function dists = felsheim2024(stim, fs, varargin)
%felsheim2024 Adaptive leaky-integrate and firing probability (aLIFP) model of an electrically stimulated nerve fiber
% Usage: dists = felsheim2024(stim);
% dists = felsheim2024(stim, fs);
% dists = felsheim2024(stim, fs, varargin);
% Input parameters:
% stim: Time signal describing the pulsatile electric stimulation of a nerve fiber.
% The pulses must be biphasic. The two phases may have varying durations and
% and they may be separated by an interphase gap (IPG). The pulse may have
% varying amplitudes (in mA). In the current
% implementation only cathodic (negative) pulses are causing excitation in the model.
% fs: Optional sampling frequency of the time signal (in Hz). Default: 1 MHz.
% vargin: Optional parameters as key-value pairs, see below.
% Output parameters:
% dists: Structure array containing the spike distribution in response to each
% biphasic pulse in stim. Per negative phase in stim, spike_distributions
% containes a separate entry describing the probabilitiy following a Gaussian
% mixture distribution and containing the following fields:
% - total_probability*: Total probability of spiking in response to
% the pulse.
% - mu*: Mean values of the Gaussian mixture.
% - sigma*: Standard deviations of the Gaussian mixture.
% - weights*: Weights of each component of the Gaussian mixture.
% FELSHEIM2024(..) implements the adaptive leaky-integrate and fire (aLIFP) model, which
% simulates the electrical stimulation of a nerve fiber. Instead of predicting (stochastic) time
% points of spikes, the aLIFP model calculates the spike distribution in respone
% to each biphasic pulse in stim. The model incorporates latency and jitter of the nerve response
% and accounts for the facilitation, the refactory period and adaptation. The development of this model
% was inspired by the spiking model of Takanen and Seeber (2022).
% The model parameters can be changed using the following key-value pairs:
% 'leaky_integrator_tau',tau Time constant (in s) of the leaky integrator.
% Default: 1.2 µs.
% 'membrane_resistance',mr Membrane resistance (in Ohm). Default: 28.986 Ohm.
% 'threshold_mu',mu Mean threshold (in V) at the model start. Default: 10 mV.
% 'threshold_sigma',sigma Standard deviation threshold (in V) at the model start.
% Default: 431.9 µV.
% 'varphi',phi Action potential initiation period (in s). It
% determines the duration during which a spike can be
% inhibited by further stimulation. Default: 20.5 µs.
% 'jitter_coeffs',jitter Vector of three parameters describing the
% dependency of the jitter on the membrane potential.
% Default: [5.449e-4, 3.159e-4, 1.30e-04].
% 'latency_coeffs',latency Vector of four parameters describing the
% dependency of the spike latency on the membrane potential.
% Default: [1.096e-4, 5.478e-04, 3.93e-04, 4.23e-04].
% 'refractoriness_p',p Parameter of the function describing the increase of the
% threshold due to the refractory period. Default: 0.377.
% 'refractoriness_q',q Parameter of the function describing the increase of the
% threshold due to the refractory period. Default: 0.102.
% 'refractoriness_trrp',trrp Time constant (in s) of the relative refractory period.
% Default: 2.56 ms.
% 'refractoriness_tarp',tarp Duration (in s) of the absolute refractory period.
% Default: 0.37 ms.
% 'adaptation_tau',a_tau Time constant (in s) of the adaptation function.
% Default: 0.27 s.
% 'adaptation_c',c Multiplicative increase of the threshold due to
% adaptation after a spike. Default: 0.102.
% 'max_adapt',max_adapt Maximum overall adapation. Default: 1.7.
% 'facilitation_coeffs',f_coeffs Vector of five coefficients describing the facilitation curve.
% Default: [0.1e-3, -1.4e-3, 0.45 , 900, 0.5].
% 'max_threshold_components',max_c Maximum number of components in the Gaussian mixtures.
% Default: 20.
% 'path_deletion_mean_eps',mean_eps Factor applied to threshold_mu defining the numeric border
% for the test of equality of the threshold
% mean of two components. Default: 0.001.
