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Single-unit responses from the auditory nerve of gerbils


data = data_heeringa2024(flag);
data = data_heeringa2024(flag, animalID);
data = data_heeringa2024(.., 'unit', unit);


data_heeringa2024(flag) plots various figures from Heeringa (20204) or displays tables.

data = data_heeringa2024(flag) returns the corresponding data to a variable.

The following flags can be provided:

'list' Returns a cell array with available animal IDs. The animal ID can be used as animalID to retrieve data and info and plot specific figures.
'info' Returns the information about an animal. Provide animalID to specify the animal (default: G220922). For more details, see in
'data' Returns the responses from an animal. Provide animalID to specify the animal (default: G220922). The output data is structure containing all the data and metadata structured by units and recording types. Note that data of some animals are stored in multiple batches to keep the file sizes below 1 GB. All data from all batches are returned. For more details, see in
'fig3' Reproduce Fig. 3: Plot the animal's hearing sensitivity as derived from the ABR to chirps as a function of the animal's age in months. Males and females are plotted separately.
'fig4' Reproduce Fig. 4: Plot the waveform shapes of a single unit. Default is the animal G220922 and unit 12 (3p_607).
'fig5a' Reproduce Fig. 5a: Plot all rate-level functions from an animal. Default is the animal G220922.
'fig5b' Reproduce Fig. 5b: Plot a PSTH from the animal G220908 and unit 23 (3p_181) at the test level of 20 dB above threshold.
'fig6' Reproduce Fig. 6: Plot BF vs threshold (Fig. 6a), BF distribution in young- adult gerbils (Fig. 6b), BF vs spontaneous rate (Fig. 6c) and BF vs vector strength to pure tones at BF (Fig. 6d) based on the full dataset.
'fig7' Reproduce Fig. 7: Fig. 7a: Characteristic frequencies as a function of the fibre’s BF and as a histogram. Fig. 7b: Click latencies as a function of the BF with their histogram. Fig. 7c: Spontaneous rates (SR) as a function of fibre's BF. Fig. 7d, 7e, and 7f: Thresholds for the complex stimuli recordings NOISE, SPS, and CVC, respectively.
'tab1' Returns the Tab. 1 from Heeringa (20204).
'summary' Returns a summary table with the metadata of the dataset.

data_heeringa2024(.., 'unit', unit) plots and/or provides data for a specific unit number. Default is unit 1, except for Fig. 4, where default is unit 12 to be consistent with Heeringa (2004).


To display Fig. 3 use :


To display Fig. 4 use :


To display Fig. 5a use :


To display Fig. 5b use :


To display Fig. 6 use :


To display Fig. 7 use :


To display Tab. 1 use :


This code produces the following output::

                                       Young_adult    Middle_aged    Quiet_aged
                                       ___________    ___________    __________

Total number of animals                      60             13             31
Number of female animals                     32              7             11
Age in months (mean)                     5.5468          22.49         38.328
Age in months (std. dev)                 2.0326         6.2223         1.7006
Age in months (min)                      2.7288         12.559         36.033
Age in months (max)                      11.408         33.173         41.721
ABR threshold in dB SPL (mean)             18.1         34.167         49.032
ABR threshold in dB SPL (std. dev.)      5.3347         10.188         18.001
ABR threshold in dB SPL (min)                10             20             20
ABR threshold in dB SPL (max)                30             50             85
Weight in grams (mean)                   74.607         83.354         86.413
Weight in grams (std. dev)                11.07         12.669           11.6
Weight in grams (min)                      51.2           66.8             60
Weight in grams (max)                       100            103            120
Total number of single units                759             87            314
Range of best frequency in Hz (min)         428            350            620
Range of best frequency in Hz (max)       15825          15091          15762

To display the summary of all data use :


This code produces the following output::

animalID     age_days    sex    ABR_threshold    n_units       BF_range        n_BF    n_CF    n_PH    n_CLICK    n_RLF    n_SR    n_NOISE    n_SPS    n_CVC
_________    ________    ___    _____________    _______    _______________    ____    ____    ____    _______    _____    ____    _______    _____    _____

