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Auditory-nerve filterbank with improved synapse model

Program code:

function [output,info] = bruce2018(stim,fsstim, fc, varargin) 
%bruce2018 Auditory-nerve filterbank with improved synapse model
%   Usage: [output] = bruce2018(stim,fsstim, fc);
%          [output,info] = bruce2018(stim, fsstim, fc, varargin);
%   Input parameters:
%     stim     : Pressure waveform of stimulus (time series).
%     fsstim   : Sampling frequency of stimulus (in Hz).
%     fc       : Frequency vector containing the CFs (in Hz). 
%                Use logspace(log10(flow), log10(fhigh),numCF) to
%                replicate the results from Bruce et al. (2018).
%     varargin : Various optional flags and key-value pairs.
%   Output parameters:
%     output : A struct containing the various modelstage outputs.
%              It contains the following fields:
%              - cohcs*:     Actual COHCs used in the simulations.
%              - cihcs*:     Actual CIHCs used in the simulations.
%              - sponts*:    Actual spontanous rates (SRs) used in the simulations.
%              - tabss*:     Actual absolute timings used in the simulations.
%              - trels*:     Actual relative timings used in the simulations.
%              - neurogram_ft*: Fine-timing neurogram calculated from the synapse output. Size: (*time x CFs*).
%              - t_ft*:      Time axis (in s) of neurogram_ft.
%              - neurogram_mr*:  Average of spike count in each PSTH bin. Size: (*time x CF*).
%              - t_mr*:      Time axis (in s) of neurogram_mr.
%              - neurogram_Sout*:  Synapse output. Size: (*time x CF*).
%              - t_Sout*:    Time axis (in s) of neurogram_Sout.
%              - fc*:        Actual CFs (in Hz) used in the simulations.
%              - psth_ft*:   Fine-timing PSTH. Size: (*time x CF*).
%              - meanrate*:  Average spiking rate (in spikes/s). Size: (*time x CF*).
%              - varrate*:   Variance of the spiking rate (in spikes/s). Size: (*time x CF*).
%              - synout*:    Output of a synapse. Size: (*time x CF x Syn*). 
%                Available only if 'outputPerSynapse' is specified.
%     info :   A struct containing the parameter settings applied.
%              Available only if 'outputPerSynapse' is specified.
%   BRUCE2018(...) returns modeled responses of multiple AN fibers tuned to 
%   various characteristic frequencies (CFs). 
%   BRUCE2018(...) also accepts the following flags:
%     'no_fitaudiogram'  Use directly provided cihcs and cohcs*
%                        either as scalars or size of fc.
%                        The default parameters reflect a healthy cochlea. Default. 
%     'fitaudiogram'     Calculate the hearing-loss factors cihcs and 
%                        cohcs from the frequencies ag_fs and threshold 
%                        shifts ag_dbloss (in dB) by using BRUCE2018_FITAUDIOGRAM.
%                        The default parameters reflect a healthy cochlea.
%                        Opposite of 'no_fitaudiogram'.
%     'human'          Use model parameters for humans. Default. 
%     'cat'            Use model parameters for cats. Opposite of 'human'.
%     'fixedFGn'       Fractional Gaussian noise will be the same in every 
%                      simulation. Default. 
%     'varFGn'         Fractional Gaussian noise will be different in every 
%                      simulation. Opposite of 'fixedFGn'.
%     'approxPL'       Use approxiate implementation of the power-law
%                      functions. Default. 
%     'actualPL'       Use actual implementation of the power-law functions.
%                      Opposite of 'approxPL'.
%     'outputPerCF'    Output the average results over all synapses. 
%                      This mode is faster than 'outputPerSynapse'. Default. 
%     'outputPerSynapse' Output the synapse output of each individual 
%                        nerve fibre.
%                        This can considerably slow down the calculations.
%                        Opposite of 'outputPerCF'.
%     'autoSR'         Generate the parameters for the AN 
%                      population wil be generated by the function 
%                      BRUCE2018_GENERATEANPOPULATION based on 
%                      the number of low, medium, and high SR fibres
%                      numL, numM, numH, respectively. Default. 
%     'specificSRautoTiming'  Generate the timing parameters for the AN 
%                             population by the function 
%                             BRUCE2018_GENERATEANPOPULATION based on 
%                             the number of low, medium, and high SR fibres
%                             numL, numM, numH, and the spontaneous rates given in 
%                             SRL, SRM, and SRH, respectively.
%                             Can not be used with 'autoSR' or 'specificSR'.