% 'path_deletion_std_eps',std_eps Factor applied to threshold_sigma defining the numeric border
% for the test of equality of the threshold
% standard deviation of two components. Default: 0.001.
% 'min_spike_probability',min_prob Minimum spike probability required to add a new
% component in the threshold mixture. Default: 0.001.
% 'lower_limit_std_b',std_limit Limit of the standard deviation (relative to the
% threshold) required to avoid high spike probabilities without
% stimulation. Default: 1/3.
% See also: exp_felsheim2024 demo_felsheim2024
% References:
% R. C. Felsheim and M. Dietz. An adaptive leaky integrate and firing
% probability model of an electrically stimulated auditory nerve fiber.
% Trends in Heaaring, 2024. submitted.
% M. Takanen and B. U. Seeber. A phenomenological model reproducing
% temporal response characteristics of an electrically stimulated
% auditory nerve fiber. Trends in Hearing, 26:23312165221117079, 2022.
% PMID: 36071660.
% Url:
% #Requirements: M-Stats
% #StatusDoc: Perfect
% #StatusCode: Perfect
% #Verification: Verified
% #Author: Rebecca C. Felsheim (2024): Original implementation.
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): Adaptations for AMT 1.6.
% #Author: Michael Mihocic (2024): Adaptations for Octave.
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
if nargin < 2
fs = 1e6;
definput.import = {'felsheim2024'};
[~, parameters] = ltfatarghelper({}, definput, varargin);
if any(strcmp(varargin, 'threshold_mu')) && ~any(strcmp(varargin, 'path_deletion_mean_eps'))
parameters.path_deletion_mean_eps = parameters.threshold_mu * 1e-3;
if any(strcmp(varargin, 'threshold_sigma')) && ~any(strcmp(varargin, 'path_deletion_std_eps'))
parameters.path_deletion_std_eps = parameters.threshold_sigma * 1e-3;
parameters.fs = fs;
%% leaky integrator the same as in Takanen and Seeber (2022), but for extracellular current
leaky_integrator_b = [(exp(-1/(parameters.leaky_integrator_tau*parameters.fs)) - 1)/2 ...
(exp(-1/(parameters.leaky_integrator_tau*parameters.fs)) - 1)/2];
leaky_integrator_a = [1 -exp(-1/(parameters.leaky_integrator_tau*parameters.fs))];
start_potential = parameters.membrane_resistance * filter(leaky_integrator_b, leaky_integrator_a, stim);
%% find the onsets and offsets of the first positive phase of all pulses
% t_start, t_stop in the formulas
% these will be used to process the pulses one after another
% model can currently only be exited by a cathodic (negative) phase
% onsetsOLD = strfind(stim' < 0,[0 1]); % not working in Octave
onsets = find(diff(stim' < 0) == 1);
if stim(1) < 0
onsets = [1, onsets];
% offsets_first_phaseOLD = strfind(stim' < 0, [1, 0]); % not working in Octave
offsets_first_phase = find(diff(stim' < 0) == -1);
if length(offsets_first_phase) ~= length(onsets)
offsets_first_phase = [offsets_first_phase; length(start_potential)];
% if no pulse is given nothing can be done
if isempty(onsets)
dists.total_probability = 0;
dists.weigthts = nan; = nan;
dists.sigma = nan;
%% set the default values for our working variables and preallocate space to reduce runtime
threshold_mean = nan(length(stim), 2 * parameters.max_threshold_components);
threshold_std = nan(length(stim), 2 * parameters.max_threshold_components);
threshold_probabilities = nan(1, 2 * parameters.max_threshold_components);
adaptation_increments = nan(length(stim), 2 * parameters.max_threshold_components);
membrane_potential = nan(length(stim), 2 * parameters.max_threshold_components);
threshold_mean(:,1) = ones(size(stim)) * parameters.threshold_mu;
threshold_std(:,1) = ones(size(stim)) * parameters.threshold_sigma;
threshold_probabilities(1) = 1;
adaptation_increments(:,1) = zeros(size(stim));
membrane_potential(:,1) = start_potential;
unused_threshold_indices = 2:(2*parameters.max_threshold_components);
used_threshold_indicies = 1;
dists(length(onsets)) = struct;
%% compute the interaction values
% the changes due to facilitation, accommodation, refractory period and adaptation always remain
% the same and are therefore only computed once
max_length = length(stim);
t_in_s = (1:max_length)'./parameters.fs;
% adaptation, Eq. 34, originally from Takanen & Seeber (2022)
max_incr = parameters.adaptation_c; % maximum of exponential decay
pulse_interaction.adaptation_increment = max_incr*exp(-t_in_s./parameters.adaptation_tau) + 1;
% refractory time, Eq. 31, originally from Takanen & Seeber (2022)
tARP = parameters.refractoriness_tarp;
tRRP = parameters.refractoriness_trrp;
pulse_interaction.refractoriness_coeffs = ((1-exp(-(t_in_s-tARP)./(parameters.refractoriness_q*tRRP))).*(1-parameters.refractoriness_p*...