'G191008'       125      'M'          15            5       '8606 - 13906'       5       0       0        1         5        5        0         0        3
'G191022'       128      'F'          20            7       '1239 - 9300'        7       0       0        1         6        4        0         0        4
'G191115'       163      'M'          15           19       '1830 - 11474'      19       0       3        5        14       11        0         0       11
'G191128'       176      'M'          25            9       '880 - 15531'        9       0       2        4         9        5        0         0        7
'G191217'       184      'F'          15            2       '1478 - 2243'        2       0       0        0         2        1        0         0        2
'G191219'       182      'F'          10            2       '1548 - 3078'        2       0       0        0         1        0        0         0        0
'G200213'      1259      'M'          30           18       '744 - 9432'        18       0       0        0        18        6        0         0       10
'G200225'      1260      'F'          35           19       '652 - 8783'        19       0       5        5        16        6        0         0       10
'G200306'       125      'F'          20           12       '4805 - 9146'       12       0       0        6         8        7        0         0        5
'G200528'       116      'F'          10           16       '1973 - 7631'       16       0       0        7        16       13        0         0       12
'G200616'       135      'M'          15           11       '657 - 11402'       11       0       1        3         7        2        0         0        6
'G200623'       142      'M'          10           17       '852 - 11278'       17       0       3        4        16        4        0         0       11
'G201001'      1157      'M'          45           39       '640 - 12523'       39       0      12       16        39       18        0         0       31
'G201103'        98      'M'          15           24       '2531 - 13715'      24       0       2        7        21        7        0         0        2
'G201112'       107      'F'          15           28       '3584 - 14398'      28       0       1        8        24        4        0         0        0
'G201208'      1145      'F'          30           23       '2019 - 7617'       23       0       2        6        19        3        0         0        0
'G201210'       132      'F'          15           14       '5924 - 14512'      14       0       2        6        13        6        0         0        0
'G201215'       137      'M'          15           19       '1575 - 12747'      19       0       0        5        17        4        0         0        0
'G201217'      1121      'M'          30            2       '7963 - 8193'        2       0       1        1         2        1        0         0        0
'G201222'       144      'M'          10            9       '1918 - 14800'       9       0       0        1         6        0        0         0        3
'G211118'      1116      'M'          20           14       '1972 - 10154'      14       0       2        6        13        6        0         0        9
'G211221'      1150      'M'          50           19       '785 - 7192'        19       0       7       14        16       14        0         0        4
'G220201'       157      'F'          15           21       '576 - 13791'       21       0       0        6        20        8        0         0        0
'G220222'       178      'F'          15            8       '480 - 13263'        8       0       1        2         7        2        0         0        0
'G220301'       185      'F'          10           11       '2830 - 8413'       11       0       0        5        11        5        0         0        0
'G220331'      1178      'M'          80           11       '2614 - 5835'       11       0       6        7         9        7        0         0        0
'G220407'      1185      'F'          75            1       '12882 - 12882'      1       0       0        1         1        1        0         0        0
'G220602'      1255      'M'          75            4       '1108 - 3097'        4       0       2        2         4        2        0         0        0
'G220609'      1257      'M'          40           12       '847 - 8253'        12       0       0        6        11        6        0         0        5
'G220726'      1113      'F'          25            7       '4316 - 15762'       7       0       0        1         7        2        0         0        0
'G220901'       105      'F'          15           26       '1209 - 13416'      26       1       2        8        20       11        0         0        0
'G220908'       112      'F'          15           30       '545 - 12689'       30       0       3        5        26       10        0         0        0
'G220922'       126      'M'          15           18       '3138 - 11141'      18       0       0        4        13        3        0         0        0
'G221006'      1185      'M'          85            1       '4839 - 4839'        1       0       0        0         1        1        0         0        0
'G221013'      1111      'F'          40            1       '11012 - 11012'      1       0       0        1         1        0        0         0        0
'G221110'       175      'M'          10            7       '8168 - 15825'       7       0       0        0         4        3        0         0        0
'G200901'       787      'F'          30           14       '1099 - 12326'      14       0       0        9        14        0        0         0        0
'G180205'       183      'M'          20           13       '1359 - 11490'      12       0       5        2         9        0        0         0        0
'G190118'      1200      'M'          40            5       '749 - 10213'        5       1       1        0         4        0        3         0        0
'G190129'      1126      'F'          60           12       '868 - 10623'       12       3       3        3        10        0        6         0        0
'G190603'       125      'M'          25           25       '926 - 14994'       25       4      13        0        24        0       18         0        0
'G190611'      1163      'F'          60            2       '6552 - 7401'        2       0       1        1         2        0        2         0        0
'G190613'       135      'M'          20            1       '7406 - 7406'        1       0       0        0         1        0        1         0        0
'G190617'       139      'M'          25           29       '2395 - 12801'      29       0       9        0        26        0       16         0        0
'G190704'       156      'F'          25           21       '820 - 12725'       21       0       5        0        21        0        0         0        0
'G170523'       228      'F'          20            6       '1188 - 12121'       6       1       4        0         5        0        0         2        0
'G170712'       278      'F'         NaN            2       '645 - 9777'         2       0       0        0         2        0        0         0        0
'G171211'       219      'M'          25           10       '1596 - 7722'       10       0       9        5        10        0        0         2        0
'G180626'       723      'F'          40            8       '1133 - 7922'        8       0       3        0         8        0        0         0        0
'G180710'       230      'M'          20           15       '828 - 3315'        15       0       2        0        15        0        0         5        0
'G180717'       237      'F'          30           10       '872 - 11863'       10       0       0        0        10        0        0         0        0
'G190108'      1009      'F'          45           14       '967 - 10359'       14       4       2        4        12        0        7         0        0
