function [agent, options] = barumerli2024_itdlateral(options)
%barumerli2024_itdlateral FrAMBI agent performing ITD-based lateralization
% Usage: [agent, options] = barumerli2024_itdlateral();
% [agent, options] = barumerli2024_itdlateral(options);
% Input parameters:
% options : Optional structure representing the FrAMBI options.
% Output parameters:
% agent : Structure representing the FrAMBI agent. See the general description of
% FrAMBI for more details. In addition, the following agent-specific
% fields are created:
% - name*: String describing the agent. Default: 'ITD-based Lateralization'.
% - model*: Structure defining the functionality of agent by
% storing functions handles in fields initialize, observe,
% infer, act, and respond.
% - state.beliefs*: Prior beliefs on the sound-source lateral
% direction. If set to a number (in degrees), the inference
% will be the average between the belief and the posterior.
% Default: Empty vector, meaning no prior.
% - state.parameters*: Parameter structure as in FRAMBI_PARAMETERS with:
% - lateral_gain*: The lateral gain (i.e., the slope of the response-target
% function). Default: 1, meaning a perfect lateralization
% without any under- or over shooting.
% - itd_uncertainty*: The ITD uncertainty (i.e., the ITD standard deviation
% in the processing, in s). Default: 20 mu s.
% options : Structure representing the FrAMBI options with the following
% agent-specific fields:
% - agent.angles*: Sound-source angles (in degrees) used for
% the interpolation to infer the lateralization based on ITDs.
% Set to linearly spaced 15 angles from -90 to +90 degrees.
% - agent.itds*: ITDs (in s) calculated according to
% Woodworth (1954) based on agent.angles for a head radius
% of 7 cm and sound speed of 340 m/s.
% BARUMERLI2024_ITDLATERAL(..) returns a structure describing an agent
% performing ITD-based lateralization. It also creates FrAMBI options
% (or updates them, if provided as input).
% This agent follows the structure required by FRAMBI_SIMULATE.
% Specifically, BARUMERLI2024_ITDLATERAL(..) defines the following
% functionality linked with local functions:
% - model.initialize is linked with local_initialize, which sets the
% head direction to 0 degrees (i.e., front).
% The head direction is not considered, but it makes sense to have the head
% looking to the front when localizing a sound source.
% - model.observe is linked with local_observe, which calculates the
% ITD in the observed binaural signal
% from the environment. The observed ITD is subject to the lateral_gain
% and the itd_uncertainty.
% - model.infer is linked with local_infer, which infers the source
% lateral angle based on
% the observed ITD. The posterior is based on the precomputed ITD-angle
% relation stored in options.agent.angles and options.agent.itd.
% If belief is set to an angle, the inference is calculated as the average
% between the belief (i.e., the prior) and the posterior. Otherwise
% the inference is just the posterior.
% - model.act is linked with local_act, in which it acts by setting:
% - head to state.head, which, unless modified will be looking at front.
% - hand to state.belief, which is the infered sourceangle.
% - model.respond is linked with local_respond, which responses with
% the action of the hand, which is
% the infered lateral angle of the sound source (in degrees).
% See also: frambi_simulate exp_barumerli2024 frambi_parameters frambi_validate
% References:
% R. Barumerli and P. Majdak. FrAMBI: A Software Framework for Auditory
% Modeling Based on Bayesian Inference. under review at Neuroinformatics,
% 2024.
% R. S. Woodworth and H. Schlosberg. Experimental psychology, Rev. ed.
% Holt, Oxford, England, 1954.
% Url:
% #Author: Roberto Barumerli (2023): Original implementation.
% #Author: Roberto Barumerli (2024): Integration in the AMT.
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): Adaptations for the AMT 1.6.
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
%% define the agent = 'ITD-based Lateralization';
% add state and parameters
agent.state.beliefs = []; % No prior
agent.state.parameters = frambi_parameters('set',[], ...
{'lateral_gain', 'itd_uncertainty'}, ...
[1.0, 20e-6]);
% Link between the ITD and sound-source direction from Woodworth (1954)'s formula
sound_speed = 340; % in m/s
head_radius = 0.07; % in m
angles = linspace(-pi/2, pi/2, 15); % Evaluated on a grid ...
options.agent.itds = head_radius / sound_speed * (angles + sin(angles)); % (in s) ... and stored as constant
options.agent.angles = rad2deg(angles); % in degrees
% add functions
agent.model.initialize = @local_initialize;
agent.model.observe = @local_observe;
agent.model.infer = @local_infer;
agent.model.act = @local_act;
agent.model.respond = @local_respond;
% validate the structures
%% initialize: intitalize the trial
function astate = local_initialize(astate, options)
% trial starts with the head facing the frontal source
astate.head = 0;
%% observe: calculate features given the binaural input
function observation = local_observe(input, astate, options)
[~, lag] = max(abs(xcorr(input.signal(:, 1), input.signal(:, 2))));
itd = (lag - size(input.signal, 1)) / input.fs;
observation = itd * astate.parameters.lateral_gain.value + randn * astate.parameters.itd_uncertainty.value;
%% infer: infer the environmental states given the observation
function beliefs = local_infer(astate, options)
% decode the angle from spatial features
angle = -spline(options.agent.itds, options.agent.angles, astate.observation);
% this is the heart of bayesian belief update
if isempty(astate.beliefs)
% when prior not available, use current observation
% (i.e. maximum likelihood assuming gaussian distribution)
beliefs = angle;
% when prior available, combine prior with observation
% (i.e. maximum a posteriori assuming conjugate distribution -
% gaussian distributions with equal variance)
beliefs = 0.5*(astate.beliefs + angle);
%% act: perform an action according to the beliefs
function action = local_act(astate, options)
action.head = astate.head; % the head's direction
action.hand = astate.beliefs; % the hand shows the perceived angle
%% respond: provide a response given the states
function response = local_respond(astate, options)
response = astate.action.hand;