pulse_interaction.refractoriness_coeffs(t_in_s<= tARP) = Inf;
% facilitation, Eq. 28
off1 = parameters.facilitation_coeffs(1);
off2 = parameters.facilitation_coeffs(2);
a1 = parameters.facilitation_coeffs(3);
a2 = parameters.facilitation_coeffs(4);
f1 = 1 - exp(- a2 * (t_in_s + off1));
f2 = a1* exp(-a2 * (t_in_s + off2)) + 1;
pulse_interaction.facilitation_values = f1 .* f2;
%% main loop - iterate over all pulses and obtain the spike probabilities
for ind = 1:length(onsets)
curr_onset = onsets(ind);
curr_offset = offsets_first_phase(ind);
if ind < length(onsets)
next_onset = onsets(ind + 1);
next_onset = length(stim);
% Membrane potential for the next pulse, if a spike was evoked. Computed here as it only
% needs to be done once per pulse, not for each component separately
new_potential = parameters.membrane_resistance * filter(leaky_integrator_b, leaky_integrator_a, stim(next_onset:end));
%% check if the threshold components have converged to the same mean and std and merge them if possible
% remove components if we have too many
if length(used_threshold_indicies) > 1
remove_inds = [];
used_threshold_indicies = sort(used_threshold_indicies);
% check if any two threshold distributions are the same
for d1 = used_threshold_indicies
for d2 = used_threshold_indicies(used_threshold_indicies > d1)
if mean(abs(threshold_mean(curr_onset:curr_offset, d1) - threshold_mean(curr_onset:curr_offset, d2))) ...
< parameters.path_deletion_mean_eps && ...
mean(abs(threshold_std(curr_onset:curr_offset, d1) - threshold_std(curr_onset:curr_offset, d2))) ...
< parameters.path_deletion_std_eps && ...
mean(abs(membrane_potential(curr_onset:curr_offset, d1) - membrane_potential(curr_onset:curr_offset, d2))) ...
< parameters.path_deletion_mean_eps
remove_inds(end + 1) = d1;
threshold_probabilities(d2) = threshold_probabilities(d1) + ...
