Applies to version: 1.6.0

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- extract HRTF using gammatone frequency bands and ITDs from SOFA object


[template, target] = mclachlan2021_preproc(SOFAobj)

Input parameters:

SOFAtemplate Struct in SOFA format with HRTFs

Output parameters:

template template struct with spectral components
target template struct with spectral components


MCLACHLAN2021_PREPROC(...) computes temporally integrated spectral magnitude profiles and itd.

MCLACHLAN2021_PREPROC accepts the following optional parameters:

 Set the sound source's impulse reponse. Default value a broadband sound source with 0dB amplitude.
'fb_ch',fb_ch Set the number of channels for the gammatone filterbank to fb_ch. Default value is 30.
'fb_low',fb_low Set the lowest frequency in the filterbank to fb_low. Default value is 300 Hz.
'fb_high',fb_high Set the highest frequency in the filterbank to fhigh. Default value is 15000 Hz.
'SNR',SNR Set the signal to noise ratio corresponding to different sound source intensities. Default value is SNR = 75 [dB]
'targ_az',targ_az Set the azimuth of a set of sound sources to targ_el. It can be a scalar or a column vector Default value is []: all target azimuths are used. Must have the same size of targ_el.
'targ_el',targ_el Set the elevation of a set of sound sources to targ_el. It can be a scalar or a column vector Default value is []: all target elevations are used. Must have the same size of targ_az.