%     'specificSR'   Do not generate AN parameters. The overall number 
%                    of fibres numsponts, spontanouse rate spont, 
%                    absolute timing tabs, and relative timing trel*
%                    must be specifically provided. 
%                    Can not be used with 'autoSR' or 'specificSRautoTiming'.
%     'progress'     Display the calculation progress. Default. 
%     'silent'       No progress display. Opposite of 'progress'. 
%   *Note**: If 'outputPerSynapse' is specified, psth_ft, meanrate, and
%   varrate have the size (*time x CF x syn*), with syn being
%   the number of synapses.
%   This function takes the following optional key-value pairs:
%     'ag_fs',ag_fs    Frequencies (in Hz) at which the audiogram should be
%                      evaluated. Used only when 'fitaudiogram' is specified.
%     'ag_db',ag_db    Hearing loss (in dB) at frequencies ag_fs. 
%                      Used only in when 'fitaudiogram' is specified.
%     'cohcs',cohcs    OHC scaling factors: 
%                      - 1 denotes normal OHC function. Default.
%                      - 0 denotes complete OHC dysfunction. 
%                      cohcs can be a vector of the size of fc or a scalar. 
%                      Used only in when 'no_fitaudiogram' is specified.
%     'cihcs',cihcs    IHC scaling factors: 
%                      - 1 denotes normal IHC function. Default.
%                      - 0 denotes complete IHC dysfunction. 
%                      cihcs can be a vector of the size of fc or a scalar. 
%                      Used only in when 'no_fitaudiogram' is specified.
%     'numL',nl        Number of nerve fibres with low SR. Used only when 'autoSR' 
%                      or 'specificSRautoTiming' specified.
%     'numM',nm        Number of nerve fibres with medium SR. Used only when 'autoSR' 
%                      or 'specificSRautoTiming' specified.
%     'numH',nh        Number of nerve fibres with high SR. Used only when 'autoSR' 
%                      or 'specificSRautoTiming' specified.
%     'lossL',lls      Loss of low-SR fibres ranging from 0 (no fibres)  
%                      to 1 (healthy, all fibres). Used only when 'autoSR' 
%                      or 'specificSRautoTiming' specified.
%     'lossM',lms      Loss of medium-SR fibres ranging from 0 (no fibres)
%                      to 1 (healthy, all fibres). Used only when 'autoSR' 
%                      or 'specificSRautoTiming' specified.
%     'lossH',lhs      Loss of high-SR fibres ranging from 0 (no fibres)
%                      to 1 (healthy, all fibres). Used only when 'autoSR' 
%                      or 'specificSRautoTiming' specified.
%     'SRL',SRL        SR (in spikes/s) of the low-SR fibres. 
%                      Used only when 'specificSRautoTiming' specified.
%     'SRM',SRM        SR (in spikes/s) of the medium-SR fibres. 
%                      Used only when 'specificSRautoTiming' specified.
%     'SRH',SRH        SR (in spikes/s) of the high-SR fibres. 
%                      Used only when 'specificSRautoTiming' specified.
%     'numsponts',n    Overall numbers of fibers. 
%                      Used only when 'specificSR' specified.
%     'spont',spont    SR (in spikes/s). Can be scalar or size of fc. 
%                      Used only when 'specificSR' specified.
%     'tabs',tabs      Absolute timings (in s). Can be scalar or size of fc. 
%                      Used only when 'specificSR' specified.
%     'trel',trel      Relative timings (in s). Can be scalar or size of fc. 
%                      Used only when 'specificSR' specified.
%     'psthbinwidth_mr',psthbw   Mean-rate binwidth (in s).
%     'windur_ft',winft  Fine-timing neurogram window length (in samples).
%     'windur_mr',winmr  Mean-rate neurogram window length (in samples).
%     'nrep',nrep        Number of repetitions for the mean rate, 
%                        rate variance, and PSTH calculation. Default is 1.
%     'reptime',rt       Length of one repetition of the stimuli with pause.
%                        Default is 1.2 times the stimulus duration.
%     'fsmod',fsmod      Model sampling rate (in Hz). The model was tested for fsmod*
%                        between 100 kHz and 500 kHz. Default is 200 kHz for cats and 
%                        100 kHz for humans.
%   See also: plot_bruce2018 demo_bruce2018_auditorynervemodel
%             demo_bruce2018 bruce2018_synapse bruce2018_generateanpopulation
%             bruce2018_innerhaircells bruce2018_fitaudiogram bruce2018_ffgn
%             exp_bruce2018 carney2015_fitaudiogram 
%   References:
%     I. C. Bruce, Y. Erfani, and M. S. R. Zilany. A phenomenological model
%     of the synapse between the inner hair cell and auditory nerve:
%     Implications of limited neurotransmitter release sites. Hearing
%     Research, 360:40--54, 2018.
%   Url:

%   #StatusDoc: Perfect
%   #StatusCode: Perfect
%   #Verification: Verified
%   #Requirements: MATLAB MEX M-Signal
%   #Author: Ian Bruce: original code of the model.
%   #Author: Alejandro Osses (2020): original implementation.
%   #Author: Clara Hollomey (2021): adapted to the AMT 1.0.
%   #Author: Piotr Majdak (2021): adaptations to exp_osses2022; specificSRautoTiming added.
%   #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): Documentation improvements.

% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either 
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software 
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and 
% at <>. 
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3. 
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty 
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 

%   The other two modelstages 'bruce2018_innerhaircells' and
%   'bruce2018_synapse' are always active. '_innerhaircells' is called for
%   each element in 'fcs' (each characteristic frequency), and '_synapse'
%   is called for each nerve fiber. Per default and for execution speed, 
%   only results from outside of the nerve fiber loop are written to the 
%   struct 'output'. To retrieve results per fiber, set the flag
%   'ouputPerSynapse'. The actual parameters used in bruce2018 are
%   output to the 'info' struct.

if nargin<3
  error('%s: Too few input parameters.',upper(mfilename));

% Define input flags and values
definput.import = {'bruce2018'}; % load defaults from arg_bruce2018

[flags,kv]  = ltfatarghelper({},definput,varargin);

% Derive the number of CF fibres
numCF = length(fc);

fs=kv.fsmod;  % sampling rate (Hz) of the model
tdres   = 1/fs; % sampling interval (s), i.e., the reciprocal of fs

stim	= resample(stim,fs,fsstim);	% resample the stimulus to the model fs
T  = length(stim)/fs;  % actual stimulus duration in seconds
smw_ft = hamming(kv.windur_ft);
smw_mr = hamming(kv.windur_mr);
simdur = ceil(T*kv.reptime/kv.psthbinwidth_mr)*kv.psthbinwidth_mr; % time interval (s) between stimulus repetitions

% species is either "cat" (1) or "human" (2): "1" for cat and "2" for human
if flags.do_cat, species = 1; else, species = 2; end    

% noiseType is for fixed fGn (noise will be same in every simulation) or 
% variable fGn: "0" for fixed fGn and "1" for variable fGn
if flags.do_varFGn, noiseType = 0; else, noiseType = 1; end

% implnt is for "approxiate" or "actual" implementation of the power-law functions: 
%"0" for approx. and "1" for actual implementation
if flags.do_actualPL, implnt = 1; else, implnt = 0; end

if flags.do_fitaudiogram
  % mixed loss
  dbloss = interp1(kv.ag_fs,kv.ag_dbloss,fcs,'linear','extrap');
  [cohcs,cihcs,OHC_loss, IHC_loss]=bruce2018_fitaudiogram(fc,dbloss,species);
  info.OHC_loss = OHC_loss;
  info.IHC_loss = IHC_loss;
  if length(kv.cihcs) ~= numCF && length(kv.cihcs) ~= 1
    error('cihc needs to either be a scalar or a vector of the same size as fc.')
  if length(kv.cohcs) ~= numCF && length(kv.cohcs) ~= 1
    error('cohc needs to either be a scalar or a vector of the same size as fc.')

