Applies to version: 1.6.0

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Visualizes the output of the aLIFP model


plot_felsheim2024(stim, dists, fs);
plot_felsheim2024(stim, dists, fs, num_samples);

Input parameters:

stim Vector describing the electrical pulses (in mA) as input to the aLIFP model, felsheim2024.
dists Structure array describing the spike distributions as returned by the aLIFP model, felsheim2024.
fs Samping frequency of stim, used to sample the distributions.
num_samples Optional number of samples to be drawn from dists. Each entry in dists is sampled separately, thus, these samples are only meaningfull for a large num_samples and the interspike intervals are not reproduced. Default: 0 (meaning: all).


plot_felsheim202(..) plots the electrical pulses (in mA) and the response probabilities as modeled by the aLIFP model, felsheim2024.

plot_felsheim202(.., num_samples) plots additionally the post-stimulus histogram, i.e., the histogram of spikes obtained by sampling the distributions num_samples times. The bin width of the histogram is 0.01 ms.


R. C. Felsheim and M. Dietz. An adaptive leaky integrate and firing probability model of an electrically stimulated auditory nerve fiber. Trends in Heaaring, 2024. submitted.