Applies to version: 1.6.0

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extract localization metrics


metrics = barumerli2023_metrics(m, 'middle_metrics')
metrics = barumerli2023_metrics(m, metric)

Input parameters:

m (matrix) table organized as in localizationerror with actual and predicted directions. The model barumerli2023 can output directly such matrix.
metric (string) string indicating which metric has to be computed.


Output parameters (optional):
varagout : output as in localizationerror-m. If 'middle_metrics' is
provided then a struct will be provided.

barumerli2023_metrics(...) returns psychoacoustic performance parameters for experimental response patterns. This script is a wrapper for localizationerror. This function is also used internally in barumerli2023 which behavior is not here described. For a complete list of supported metrics, please consider localizationerror. Moreover, if 'middle_metrics' is provided the function returns a struct containing the four metrics used in the paper Middlebrooks (1999). There are: accuracy and root mean squared error for both the lateral and polar dimensions and the quadrant error.


P. Majdak, M. J. Goupell, and B. Laback. 3-D localization of virtual sound sources: Effects of visual environment, pointing method and training. Atten Percept Psycho, 72:454--469, 2010.

J. C. Middlebrooks. Virtual localization improved by scaling nonindividualized external-ear transfer functions in frequency. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 106:1493--1510, 1999.