function plot_felsheim2024(stim, dists, fs, num_samples)
%plot_felsheim2024 Visualizes the output of the aLIFP model
% Usage: plot_felsheim2024(stim, dists, fs);
% plot_felsheim2024(stim, dists, fs, num_samples);
% Input parameters:
% stim: Vector describing the electrical pulses (in mA) as input to the
% aLIFP model, FELSHEIM2024.
% dists: Structure array describing the spike distributions as returned by the
% aLIFP model, FELSHEIM2024.
% fs: Samping frequency of stim, used to sample the distributions.
% num_samples: Optional number of samples to be drawn from dists.
% Each entry in dists is sampled separately, thus,
% these samples are only meaningfull for a large num_samples and
% the interspike intervals are not reproduced. Default: 0 (meaning: all).
% plot_felsheim202(..) plots the electrical pulses (in mA) and the response probabilities
% as modeled by the aLIFP model, FELSHEIM2024.
% plot_felsheim202(.., num_samples) plots additionally the post-stimulus histogram, i.e.,
% the histogram of spikes obtained by sampling the distributions num_samples times. The
% bin width of the histogram is 0.01 ms.
% See also: felsheim2024 demo_felsheim2024 exp_felsheim2024
% felsheim2024_sampledistribution felsheim2024_spikeprobability
% References:
% R. C. Felsheim and M. Dietz. An adaptive leaky integrate and firing
% probability model of an electrically stimulated auditory nerve fiber.
% Trends in Heaaring, 2024. submitted.
% Url:
% #Author: Rebecca Felsheim (2024): Original implemenation.
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): Adaptations for AMT 1.6.
% #Author: Michael Mihocic (2024): Adaptations for Octave.
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
if nargin < 4
num_samples = 0;
off = round(1e-3 * fs);
max_time = length(stim) + off;
stim = [stim; zeros(off, 1)];
fig = figure("DefaultAxesFontSize", 12);
if num_samples > 0
if ~isoctave; fig.Position = [0 0 1000, 1000]; end
subplot(3,1,1); %tiledlayout(3,1, 'Padding', 'tight'); % use this when on Matlab 2019b or later
if ~isoctave; fig.Position = [0 0 1000, 700]; end
subplot(2,1,1); %tiledlayout(2,1, 'Padding', 'tight'); % use this when on Matlab 2019b or later
%nexttile % use this when on Matlab 2019b or later
t = (1:max_time) * 1e3 / fs;
plot(t, stim * 1e3, 'k', 'linewidth', 3)
hold on;
xlim([0, max_time * 1e-3])
ylabel("Current (in mA)")
xlabel("Time (in ms)")
%nexttile % use this when on Matlab 2019b or later
if num_samples > 0
subplot(3,1,2); %tiledlayout(3,1, 'Padding', 'tight'); % use this when on Matlab 2019b or later
subplot(2,1,2); %tiledlayout(2,1, 'Padding', 'tight'); % use this when on Matlab 2019b or later
values = felsheim2024_spikeprobability(dists, max_time/fs);
plot((1:length(values)) * 1e-3, values, 'k', 'linewidth', 3);
hold on;
xlim([0, max_time * 1e-3]);
xlabel("Time (ms)")
ylabel(sprintf("Instantaneous\nspike probability"))
if num_samples > 0
samples = felsheim2024_sampledistribution(dists, num_samples);
if isoctave
bin_width = 1e-2;
edges = min(samples * 1e3):bin_width:max(samples * 1e3);
[counts, bin_centers] = hist(samples * 1e3, edges);
bar(bin_centers, counts, 'FaceColor', 'k'); % 'k' is short for black
histogram(samples * 1e3, 'BinWidth', 1e-2, 'FaceColor','black');
hold on;
xlim([0, max_time * 1e-3])
title("Sampled output")
xlabel("Time (ms)")
ylabel("Number of spikes")