function [environment, options] = sig_barumerli2024(flag, options)
%sig_barumerli2024 Spatialization of sound sources as FrAMBI examples
% Usage: [environment, options] = sig_barumerli2024(flags, options)
% Input parameters:
% flag : String describing the type of the environment:
% - 'horizontal': Spatializes a sound source in the horizontal
% plane. It is used by the agent BARUMERLI2024_ITDLATERAL.
% - 'mockup': A mockup of spatialization in the vertical plane.
% It is used by the agent BARUMERLI2024_MOCKUP.
% options : Optional structure representing the FrAMBI options.
% Output parameters:
% environment: Structure representing the FrAMBI environment. See the
% general description of FrAMBI for more details. In
% addition, the following environment-specific fields are
% created:
% - name*: String describing the environment. Default:
% The string from flag.
% - model*: Structure defining the functionality of the
% environment by storing functions handles in fields
% initialize, execute, and conclude.
% - state.parameters*: Parameter structure as in FRAMBI_PARAMETERS
% storing the states of the evironment:
% - angle*: The sound source angle (in degrees).
% Default: 0 degrees.
% - duration*: The duration (in s) of the sound.
% Used in the 'horizontal' environment only.
% Default: 150 ms.
% - angular_speed*: The angular speed (in degrees/s) of
% the sound source.
% Used in the 'horizontal' environment only.
% Default: 0 degrees/s, i.e., stationary source.
% - time_increment*: The duration between the looks
% updating the source movement.
% Used in the 'horizontal' environment only.
% Default: 150 ms, i.e., a single look.
% - hrtf*: SOFA structure storing the HRTF set used for
% the spatialization.
% Used in the 'horizontal' environment only.
% - sound.fs*: Sampling rate (in Hz) of the HRTF set. It is
% used as the sampling rate of the sound.
% Used in the 'horizontal' environment only.
% options : Structure representing the FrAMBI options. No agent-specific
% fields are added.
% SIG_BARUMERLI2024('horizontal',..) generates a FrAMBI environment simulating
% a sound source rotating in the horizontal plane. The sound is spatialized
% using a preloaded HRTF set. The environment updates the source position
% over time according to the specified angular speed and sound duration.
% Note that to reduce computational time, the spatialization is done at
% the initialization of the environment for all source angles.
% It defines the following functionality linked with local functions:
% - model.initialize is linked with local_initialize, in which
% the sound for the whole trial is generated (as a
% white-noise burst) and spatialized. The sound is stored as sound.signal.
% Further, the simulation time is reset and stored as time.
% - model.execute is linked with local_execute, in which the chunk of
% the sound to be observed by the agent
% is returned as output.signal together with the sampling rate
% as output.fs. Further, the hidden environmental states such as
% the source angle and time are updated.
% - model.conclude is linked with local_conclude, in which the
% environment concludes whether the trial has reached its end.
% It returns true if the time passes the sound duration.
% SIG_BARUMERLI2024('mockup',..) generates a FrAMBI environment as a mockup
% for the vertical-plane sound-source localization. In this mockup,
% the source angle is directly accessible by the agent, which then
% does not need to infer it at all. The mockup uses the model.execute functionality
% only which is linked with local_execute_mockup. It returns the angle
% of the source directly as the output to the agent. This results in fast
% simulation useful for educational purposes only.
% See also: exp_barumerli2024 frambi_simulate barumerli2024_itdlateral barumerli2024_mockup
% References:
% R. Barumerli and P. Majdak. FrAMBI: A Software Framework for Auditory
% Modeling Based on Bayesian Inference. under review at Neuroinformatics,
% 2024.
% Url:
% #Requirements: MATLAB SOFA
% #Author: Roberto Barumerli (2023): Original implemenation.
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): Initial implementation based on barumerli2024_dynamic from see
% #Author: Roberto Barumerli (2024): Further integration in AMT and documentation.
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): Adaptations for the AMT 1.6.
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
if ~exist('options','var'), options=[]; end
switch flag
case 'horizontal'
%% define the environment with a source in the horizontal plane = 'horizontal';
% parameters
params = frambi_parameters('init', struct);
params = frambi_parameters('set', params, {'angle'}, 0); % default: direction at the front
params = frambi_parameters('set', params, {'duration'}, .15);
params = frambi_parameters('set', params, {'angular_speed'}, 0); % default: stationary sound source
params = frambi_parameters('set', params, {'time_increment'}, params.duration.value); % default: one increment
environment.state.parameters = params;
% additional state's values
hrtf = amt_load('barumerli2024', 'Kemar_HRTF_sofa.sofa');
environment.state.hrtf = hrtf;
environment.state.sound.fs = hrtf.Data.SamplingRate; % fs of the HRTFs => fs of the sound
% add functions
environment.model.initialize = @local_initialize;
environment.model.execute = @local_execute;
environment.model.conclude = @local_conclude;
% validate structure
case 'mockup'
%% define the mockup environment = 'mockup';
% add state and parameters
environment.state.parameters = frambi_parameters('init', struct, {'angle'}, 0);
% define functions
environment.model.execute = @local_execute_mockup; % it's a mockup: the environment passes its state as ouput to the agent
% validate structures
end % end of main
%% horizontal environment: intialize
function estate = local_initialize(estate)
% generate the sound of the source
source = randn(estate.parameters.duration.value * estate.sound.fs, 1);
% calculate the end angle of the moving source
angle_end = estate.parameters.angular_speed.value * estate.parameters.duration.value + estate.parameters.angle.value;
% spatialize the sound emitted by a moving source
estate.sound.signal = SOFAspat(source, estate.hrtf, [estate.parameters.angle.value, angle_end], 0);
% reset the time
estate.time = 0;
%% horizontal environment: execute
function [estate] = local_execute(estate, action, options)
% generate output
time_idx = round(estate.time*estate.sound.fs + (1:estate.parameters.time_increment.value*estate.sound.fs));
estate.output.signal = estate.sound.signal(time_idx,:);
estate.output.fs = estate.sound.fs;
% increment time
estate.time = estate.time + estate.parameters.time_increment.value;
% update source's direction
estate.angle = estate.parameters.angular_speed.value * estate.time + estate.parameters.angle.value;
%% horizontal environments: conclude
function stop = local_conclude(estate, options)
% the rounding prevents numerical errors
stop = (estate.time + estate.parameters.time_increment.value) > estate.parameters.duration.value;
%% mockup environment: execute
function [estate] = local_execute_mockup(estate, action, options)
estate.output = estate.parameters.angle.value;