like sigmoidal detection nonlinearity for the CARFAC.
% Resulting conductance is in about [0...1.3405]
a = 0.175; % offset of low-end tail into neg x territory
% this parameter is adjusted for the book, to make the 20% DC
% response threshold at 0.1
set = x_in > -a;
z = x_in(set) + a;
% zero is the final answer for many points:
conductance = zeros(size(x_in));
conductance(set) = z.^3 ./ (z.^3 + z.^2 + 0.1);