used_threshold_indicies(used_threshold_indicies == d1) = [];
threshold_mean(:,d2) = mean([threshold_mean(:,d1), threshold_mean(:,d2)],2);
threshold_std(:,d2) = mean([threshold_std(:,d1), threshold_std(:,d2)],2);
membrane_potential(:, d2) = mean([membrane_potential(:,d1), membrane_potential(:,d2)],2);
adaptation_increments(:,d2) = mean([adaptation_increments(:,d1), adaptation_increments(:,d2)],2);
threshold_probabilities(remove_inds) = nan;
unused_threshold_indices = [unused_threshold_indices, remove_inds];
% remove components with the lowest probability, if we have too many
if length(used_threshold_indicies) > parameters.max_threshold_components
[~, remove_inds] = sort(threshold_probabilities);
remove_inds = remove_inds(1: length(used_threshold_indicies) - parameters.max_threshold_components);
threshold_probabilities(:, remove_inds) = nan;
unused_threshold_indices(end + 1: end + length(remove_inds)) = remove_inds;
for ri = remove_inds
used_threshold_indicies(used_threshold_indicies == ri) = [];
% threshold_probabilitiesOLD = threshold_probabilities / sum(threshold_probabilities, 'omitnan'); % not working in Octave
threshold_probabilities = threshold_probabilities / sum(threshold_probabilities(~isnan(threshold_probabilities)));
%% initialize the current distribution
dists(ind).total_probability = 0;
dists(ind).mu = zeros(length(used_threshold_indicies),1);
dists(ind).sigma = zeros(length(used_threshold_indicies),1);
dists(ind).weights = zeros(length(used_threshold_indicies),1);
%% iterate over each threshold component to obtain the spike time distributions
for path_ind = 1:length(used_threshold_indicies)
dist_ind = used_threshold_indicies(path_ind);
% calculate the threshold offset due to spike cancellation (Eq. 6, 8, 9)
[max_voltage, max_voltage_point] = max(membrane_potential(curr_onset:curr_offset, dist_ind));
ipg = find(stim(curr_offset:next_onset) > 0, 1);
if ~isempty(ipg)
amplitude_ratio = abs(stim(curr_onset + 1) / stim(curr_offset + ipg + 1));
latest_threshold_crossing = max_voltage_point - max(0, (parameters.varphi * parameters.fs - ipg) / (1 + amplitude_ratio));
latest_threshold_crossing = max(1, round(latest_threshold_crossing));
cancelation_offset = max_voltage - membrane_potential(curr_onset + latest_threshold_crossing - 1, dist_ind);
% monophasic case
cancelation_offset = 0;
% get the spiking probability (taking the cancelation offset into account) (Eq. 14)
curr_probability = max(normcdf(membrane_potential(curr_onset:curr_offset, dist_ind), ...
threshold_mean(curr_onset:curr_offset,dist_ind) + cancelation_offset, ...
if isnan(curr_probability)
curr_probability = 0;
curr_not_probability = (1- curr_probability);
dists(ind).total_probability = dists(ind).total_probability + ...
curr_probability * threshold_probabilities(dist_ind);
dists(ind).weights(path_ind) = curr_probability * threshold_probabilities(dist_ind);
% compute the spike time (no cancelation offset required) (Eq. 20)
time_cdf = normcdf(membrane_potential(curr_onset:curr_offset, dist_ind), ...
threshold_mean(curr_onset:curr_offset,dist_ind), ...
max_time_cdf = max(time_cdf);
[~, mean_thr_crossing] = min(abs(time_cdf - max_time_cdf * 0.5));
[~, lower_std] = min(abs(time_cdf - 0.159 * max_time_cdf));
[~, upper_std] = min(abs(time_cdf - 0.841 * max_time_cdf));
crossing_std_in_s = 0.5 * (upper_std - lower_std) / parameters.fs;
mean_thr_crossing = mean_thr_crossing + curr_onset - 1;
above_threshold = max_voltage - (threshold_mean(mean_thr_crossing, dist_ind) + cancelation_offset);
latency_in_s = parameters.latency_coeffs(3)./(1+exp(parameters.latency_coeffs(2)^-1*...
jitter_in_s = parameters.jitter_coeffs(3)./(1+exp(parameters.jitter_coeffs(2)^-1* ...