  cohcs = kv.cohcs.* ones(1, numCF);
  cihcs = kv.cihcs.* ones(1, numCF);
  info.OHC_loss = [];
  info.IHC_loss = [];

% generate AN parameters? 
if flags.do_autoSR
    % generate SR and timing for a population based on numL, numM, and numH
  [sponts,tabss,trels] = bruce2018_generateanpopulation(numCF,[kv.numL kv.numM kv.numH]);
  numsponts = round([kv.lossL kv.lossM kv.lossH].*[kv.numL kv.numM kv.numH]);
  cntsponts = sum(numsponts);
if flags.do_specificSRautoTiming
    % use specific SRs but calculate the timing based on numL, numM, and numH
  [~,tabss,trels] = bruce2018_generateanpopulation(numCF,[kv.numL kv.numM kv.numH]);
  sponts.LS = kv.SRL*ones(1,kv.numL); 
  sponts.MS = kv.SRM*ones(1,kv.numM); 
  sponts.HS = kv.SRH*ones(1,kv.numH);
  numsponts = round([kv.lossL kv.lossM kv.lossH].*[kv.numL kv.numM kv.numH]);
  cntsponts = sum(numsponts);
if flags.do_specificSR
    % use predefined SR parameters for all fibers, used in e.g., exp_bruce2018('fig8b');
  if ~isscalar(kv.numsponts), error('numsponts needs to a scalar when running bruce2018 in specificSR mode.'); end
  cntsponts = kv.numsponts;
  sponts = kv.spont;
  tabss = kv.tabs;
  trels = kv.trel;

  % initializations
init_size = simdur*fs;
output_len=floor(simdur/tdres+0.5)*kv.nrep; % length of vihc, c1, c2, synout
psth_len=output_len/kv.nrep; % length of vr, mr, psth_ft
psthbins = round(kv.psthbinwidth_mr*fs);  % number of psth_ft bins per psth bin

neurogram_ft = zeros(round(init_size),numCF);
neurogram_Sout = zeros(round(init_size)*kv.nrep,numCF);
neurogram_mr = zeros(round(init_size)/round(kv.psthbinwidth_mr*fs),numCF);
if flags.do_outputPerSynapse
if flags.do_outputPerCF
    % Memory allocation:
  output.meanrate_LSR = zeros(size(output.meanrate));
  output.meanrate_MSR = zeros(size(output.meanrate));
  output.meanrate_HSR = zeros(size(output.meanrate));
  output.psth_LSR = zeros(size(output.psth));
  output.psth_MSR = zeros(size(output.psth));
  output.psth_HSR = zeros(size(output.psth));

if ~flags.do_silent && cntsponts>0, amt_disp(''); end % start the volatile display
for ii = 1:numCF
  %for each CF, collect the appropriate tabs, trels and sponts, and calculate
  %  the inner hair cell potential (for the whole stimulus)
    % FC = fc(ii);
    % cohc = cohcs(ii);
    % cihc = cihcs(ii);
    [vihc, C1, C2] = bruce2018_innerhaircells(stim,fc(ii),kv.nrep,tdres,simdur,cohcs(ii),cihcs(ii),species);  
    % [vihc, C1, C2] = zilany2014_innerhaircells(stim,FC,kv.nrep,tdres,simdur,cohc,cihc,species); equivalent to bruce2018
    output.vihc(:,ii) = vihc;
    output.C1(:,ii) = C1;
    output.C2(:,ii) = C2;

