function exp_paulick2024(varargin)
%exp_paulick2024 Reproduce figures from Paulick et al. (2024)
% Usage: exp_paulick2024(flags);
% This script reproduces Figure 2 of Paulick et al. (2024). It compares the
% internal representations calculated by two versions of the CASP model:
% 'jepsen2008' and 'paulick2024', both in response to
% tones at the output of the IHC model in the on-frequency channels (Fig. 2A),
% and the response to a modulated tone at the output of the adaptation stage
% in frequency channels below, on and above the tone frequency (Fig. 2B).
% The following flags can be specified:
% 'fig2a' Reproduce Fig. 2A: Internal representations at the output
% of the IHC stage in response to tones at various frequencies
% at the the on-frequency channel. The left column shows simulations
% from 'jepsen2008' with the linear IHC model (CASP). The right
% column shows outcomes from the revised CASP model 'paulick2024'
% that includes the non-linear IHC model.
% 'fig2b' Reproduce Fig. 2B: Internal representations at the output of the
% adaptation stage, generated in response to a 40-Hz modulated
% 2-kHz tone, for both CASP models. Top: 'jepsen2008' with the
% linear IHC stage. Bottom: 'paulick2024' with the non-linear IHC
% stage. The internal representations are depicted at peripheral
% channels below CF (0.7 kHz, left column), at CF (1 kHz, middle),
% and above CF (2 kHz, right column).
% Examples:
% ---------
% To display Figure 2a use :
% exp_paulick2024('fig2a');
% To display Figure 2b use :
% exp_paulick2024('fig2b');
% See also: paulick2024 demo_paulick2024
% References:
% L. Paulick, H. Relaño-Iborra, and T. Dau. The Computational Auditory
% Signal Processing and Perception Model (CASP): A Revised Version.
% bioRxiv, 2024.
% Url:
% #Author: Lily Paulick (2024): Original implementation.
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): Adaptation for the AMT 1.6.
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
definput.import = {'amt_cache'};
definput.flags.type = {'missingflag', 'fig2', 'fig2a','fig2b'};
[flags,kv] = ltfatarghelper({},definput,varargin);
if flags.do_missingflag
flagnames=[sprintf('%s, ',definput.flags.type{2:end-2}),...
sprintf('%s or %s',definput.flags.type{end-1},...
error('%s: You must specify one of the following flags: %s.', ...
%% Figure 2A
if flags.do_fig2a || flags.do_fig2
% Tone parameters
fs = 44100; % Sampling rate (in Hz)
dur_tone = 200e-3; % Signal duration (in s)
dur_ramp = 20e-3; % ramp duration (in s)
level = 70; % tone SPL (in dB)
f_probes = [300 600 2e3 4e3 5e3 ]; % Tone frequencies (in Hz)
% Model parameters
sbj = 'NH';
% create variables and labels
N = round(dur_tone*fs); % Samples
t = (0:N-1)/fs; % time axis
nprobs = length(f_probes);
for ff = 1:nprobs
str_freq{ff} = sprintf('f = %.0f Hz',f_probes(ff));
% Run preprocessing
for n =1:nprobs
f_probe = f_probes(n); % current frequency
% create a probe
x = sig_tone(f_probe,dur_tone,fs);
x = scaletodbspl(x, level);
x = fade(x,dur_ramp,fs); % add ramp
% form internal representations
flags4model = {'model', 'jepsen2008', 'subject',sbj};
[~, Y08] = paulick2024(x.', fs, flags4model{:});
flags4model = {'model','paulick2024', 'subject',sbj};
[~, Y24, fc_aud] = paulick2024(x.', fs, flags4model{:});
% choose only on-frequency channels
[~, idx] = min(abs(fc_aud-f_probe));
IHCsig08(n,:) = Y08.IHC(:,idx);
IHCsig24(n,:) = Y24.IHC(:,idx);
end % end loop over frequencies
% -------- PLOT ------- %
col = [0.3 0.3 0.3]; linesize = 0.5; axisize = 10; % Set size of axis numbers.