'G190411'       144      'F'          15           35       '471 - 11962'       35       1       1        3        35        0        6         0        0
'G190507'       228      'F'          15            7       '1320 - 6166'        7       0       0        0         6        0        0         0        0
'G190801'      1154      'F'          60           10       '683 - 4101'        10       4       4        2        10        0        6         0        0
'G190806'      1132      'F'          35            4       '732 - 1233'         4       2       3        2         4        0        3         0        0
'G191017'      1151      'M'          50            6       '769 - 4895'         6       2       2        6         6        0        0         0        0
'G190903'      1096      'M'          60           10       '4940 - 12187'      10       1       1        3        10        0        0         0        0
'G190912'      1105      'M'          35           18       '871 - 12973'       18       2       4       12        18        0        0         0        0
'G190920'      1113      'M'          35            1       '9359 - 9359'        1       0       0        1         1        0        0         0        0
'G180118'       540      'M'          25            6       '6128 - 11587'       6       0       0        0         4        0        0         0        0
'G171214'      1196      'F'          65            3       '638 - 1715'         3       0       2        0         2        0        0         0        0
'G150717'        83      'M'          10            1       '1661 - 1661'        1       1       1        1         1        0        0         0        0
'G150730'        85      'M'          15           13       '616 - 2613'        12       3       5        6         7        0        0         0        0
'G150805'        83      'F'          15            4       '529 - 1703'         4       1       1        1         2        0        0         0        0
'G150921'        93      'M'         NaN            6       '862 - 2224'         6       3       1        2         2        0        0         0        0
'G150922'        83      'F'         NaN           21       '526 - 12359'       20      13      13        0        17        0        0         0        0
'G150929'        89      'F'         NaN            2       '5253 - 5384'        2       1       1        0         1        0        0         0        0
'G151001'       122      'F'         NaN           24       '1002 - 6126'       24      15      17        0        21        0        0         0        0
'G151104'       102      'M'         NaN            9       '1292 - 11149'       9       3       0        1         7        0        0         0        0
'G151110'       129      'M'         NaN            2       '700 - 946'          2       1       1        1         1        0        0         0        0
'G151126'       145      'M'         NaN           25       '541 - 3429'        23       7      15        7        11        0        0         0        0
'G151203'       152      'F'         NaN           22       '468 - 12301'       21       7      14       12        13        0        0         0        0
'G151210'       829      'M'         NaN           11       '1212 - 4647'       11       6      11        5        11        0        0         0        0
'G160322'       347      'M'          30            2       '4843 - 8474'        2       0       1        0         1        0        0         0        0
'G160412'       191      'F'          20            3       '7343 - 7352'        3       1       0        1         1        0        0         0        0
'G160419'       198      'F'          20            9       '5449 - 8648'        9       6       3        3         9        0        0         0        0
'G160426'       382      'M'          20            1       '15017 - 15017'      1       0       0        0         0        0        0         0        0
'G160504'       213      'F'          20           13       '468 - 8511'        13       7      10        5        12        0       11         0        0
'G160518'       805      'F'          40            3       '508 - 2023'         3       2       3        0         3        0        2         0        0
'G160524'       410      'F'          20            5       '2091 - 13433'       5       0       1        1         2        0        0         0        0
'G160531'       332      'M'         NaN            8       '2441 - 8033'        8       1       2        1         3        0        3         0        0
'G160609'       249      'F'          15            2       '1514 - 2669'        2       0       2        0         2        0        0         0        0
'G160727'       203      'M'          25            1       '14998 - 14998'      1       0       0        0         1        0        0         0        0
'G160803'       698      'F'          45            5       '1746 - 1811'        5       1       3        0         3        0        4         0        0
'G160817'       897      'M'          35            5       '7151 - 15091'       5       3       0        0         3        0        3         0        0
'G160901'       728      'M'          50           10       '350 - 6011'        10       4       6        0         6        0        7         0        0
'G161110'       140      'M'          20            7       '2341 - 12125'       7       1       1        0         2        0        2         0        0
'G170425'       253      'F'          25            9       '445 - 4574'         9       0       7        0         8        0        0         1        0
'G170508'      1161      'M'          65            3       '1301 - 4423'        2       0       1        0         1        0        0         0        0
'G170512'       264      'F'          20           26       '428 - 15824'       25       3      13        0        13        0       15        12        0
'G171023'      1145      'M'          75           12       '846 - 5182'        12       1       8        4         4        0       10         0        0
'G180406'      1178      'M'          30           22       '699 - 14271'       22       0       3        0        14        0       13         0        0
'G170517'       573      'F'          35            4       '9260 - 9746'        4       0       0        0         2        0        0         0        0
'G171221'       512      'M'          25            1       '8894 - 8894'        1       0       0        0         1        0        0         0        0
'G170808'       205      'M'          20            2       '8546 - 8972'        2       0       0        0         1        0        0         0        0
'G190730'      1212      'M'          50            3       '5129 - 6136'        3       0       0        0         3        0        0         0        0
'G190515'       273      'F'          25           13       '921 - 10767'       13       2       1        3        13        0        0         0        0
'G171204'       257      'M'          25            2       '9455 - 11726'       2       0       0        1         2        0        0         0        0
'G190326'      1269      'M'          65           12       '620 - 8030'        12       0       1        1        11        0        5         0        0
'G230511'      1146      'M'          35            9       '5382 - 9845'        9       0       0        3         9        2        0         0        0
'G230907'      1101      'F'          40           11       '3209 - 15435'      11       0       0        3         8        6        0         0        0
'G231218'       187      'F'          20           27       '597 - 15509'       27       0       0        1        17        3        0         0        0
'G240111'       211      'F'          20           17       '808 - 5922'        17       0       4        5        11        4        0         0        0


