%demo_paulick2024 Demonstration of the CASP model PAULICK2024
% This is a basic demonstration of the way CASP makes a decision on
% detectablility in an example task: Intensity discrimination of a 1-kHz tone
% for a single particular presentation. The backend of CASP is designed for adapative
% nAFC paradigms and the code here calculates the correlation and makes a
% decision for that single particular presentation.
% Note that the code here does not go through the entire adaptive procedure
% to find the threshold. For a full implementation of the adapative procedure
% and more details, see Paulick et al. (2024).
% See also: paulick2024 exp_paulick2024
% References:
% L. Paulick, H. Relaño-Iborra, and T. Dau. The Computational Auditory
% Signal Processing and Perception Model (CASP): A Revised Version.
% bioRxiv, 2024.
% Url: http://amtoolbox.org/amt-1.6.0/doc/demos/demo_paulick2024.php
% #Author: Lily Paulick (2024): Original implementation.
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): Adaptations for the AMT 1.6.
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
%% ----------- CREATE SIGNALS ------------ %%
% intensity discrimination 1kHz tone
fs = 44100;
fc = 1000;
dur = 0.2; % tone duration (in s)
% Generate tone:
tone = sig_tone(fc, dur, fs);
tone = fade(tone,0.01,fs);
% 'Masker' interval
mask_spl = 20; % Signal SPL (in dB)
mask = scaletodbspl(tone,mask_spl);
mask = [mask; zeros(0.5*fs-length(mask),1)];
% 'Target' interval
tar_spl = mask_spl + 1; % 1 dB above signal SPL, tracking variable
tar = scaletodbspl(tone,tar_spl);
tar = [tar; zeros(0.5*fs-length(tar),1)];
% 'Supra-threshold' representation
supra_spl = mask_spl + 5; % 5 dB above signal SPL
supra = scaletodbspl(tone,supra_spl);
supra = [supra; zeros(0.5*fs-length(supra),1)];
% 'Reference' representation
ref_spl = mask_spl; % signal SPL
ref = scaletodbspl(tone,ref_spl);
ref = [ref; zeros(0.5*fs-length(ref),1)];
%% ------ Build stored template and reference ------- %%
[int_rep_supra, Ysup,fc_aud,fc_mod,fsR] = paulick2024(supra, fs);
[int_rep_ref, Yref,~,~] = paulick2024(ref, fs);
int_rep = int_rep_supra;
int_rep_ref1 = int_rep_ref;
adap_supra = Ysup.adaptation;
adap_ref = Yref.adaptation;
av = 1; % average over multiple iterations - in this case, it is a deterministic signal so not necessary
if av >= 2
for ii = 1:av - 1
% supra = tone/rms(tone)*20e-6.*10.^(supra_spl/20); % Amplitude in Pa;
supra = scaletodbspl(tone, supra_spl);
supra = [supra; zeros(0.5*fs-length(supra),1)];
% ref = tone/rms(tone)*20e-6.*10.^(ref_spl/20); % Amplitude in Pa;
ref = scaletodbspl(tone, ref_spl);
ref = [ref; zeros(0.5*fs-length(ref),1)];
[int_rep_supra, Ysup,~,~] = paulick2024(supra, fs);
[int_rep_ref, Yref,~,~] = paulick2024(ref, fs);
adap_supra = adap_supra + Ysup.adaptation;
adap_ref = adap_ref + Yref.adaptation;
int_rep = int_rep + int_rep_supra;
int_rep_ref1 = int_rep_ref1 + int_rep_ref;
adap_diff = (adap_supra - adap_ref)/av; % save template at output of adaptation loops for ROI analysis
roi = paulick2024_roi(adap_diff,fs,fc_aud); % find relevant auditory frequency channels
% template - difference between supra-threshold and reference
template = (int_rep - int_rep_ref1)/av;
c = sqrt(fsR/sum(template .^ 2,'all','omitnan')); % normalise template
template = c*template;
% store reference
reference = int_rep_ref1/av;
%% ----- Build internal representations of intervals ------ %%
int_rep_tar = paulick2024(tar, fs);
int_rep_tar = int_rep_tar - reference; % subtract reference signal
int_rep_mask = paulick2024(mask, fs);
int_rep_mask = int_rep_mask - reference; % subtract reference signal
%% --------- Calculate correlations ------------ %%
corr_tar = paulick2024_corr(int_rep_tar(:,roi.idx,:),template(:,roi.idx,:),fs,roi.freq,fc_mod);
corr_mask = paulick2024_corr(int_rep_mask(:,roi.idx,:),template(:,roi.idx,:),fs,roi.freq,fc_mod);
% Final correlation
corr_fin = 1/fsR*max(0,corr_tar.fin - max(0,corr_mask.fin));
% ----- Make decision ------- %
% define type of nAFC experiment, e.g.
nAFC = 2; % 2 intervals
rule = [1 2]; % 1up-2down tracking rule
decision = paulick2024_decision(corr_fin,nAFC,rule); % if decision = 1 detected; decision = 0 not detected
if decision == 1
amt_disp('Target interval has been correctly identified','documentation');
elseif decision == 0
amt_disp('Target interval could not be correctly identified','documentation');
amt_disp('A decision could not be made','documentation');