yl = [12 7 0.15 0.07 0.07];
ylims = [80 80 30 20 20];
ylims2 = [-15 -12 -2.5 -2.5 -2.5];
sgtitle('A. On-frequency response to tones');
for n = 1:5
plot(t/1e-3, squeeze(IHCsig08(n,:)),'linewidth', linesize,'color',col);
hold on
str2= sprintf('f = %.0f Hz',f_probes(n));
grid off, box off
ylim([0 yl(n)]);
if n == 5, xlabel('Time (in ms)'); end
if n == 3, ylabel('Amplitude (in model units, MU)'); end
xlim([0 200]);
set(gca, 'FontSize',axisize, 'linewidth', linesize);
plot(t/1e-3, squeeze(IHCsig24(n,:))/1e-3,'linewidth', linesize,'color',col);
hold on
str2= sprintf('f = %.0f Hz',f_probes(n));
grid off, box off
ylim([ylims2(n) ylims(n)]);
if n == 5, xlabel('Time (in ms)'); end
if n == 3, ylabel('IHC receptor potential (V, in mV)'); end
xlim([0 200])
set(gca, 'FontSize',axisize, 'linewidth', linesize);
%% Fig 2b
if flags.do_fig2b || flags.do_fig2
% Signal parameters
fs = 44100;
fc = 1000;
dur_tone = 0.4; % tone duration (in s)
dur_ramp = 0.01; % ramp duration (in s)
level = 85; % SPL (in dB) %20e-6*10^((85)/20); %dB SPL
mod_freq = 40;
mod_dep = -5; % modulation depth (in dB)
% Create a modulated tone
modsine = sig_tone(mod_freq,dur_tone,fs);
sine = sig_tone(fc,dur_tone,fs);
x = sine.* (1 + (10^(mod_dep/20) * modsine));
x = scaletodbspl(x, level);
x = fade(x, dur_ramp, fs); % fade in/out
% Calculate variables
N = round(dur_tone*fs);
x = [x; zeros(round(0.5*fs) - N,1)]; % expand to 0.5-s duration
t = (0:length(x)-1)/fs; % time_axis
% Model parameters
sbj = 'NH';
% form internal representations
flags4model = {'model','jepsen2008', 'subject',sbj};
[~, Y08] = paulick2024(x, fs, flags4model{:});
flags4model = {'model','paulick2024', 'subject',sbj};
[~, Y24, fc_aud] = paulick2024(x, fs, flags4model{:});
[~,fc_on] = min(abs(fc_aud - fc));
[~,fc_bel] = min(abs(fc_aud - 700));
[~,fc_abo] = min(abs(fc_aud - 2000));
% -------- PLOT ------- %
col = [0.3 0.3 0.3]; linesize = 0.5; axisize = 10; % Set size of axis numbers.
x_up = 0.45;
ylow = -350; yup = 1500;
sgtitle('B. Response to modulated 1kHz tone signal');
subplot(231), plot(t,Y08.adaptation(:,fc_bel),'color',col, 'linewidth', linesize);
legend('f_{bel} = 0.7 kHz','box','off','location','northeast');
set(gca, 'FontSize',axisize, 'linewidth', 1,'box','off');
ylabel('Amplitude (in model units, MU)');
ylim([ylow yup]);
xlim([0 x_up]);
subplot(232), plot(t,Y08.adaptation(:,fc_on),'color',col, 'linewidth', linesize);
legend('f_{on} = 1 kHz','box','off','location','northeast');
set(gca, 'FontSize',axisize, 'linewidth', 1,'box','off');
xlabel('Time (in s)');
ylim([ylow yup]);
xlim([0 x_up]);
subplot(233), plot(t,Y08.adaptation(:,fc_abo),'color',col, 'linewidth', linesize);
legend('f_{abo} = 2 kHz','box','off','location','northeast');
set(gca, 'FontSize',axisize, 'linewidth', 1,'box','off');
ylim([ylow yup]);
xlim([0 x_up]);
subplot(234), plot(t,Y24.adaptation(:,fc_bel),'color',col, 'linewidth', linesize);
legend('f_{bel} = 0.7 kHz','box','off','location','northeast');
set(gca, 'FontSize',axisize, 'linewidth', 1,'box','off');
ylabel('Amplitude (in model units, MU)');
ylim([ylow yup]);
xlim([0 x_up]);
subplot(235), plot(t,Y24.adaptation(:,fc_on),'color',col, 'linewidth', linesize);
legend('f_{on} = 1 kHz','box','off','location','northeast');
set(gca, 'FontSize',axisize, 'linewidth', 1,'box','off');
xlabel('Time (in s)');
ylim([ylow yup]);
xlim([0 x_up]);
subplot(236), plot(t,Y24.adaptation(:,fc_abo),'color',col, 'linewidth', linesize);
legend('f_{abo} = 2 kHz','box','off','location','northeast');
set(gca, 'FontSize',axisize, 'linewidth', 1,'box','off');
xlim([0 x_up]);
ylim([ylow yup]);