    if cntsponts>0
      if flags.do_autoSR || flags.do_specificSRautoTiming % use generated SR parameters
          spont = [sponts.LS(ii,1:numsponts(1)) sponts.MS(ii,1:numsponts(2)) sponts.HS(ii,1:numsponts(3))];
          tabs = [tabss.LS(ii,1:numsponts(1)) tabss.MS(ii,1:numsponts(2)) tabss.HS(ii,1:numsponts(3))];
          trel = [trels.LS(ii,1:numsponts(1)) trels.MS(ii,1:numsponts(2)) trels.HS(ii,1:numsponts(3))];
      if flags.do_specificSR % use the same SR parameters for all fibers
          spont = sponts.*ones(1, cntsponts);
          tabs = tabss.*ones(1, cntsponts);
          trel = trels.*ones(1, cntsponts); 
      for jj = 1:cntsponts  % calculate the synapse output for each fibre type     
          if ~flags.do_silent
            amt_disp(['CF = ' int2str(ii) '/' int2str(numCF) '; spont = ' int2str(jj) '/' int2str(cntsponts) '; SR = ' num2str(spont(jj)) ' spikes/s'],'volatile');
          [psth_ft,mr,vr,synout] = bruce2018_synapse(vihc,fc(ii),kv.nrep,tdres,noiseType,implnt,spont(jj),tabs(jj),trel(jj));

          neurogram_Sout(:,ii) = neurogram_Sout(:,ii)+synout;
          cnt = sum(reshape(psth_ft,psthbins,length(psth_ft)/psthbins))';
          neurogram_ft(:,ii) = neurogram_ft(:,ii)+filter(smw_ft,1,psth_ft);
          neurogram_mr(:,ii) = neurogram_mr(:,ii)+filter(smw_mr,1,cnt);

          if flags.do_outputPerSynapse
              output.psth_ft(:, ii, jj) = psth_ft;
              output.meanrate(:, ii, jj) = mr;
              output.varrate(:, ii, jj) = vr;
              output.synout(:, ii, jj) = synout;
          if flags.do_outputPerCF
              fiberType = find(jj <= cumsum([kv.numL kv.numM kv.numH]),1,'first'); 
              switch fiberType
                  case 1
                      output.meanrate_LSR(:,ii) = output.meanrate_LSR(:,ii) + mr;
                      output.psth_LSR(:,ii) = output.psth_LSR(:,ii) + cnt;
                  case 2
                      output.meanrate_MSR(:,ii) = output.meanrate_MSR(:,ii) + mr;
                      output.psth_MSR(:,ii) = output.psth_MSR(:,ii) + cnt;
                  case 3
                      output.meanrate_HSR(:,ii) = output.meanrate_HSR(:,ii) + mr;
                      output.psth_HSR(:,ii) = output.psth_HSR(:,ii) + cnt;
      if flags.do_outputPerCF
        if kv.numL ~= 0
        if kv.numM ~= 0
        if kv.numH ~= 0
      end % flags.do_outputPerCF
    end % cntsponts>0
end % per numCF

neurogram_ft = neurogram_ft(1:kv.windur_ft/2:end,:); % 50% overlap in Hamming window
t_ft = 0:kv.windur_ft/2/fs:(size(neurogram_ft,1)-1)*kv.windur_ft/2/fs; % time vector for the fine-timing neurogram
neurogram_mr = neurogram_mr(1:kv.windur_mr/2:end,:); % 50% overlap in Hamming window
t_mr = 0:kv.windur_mr/2*kv.psthbinwidth_mr:(size(neurogram_mr,1)-1)*kv.windur_mr/2*kv.psthbinwidth_mr; % time vector for the mean-rate neurogram
t_Sout = 0:1/fs:(size(neurogram_Sout,1)-1)/fs; % time vector for the synapse output neurogram    
% write everything into an output struct
output.cohcs = cohcs;
output.cihcs = cihcs;
output.sponts = sponts;
output.tabss = tabss;
output.trels = trels;
output.t_ft = t_ft;
output.neurogram_ft = neurogram_ft;
output.neurogram_mr = neurogram_mr;
output.neurogram_Sout = neurogram_Sout;
output.t_mr = t_mr;
output.t_Sout = t_Sout;
output.fc = fc;
info.keyvals = kv;
info.flags = flags;