A. N. Heeringa, F. Teske, G. Ashida, and C. Köppl. Cochlear aging disrupts the correlation between spontaneous rate and sound-level coding in auditory nerve fibers. Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(3):736--750, 2023. PMID: 37584075. [ DOI ]

A. N. Heeringa and C. Köppl. Auditory nerve fiber discrimination and representation of naturally-spoken vowels in noise. eNeuro, 9(1), 2022. [ DOI ]

F. Steenken, A. N. Heeringa, R. Beutelmann, L. Zhang, S. Bovee, G. M. Klump, and C. Köppl. Age-related decline in cochlear ribbon synapses and its relation to different metrics of auditory-nerve activity. Neurobiology of Aging, 108:133--145, 2021. [ DOI ]

A. N. Heeringa, L. Zhang, G. Ashida, R. Beutelmann, F. Steenken, and C. Köppl. Temporal coding of single auditory nerve fibers is not degraded in aging gerbils. Journal of Neuroscience, 40(2):343--354, 2020. [ DOI ]

A. N. Heeringa, C. Jüchter, R. Beutelmann, G. M. Klump, and C. Köppl. Altered neural encoding of vowels in noise does not affect behavioral vowel discrimination in gerbils with age-related hearing loss. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17, 2023. [ DOI ]

F. Steenken, H. Oetjen, R. Beutelmann, L. H. Carney, C. Koeppl, and G. M. Klump. Neural processing and perception of schroeder-phase harmonic tone complexes in the gerbil: Relating single-unit neurophysiology to behavior. European Journal of Neuroscience, 56(3):4060--4085, 2022. [ DOI ]

A. Heeringa. Single-unit auditory nerve fibre responses of young-adult and aging gerbils, 2024. [ DOI ]

A. N. Heeringa. Single-unit data for sensory neuroscience: Responses from the auditory nerve of young-adult and aging gerbils. Scientific Data, 11:411, Apr. 2024. [ DOI ]