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plots the output of data_heeringa2024


plot_heeringa2024('waveform', curvedata, curveresp, curvesettings);
plot_heeringa2024('waveform', curvedata, curveresp, curvesettings, animalID);
plot_heeringa2024('psth', andata, unit, TestLevel);


This function plots the waveform of AN responses or peri-stimulus histogram (PSTH) from AN responses. For more details, see

plot_heeringa2024('waveform', ...) plots four panels: the unfiltered first data trace, the interspike interval (ISI) histogram, the first 300 spike waveforms, and the waveform average with the 95 percent confidence intervals. The ISI gives an indication whether a single or a multi unit was recorded from. The waveform plots reveal if the spikes have a prepotential, i.e., they were recorded from AVCN neurons, instead of the auditory nerve. Also the click latency shows whether a single unit was derived from AN or AVCN. The input parameters are:

curvedata Structure with spike times and the information about
randomization of the trials. See in for detailed information.
curveresp Cell matrix with a size of n x m, where n is the number of
different tone frequencies and m is the number of repetitions. Each cell contains the (raw analogue data) voltage trace (in mV) of the recording of its respective trial. Corresponding frequencies and sampling rate needs to be provided in curvesettings.
curvesettings Structure with metadata of the recording. See
in for detailed information.

animalID Optional string (e.g., with the animal ID) displayed in the panels.

The plot of the waveform is used in Fig. 4 in data_heeringa2024.

plot_heeringa2024('psth',...) plots a peri-stimulus time histogram (PSTH) of recordings above the TestLevel. The input parameters are:

andata Struct with the AN recordings, the output of data_heeringa2024('data', animalID).
The content of the andata is described in

unit Index of the unit in andata to be plotted.

TestLevel Level (in dB) above threshold at which the PSTH will be plotted.

The plot of the PSTH is used in Fig. 5b in data_heeringa2024.

heeringa2020 steenken2021 heeringa2022 heeringa2023b


A. N. Heeringa, C. Jüchter, R. Beutelmann, G. M. Klump, and C. Köppl. Altered neural encoding of vowels in noise does not affect behavioral vowel discrimination in gerbils with age-related hearing loss. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17, 2023. [ DOI ]

F. Steenken, H. Oetjen, R. Beutelmann, L. H. Carney, C. Koeppl, and G. M. Klump. Neural processing and perception of schroeder-phase harmonic tone complexes in the gerbil: Relating single-unit neurophysiology to behavior. European Journal of Neuroscience, 56(3):4060--4085, 2022. [ DOI ]

A. Heeringa. Single-unit auditory nerve fibre responses of young-adult and aging gerbils, 2024. [ DOI ]

A. N. Heeringa. Single-unit data for sensory neuroscience: Responses from the auditory nerve of young-adult and aging gerbils. Scientific Data, 11:411, Apr. 2024. [ DOI ]