% Eq. 21
dists(ind).mu(path_ind) = mean_thr_crossing/parameters.fs + latency_in_s;
dists(ind).sigma(path_ind) = sqrt(crossing_std_in_s^2 + jitter_in_s.^2);
%% get the new threshold values considering spike interaction phenomena
max_time = length(threshold_mean(:, dist_ind)) - mean_thr_crossing + 1;
refraction_coeffs = pulse_interaction.refractoriness_coeffs(1:max_time);
% Eq. 32, 33
refractoriness_mean = threshold_mean(mean_thr_crossing:end, dist_ind) .* refraction_coeffs;
refractoriness_std = threshold_std(mean_thr_crossing:end, dist_ind) .* refraction_coeffs;
% Calculate the adaptation on the threshold
max_length = length(refractoriness_mean);
adaptation_increment = pulse_interaction.adaptation_increment(1:max_length);
% calculate ratio between maximum of adaptation_increment and specified
% maximum adaptation effect
curr_increment = adaptation_increments(mean_thr_crossing:end,dist_ind);
total_thr_increment = curr_increment .* adaptation_increment;
inds_larger = total_thr_increment > parameters.max_adapt;
% if adaptation_increment exceeds allowed maximum, adapt function to exactly
% reach the specified maximum adaptation effect
if any(inds_larger)
adaptation_increment(inds_larger) = parameters.max_adapt ./ curr_increment(inds_larger);
total_thr_increment = curr_increment .* adaptation_increment;
curr_increment = total_thr_increment;
% increase threshold by increment, Eq. 35, 36
adaptation_mean = refractoriness_mean .* adaptation_increment;
adaptation_std = refractoriness_std .* adaptation_increment;
% to reduce the probability of a spike being evoked without any stimulation
adaptation_std = min(adaptation_std, adaptation_mean * parameters.lower_limit_std_b );
max_time = length(threshold_mean(:, dist_ind)) - curr_offset + 1;
facilitation_values = pulse_interaction.facilitation_values(1:max_time);
% Eq. 29
facilitation_mean = threshold_mean(curr_offset:end, dist_ind) .* facilitation_values;
facilitation_mean = max(facilitation_mean, parameters.facilitation_coeffs(5) * parameters.threshold_mu);
% Eq. 30
facilitation_std = threshold_std(curr_offset:end, dist_ind) .* facilitation_values;
facilitation_std = max(facilitation_std, parameters.facilitation_coeffs(5) * parameters.threshold_sigma);
% save the new threshold values for the next pulse
if curr_probability < parameters.min_spike_probability
% no spike was evoked
threshold_mean(curr_offset:end,dist_ind) = facilitation_mean;
threshold_std(curr_offset:end, dist_ind) = facilitation_std;
elseif curr_not_probability < parameters.min_spike_probability
% spike was evoked almost certainly
threshold_mean(mean_thr_crossing:end,dist_ind) = adaptation_mean;
threshold_std(mean_thr_crossing:end,dist_ind) = adaptation_std;
adaptation_increments(mean_thr_crossing:end, dist_ind) = curr_increment;
membrane_potential(next_onset:end, dist_ind) = new_potential;
next_index = unused_threshold_indices(1);
unused_threshold_indices = unused_threshold_indices(2:end);
used_threshold_indicies(end + 1) = next_index;
threshold_mean(mean_thr_crossing:end,next_index) = adaptation_mean;
threshold_std(mean_thr_crossing:end,next_index) = adaptation_std;
% Eq. 25
threshold_probabilities(next_index) = curr_probability * threshold_probabilities(dist_ind);
adaptation_increments(mean_thr_crossing:end, next_index) = curr_increment;
membrane_potential(next_onset:end, next_index) = new_potential;
threshold_mean(curr_offset:end,dist_ind) = facilitation_mean;
threshold_std(curr_offset:end, dist_ind) = facilitation_std;
% Eq. 26
threshold_probabilities(dist_ind) = curr_not_probability * threshold_probabilities(dist_ind);
% make sure the distribition weights sum up to 1
if dists(ind).total_probability ~= 0
dists(ind).weights = dists(ind).weights ./ ...
dists(ind).weights = zeros(size(dists(ind).weights));
dists(ind).weights(1) = 1;
% should not be necessary, but to avoid any numerical inaccuracies
threshold_probabilities = threshold_probabilities / sum(threshold_probabilities(used_threshold_indicies));