function V = paulick2024_ihc(vel,fs)
%paulick2024_ihc Inner hair cell processing
% Usage: V = paulick2024_ihc(vel, fs);
% Input parameters:
% vel: The basilar-membrane velocity as
% obtained from PAULICK2024_DRNL.
% fs : Sampling frequency (in Hz).
% Output parameters:
% V: Receptor potential (in V) at the output of the inner hair cells.
% PAULICK2024_IHC(..) calculates the output of the inner hair cell transduction
% stage. This is done in three main stages:
% 1. Scaling applied to BM velocity.
% 2. Physiologically fitted function to convert to conductance.
% 3. Electrical circuit analogy to obtain receptor potential.
% See also: paulick2024 demo_paulick2024 exp_paulick2024
% References:
% L. Paulick, H. Relaño-Iborra, and T. Dau. The Computational Auditory
% Signal Processing and Perception Model (CASP): A Revised Version.
% bioRxiv, 2024.
% Url:
% #Author: Lily Paulick (2024): Original implementation.
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): Adaptations for the AMT 1.6.
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
N = size(vel,1); %length of signal
Ts = 1/fs;
nchannels = size(vel,2);
ster_disp = db2mag(-105)*vel;
% met channel
EP = 90E-3; Cm = 12.5e-12;
% fast/slow K+
Gkf = 19.8e-9; Gks = 19.8e-9;
Ekf = -71e-3; Eks = -78e-3;
Gmet_max = 30e-9; x0 = 20e-9; s0 = 16e-9; s1 = 35e-9;
factor1 = exp((x0-ster_disp)/s0);
factor0 = exp((x0-ster_disp)/s1);
G = Gmet_max./(1+factor0.*(1+factor1));
% Intracellular Potential
V_rest = -0.05703;
V_now = V_rest;
%pre charge
zero_sample = round(fs*50e-3);
dummy = zeros(zero_sample,1) + 3.3514e-09;
for i = 1:zero_sample
Imet = dummy(i,:).*(V_now-EP);
Ik = Gkf*(V_now-Ekf);
Is = Gks*(V_now-Eks);
V_now = V_now - squeeze((Imet + Ik + Is))*Ts/Cm;
V_precharg = V_now;
V = zeros(N,nchannels);
for ii=1:N
Imet = -G(ii,:).*(V_now-EP);
Ik = -Gkf*(V_now-Ekf);
Is = -Gks*(V_now-Eks);
V_now = V_now + (Imet + Ik + Is)*Ts/Cm;
V = V - V_precharg;